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Dr Karin Sellberg

Karin Sellberg

+61 7 336 56668



Karin Sellberg specialises in feminist and queer historiography, contemporary fiction and theories of gender, sexuality, embodiment and time. She is particularly interested in convergences and communication between feminist and queer fiction, and the intellectual history of science and medicine. She is currently working on transwomen's writing, transgender history, and ideas of a 'journey in trans* studies, feminist philosophy and the fiction of Jeanette Winterson, Angela Carter and Caitlin R. Kiernan.

Karin joined UQ as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities in January 2014, and a lecturer in humanities in the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry in 2017. Before this she held a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh and a postdoctoral teaching fellowship in the English Literature department at the University of Edinburgh. She was also co-director of the Scottish Universities’ International Summer School from 2012 to 2014, and has organised four large international conferences, "Bodies in Movement: Intersecting Discourses of Materiality in the Sciences and the Arts" (University of Edinburgh), "Sensualising Deformity: Communication and Construction of Monstrous Embodiment" (University of Edinburgh), "Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment: the 10th Somatechnics Conference" (SCU/UQ) and the "CSAA Conference 2019: Cultural Transformations".


Dr Karin Sellberg is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Masters (Coursework), University of Edinburgh
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Academic Practice, University of Edinburgh
  • Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy

Research interests

  • contemporary British and American literature

  • medical humanities

  • cultural studies

  • gender studies

  • transgender studies

  • queer theory

  • critical theory

  • continental philosophy

  • historiography


Search Professor Karin Sellberg’s works on UQ eSpace

46 works between 2008 and 2022

41 - 46 of 46 works



Northern light. Volume 5, New writing 2012-13

Karin Sellberg and Linda Tym eds. (2013). Northern light. Volume 5, New writing 2012-13. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: Scottish Universities' International Summer School (SUISS) Publications.

Northern light. Volume 5, New writing 2012-13


Book Chapter


Sellberg, Karin and Tym, Linda (2013). Foreword. Northern Light: New Writing 2012-2013. A collection of poetry, prose and essays from the 2012–13 Scottish Universities' International Summer School in Edinburgh, Scotland. (pp. 1-2) edited by Karin Sellberg and Linda Tym. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: Scottish Universities' International Summer School (SUISS) Publications.



Book Chapter

The dismemberment of will: early modern fear of castration

Sellberg, Karin and Wånggren, Lena (2013). The dismemberment of will: early modern fear of castration. Castration and Culture in the Middle Ages. (pp. 295-313) edited by Larissa Tracy. Cambridge, UK: D. S. Brewer.

The dismemberment of will: early modern fear of castration


Book Chapter

Transgender identity and passing authentically: comments on Christine Overall's "Gender, Aspirational Identity, and Passing"

Sellberg, Karin (2012). Transgender identity and passing authentically: comments on Christine Overall's "Gender, Aspirational Identity, and Passing". Passing/Out: Sexual Identity Veiled and Revealed. (pp. 223-227) edited by Dennis R. Cooley and Kelby Harrison. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Publishing.

Transgender identity and passing authentically: comments on Christine Overall's "Gender, Aspirational Identity, and Passing"


Book Chapter

Transgender identity and passing authentically: a response to overall

Sellberg, Karin (2012). Transgender identity and passing authentically: a response to overall. Passing/Out: Sexual Identity Veiled and Revealed. (pp. 229-231) edited by Dennis R. Cooley and Kelby Harrison. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Publishing.

Transgender identity and passing authentically: a response to overall


Journal Article

Rosi Braidotti (2002) Metamorphoses: Towards a Feminist Theory of Becoming, Cambridge: Polity Press. Rosi Braidotti (2006) Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics, Cambridge: Polity Press.

Sellberg, Karin (2008). Rosi Braidotti (2002) Metamorphoses: Towards a Feminist Theory of Becoming, Cambridge: Polity Press. Rosi Braidotti (2006) Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics, Cambridge: Polity Press.. Deleuze Studies, 2 (Suppl), 137-140. doi: 10.3366/E1750224108000408

Rosi Braidotti (2002) Metamorphoses: Towards a Feminist Theory of Becoming, Cambridge: Polity Press. Rosi Braidotti (2006) Transpositions: On Nomadic Ethics, Cambridge: Polity Press.


Past funding

  • 2015
    Recipes for life: Generational health regimes in Early Modern English and Scottish recipe books
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2017
    Appropriations of Medicine in Histories of Early Modern Sexuality
    UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
    Open grant



Dr Karin Sellberg is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Constructing Godly Queenship in Post-Reformation Europe

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr James Lancaster

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Representations of Sexual Trauma in American Women's Life Writing

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Elizabeth Stephens

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Detrans geographies: an exploration or borders and belonging

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Elizabeth Stephens

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Re-stitching the Tapestry: Modern retellings of myth and fairy tale as feminist discourse

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Lucy Fraser

Completed supervision



Contact Dr Karin Sellberg directly for media enquiries about:

  • History of Medicine
  • LGBTQI Identity Politics
  • Medical Ethics
  • Transgender Identity

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