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Charged Liposaccharide Based Drug Delivery System (2005-2007)


Numerous compounds have been identified as potential new drugs but few have progressed into the clinic due to (i) lack of oral absorption and (ii) rapid enzymatic breakdown. Our project will address these major through a highly novel strategy involving naturally occurring sugars and lipoamino acids. Our delivery system contains an amphiphatic charged liposaccharide with surfactant properties which forms complexes with oppositely charged drugs. This multidisciplinary approach has the potential to not only improve oral drug absorption and reduce enzymatic degradation but to also enhance the access of drug to target sites.


Professor Istvan Toth

Affiliate Professor of School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Istvan Toth
Istvan Toth