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Multimode optical waveguide characterisation facility (2019)


Dr Joel Carpenter

ARC Future Fellow
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Joel Carpenter
Joel Carpenter

Dr Adnan Trakic

UQ Amplify Fellow
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Adnan Trakic
Adnan Trakic

Dr Mickael Mounaix

UQ Amplify Fellow
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Mickael Mounaix
Mickael Mounaix

Associate Professor Jacqui Romero

Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems
Faculty of Science
Associate Professor
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Jacqui Romero
Jacqui Romero

Professor Andrew White

Centre Director of ARC COE for Engi
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems
Faculty of Science
ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Andrew White
Andrew White

Professor Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop

School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of ARC COE in Quantum Bio
ARC Centre of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology
Faculty of Science
Affiliate Professor
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop
Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop

Professor Warwick Bowen

Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems
Faculty of Science
Centre Director of ARC COE in Quant
ARC Centre of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Warwick Bowen
Warwick Bowen

Professor Tom Stace

School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems
Faculty of Science
Tom Stace
Tom Stace

Associate Professor Saiied Aminossadati

Associate Professor
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Deputy Associate Dean Academic (Stu
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Saiied Aminossadati
Saiied Aminossadati

Dr Karl Bertling

Senior Lecturer
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Karl Bertling
Karl Bertling