Professor Stace completed his PhD at the Cavendish Lab, University of Cambridge in the UK on quantum computing, followed by postdoctoral research at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, also at Cambridge, and Queens' College, Cambridge. Since 2006, he has held various ARC research fellowships, most recently a Future Fellowship (2015-2019).
His research topics include device physics for quantum computing solid-state and atomic systems, quantum error correction, and quantum measurement and precision sensing.
Professor Stace is the Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Engineered Quantum Systems (equs.org).
- Professor Tom Stace is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Bachelor (Honours) of Engineering, University of Western Australia
- Bachelor (Honours) of Science (Advanced), University of Western Australia
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge
Research interests
Quantum Error Correction
Q: How do we fix errors in quantum systems? A: By using quantum error correcting codes. My group works on the theory of quantum error correction, including topological codes, holographic codes, and foliated codes − each of which offers pathways towards large scale quantum computers.
Quantum Devices
Q: What will we build quantum technologies out of? A: Devices that have quantum physics at their core. My group develops the theory of solid-state and atomic quantum devices for qubits, circulators, microwave systems, and quantum sensors.
Research impacts
Prof Stace has written for a variety of outlets including the ABC on quantum threats to cybersecurity, the Conversation on flux capacitors, quantum error correction, and quantum thermometry, as well as the Australian Financial Review. He is an inventor on 4 provisional patents, and is available to consult to business, government and non-profit sectors on quantum technologies.
Search Professor Tom Stace’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Nonreciprocity and circulation in a passive Josephson-Junction Ring
Fedorov, Arkady, Kumar, N. Pradeep, Le, Dat Thanh, Navarathna, Rohit, Pakkiam, Prasanna and Stace, Thomas M. (2024). Nonreciprocity and circulation in a passive Josephson-Junction Ring. Physical Review Letters, 132 (9) 097001. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.132.097001
Journal Article
Optimization of tensor network codes with reinforcement learning
Mauron, Caroline, Farrelly, Terry and Stace, Thomas M. (2024). Optimization of tensor network codes with reinforcement learning. New Journal of Physics, 26 (2) 023024. doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ad23a6
Journal Article
Optimized Bayesian system identification in quantum devices
Stace, Thomas M., Chen, Jiayin, Li, Li, Perunicic, Viktor S., Carvalho, Andre R. R., Hush, Michael, Valahu, Christophe H., Tan, Ting Rei and Biercuk, Michael J. (2024). Optimized Bayesian system identification in quantum devices. Physical Review Applied, 21 (1) 014012. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.21.014012
Journal Article
Experimental benchmarking of an automated deterministic error-suppression workflow for quantum algorithms
Mundada, Pranav S., Barbosa, Aaron, Maity, Smarak, Wang, Yulun, Merkh, Thomas, Stace, T. M., Nielson, Felicity, Carvalho, Andre R. R., Hush, Michael, Biercuk, Michael J. and Baum, Yuval (2023). Experimental benchmarking of an automated deterministic error-suppression workflow for quantum algorithms. Physical Review Applied, 20 (2) 024034, 1-20. doi: 10.1103/physrevapplied.20.024034
Journal Article
Wave-front curvature in optical atomic beam clocks
Strathearn, A., Offer, R. F., Hilton, A. P., Klantsataya, E., Luiten, A. N., Anderson, R. P., Sparkes, B. M. and Stace, T. M. (2023). Wave-front curvature in optical atomic beam clocks. Physical Review A, 108 (1) 013105. doi: 10.1103/physreva.108.013105
Journal Article
Passive superconducting circulator on a chip
Navarathna, Rohit, Le, Dat Thanh, Rosario Hamann, Andrés, Nguyen, Hien Duy, Stace, Thomas M. and Fedorov, Arkady (2023). Passive superconducting circulator on a chip. Physical Review Letters, 130 (3) 037001, 037001. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.130.037001
Journal Article
Quantum error correction at the threshold: if technologists don't get beyond it, quantum computers will never be big
Biercuk, Michael J. and Stace, Thomas M. (2022). Quantum error correction at the threshold: if technologists don't get beyond it, quantum computers will never be big. IEEE Spectrum, 59 (7), 28-33-46. doi: 10.1109/mspec.2022.9819881
Journal Article
Parallel decoding of multiple logical qubits in tensor-network codes
Farrelly, Terry, Milicevic, Nicholas, Harris, Robert J., McMahon, Nathan A. and Stace, Thomas M. (2022). Parallel decoding of multiple logical qubits in tensor-network codes. Physical Review A, 105 (5) 052446. doi: 10.1103/physreva.105.052446
Journal Article
Local tensor-network codes
Farrelly, Terry, Tuckett, David K. and Stace, Thomas M. (2022). Local tensor-network codes. New Journal of Physics, 24 (4) 043015, 1-14. doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac5e87
Journal Article
Master equations and quantum trajectories for squeezed wave packets
Gross, Jonathan A., Baragiola, Ben Q., Stace, T. M. and Combes, Joshua (2022). Master equations and quantum trajectories for squeezed wave packets. Physical Review A, 105 (2) 023721. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.023721
Journal Article
Operating a passive on-chip superconducting circulator: Device control and quasiparticle effects
Le, Dat Thanh, Müller, Clemens, Navarathna, Rohit, Fedorov, Arkady and Stace, T. M. (2021). Operating a passive on-chip superconducting circulator: Device control and quasiparticle effects. Physical Review Research, 3 (4) 043211. doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.3.043211
Journal Article
Randomized benchmarking for non-Markovian noise
Figueroa-Romero, Pedro, Modi, Kavan, Harris, Robert J., Stace, Thomas M. and Hsieh, Min-Hsiu (2021). Randomized benchmarking for non-Markovian noise. PRX Quantum, 2 (4) 040351. doi: 10.1103/prxquantum.2.040351
Journal Article
Tensor-network codes
Farrelly, Terry, Harris, Robert J., McMahon, Nathan A. and Stace, Thomas M. (2021). Tensor-network codes. Physical Review Letters, 127 (4) 040507, 040507. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.040507
Journal Article
Resonant stimulated photorefractive scattering
Liu, Jingliang, Stace, Thomas, Dai, Jian, Xu, Kun, Luiten, Andre and Baynes, Fred (2021). Resonant stimulated photorefractive scattering. Physical Review Letters, 127 (3) 033902, 1-6. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.033902
Journal Article
Aharonov-Bohm interference as a probe of Majorana fermions
Bartolo, T. C., Smith, J. S., Muralidharan, B., Müller, C., Stace, T. M. and Cole, J. H. (2020). Aharonov-Bohm interference as a probe of Majorana fermions. Physical Review Research, 2 (4) 043430. doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.2.043430
Journal Article
Decoding holographic codes with an integer optimization decoder
Harris, Robert J., Coupe, Elliot, McMahon, Nathan A., Brennen, Gavin K. and Stace, Thomas M. (2020). Decoding holographic codes with an integer optimization decoder. Physical Review A, 102 (6) 062417. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.062417
Journal Article
Full-polaron master equation approach to dynamical steady states of a driven two-level system beyond the weak system-environment coupling
Chen, Chien-Chang, Stace, Thomas M. and Goan, Hsi-Sheng (2020). Full-polaron master equation approach to dynamical steady states of a driven two-level system beyond the weak system-environment coupling. Physical Review B, 102 (3) 035306. doi: 10.1103/physrevb.102.035306
Journal Article
Quantum optical metrology of correlated phase and loss
Birchall, Patrick M., Allen, Euan J., Stace, Thomas M., O'Brien, Jeremy L., Matthews, Jonathan C. F. and Cable, Hugo (2020). Quantum optical metrology of correlated phase and loss. Physical Review Letters, 124 (14) 140501, 140501. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.140501
Journal Article
Building a bigger Hilbert space for superconducting devices, one Bloch state at a time
Thanh Le, Dat, Cole, Jared H. and Stace, T. M. (2020). Building a bigger Hilbert space for superconducting devices, one Bloch state at a time. Physical Review Research, 2 (1) 013245, 013245. doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.2.013245
Journal Article
Dynamically corrected gates suppressing spatiotemporal error correlations as measured by randomized benchmarking
Edmunds, C. L., Hempel, C., Harris, R. J., Frey, V., Stace, T. M. and Biercuk, M. J. (2020). Dynamically corrected gates suppressing spatiotemporal error correlations as measured by randomized benchmarking. Physical Review Research, 2 (1) 013156. doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.2.013156
Current funding
- Professor Tom Stace is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
Better quantum devices
Building practical quantum technologies is hard. We develop new approaches to quantum devices and physics, including superconducting qubits and devices that break time-reversal symmetry to bring quantum technologies to reality. Applications for such systems include high precision sensing, quantum simulators and photosynthesis. If you are an exceptional student looking to study for your Honours, Masters or PhD at the cutting edge of physics and technology, then please get in touch.
Quantum error correction
Quantum processors will suffer from errors arising from noise. This problem can be fixed using error correcting codes, which redundantly encode quantum information in a way that enables its recovery in the event that errors occur. How do we make and implement better codes in quantum systems? We take inspiration from information theory and other areas of quantum physics, including cosmology, to design codes that are resilient against noise. Please make contact if you are interested in pursuing research in this area.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Quantum Error Correction
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Arkady Fedorov
Doctor Philosophy
Is the superconducting phase compact or not?
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Powell
Doctor Philosophy
Tensor networks and topological order
Associate Advisor
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Engineered quantum systems for quantum computation with superconducting circuits
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Arkady Fedorov
Doctor Philosophy
Fault Tolerance and Error Benchmarking for Quantum Technologies
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Quantum Coherence and Entanglement in Sensors and Heat Engines
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Measurement Based Fault Tolerant Error Correction Quantum Codes on Foliated Cluster States
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Flight characteristics and collision avoidance in honeybee clouds
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Matrix Product State Study of Strongly-interacting Systems and Quantum Phase Transitions
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Quantum Measurement and Control of a Mechanical Parametric Oscillator
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Warwick Bowen
Doctor Philosophy
Engineered Single- and Many-Body Macroscopic Quantum States
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Multiscale analysis and optimisation of photosynthetic solar energy systems
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Michael Landsberg, Professor Ben Hankamer
Contact Professor Tom Stace directly for media enquiries about:
- energy
- lasers
- measurement
- quantum computing
- quantum physics
- spectroscopy
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