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Histone deacetylase inhibitors can inhibit tumour growth via induction of an anti-tumour immune response (2008-2009)


Conventional anti-cancer therapies have many debilitating side effects, including suppressing the immune system which has demonstrated anti-cancer activity. New chemotherapeutic drugs are more targeted with fewer side effects. Consequently, it is possible to combine the benefits of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. If successful, we will determine how anti-cancer treatment with these drugs can be optimised to improve curative outcomes.


Professor Brian Gabrielli

Honorary Professor
Mater Research Institute-UQ
Faculty of Medicine
Brian Gabrielli
Brian Gabrielli

Associate Professor Graham Leggatt

Associate Professor in Immunology
Frazer Institute
Faculty of Medicine
Director (Research Training)
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine)
Faculty of Medicine
Affiliate Associate Professor of Sc
School of Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Director (Research Training)
Faculty of Medicine
Graham Leggatt