1999 Book Chapter IntroductionKalant, Harold, Corrigal, William, Hall, Wayne and Smart, Reginald (1999). Introduction. The health effects of cannabis. (pp. ix-xi) edited by Harold Kalant, William Corrigall, Wayne Hall and Reginald Smart. Toronto, Canada: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. |
1999 Book Chapter Effects of cannabis on the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systemsChesher, G and Hall, W. D. (1999). Effects of cannabis on the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. The health effects of cannabis. (pp. 435-458) edited by Harold Kalant, William Corrigall, Wayne Hall and Reginald Smart. Toronto, Canada: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. |
1999 Book Chapter Epidemiology of cannabis use and its consequencesHall, W. D., Johnston, L. and Donnelly, N. (1999). Epidemiology of cannabis use and its consequences. The health effects of cannabis. (pp. 71-125) edited by Harold Kalant, William Corrigall, Wayne Hall and Reginald Smart. Toronto, Canada: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. |
1999 Book Chapter Assessing the health and psychological effects of cannabis useHall, W. D. (1999). Assessing the health and psychological effects of cannabis use. The health effects of cannabis. (pp. 1-18) edited by Kalant,H., Corrigall, W., Hall, W. D. and Smart, R.. Toronto: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. |
1999 Book Chapter Heroin overdose deaths in AustraliaHall, Wayne (1999). Heroin overdose deaths in Australia. Heroin crisis : key commentators discuss the issues and debate solutions to heroin abuse in Australia. (pp. x-x) edited by Kate van den Boogert and Nadine Davidoff. Melbourne: Bookman Press. |
1999 Book Chapter Alcohol use disorders: who should be treated and how?Hall, Wayne and Teesson, Maree (1999). Alcohol use disorders: who should be treated and how?. Unmet need in psychiatry: problems, resources, responses. (pp. 290-301) edited by Gavin Anderson and Scott Henderson. Cambridge, U.K. ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. |
1999 Book Chapter Comparing the health and psychological risks of alcohol, cannabis, nicotine and opiate useHall, W. D., Room, R and Bondy, S (1999). Comparing the health and psychological risks of alcohol, cannabis, nicotine and opiate use. The health effects of cannabis. (pp. 475-506) edited by Harold Kalant, William Corrigall, Wayne Hall and Reginald Smart. Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation. |
1998 Book Chapter Making the transition from maintenance to abstinence: detoxification from methadone maintenance treatmentWard, Jeff, Mattick, R.ichard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). Making the transition from maintenance to abstinence: detoxification from methadone maintenance treatment. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 305-336) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter How long is long enough? Answers to questions about the duration of methadone maintenance treatmentWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). How long is long enough? Answers to questions about the duration of methadone maintenance treatment. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 305-336) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter The use of methadone during maintenance treatment: pharmacology, dosage and treatment outcomeWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). The use of methadone during maintenance treatment: pharmacology, dosage and treatment outcome. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 397-418) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter The effectiveness of methadone treatment 1: heroin use and crimeWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). The effectiveness of methadone treatment 1: heroin use and crime. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 17-58) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter The effectiveness of other opioid replacement therapies: LAAM, heroin, buprenorphine, naltrexone and injectable maintenanceMattick, Richard P., Oliphant, Dorothy, Ward, Jeff and Hall, Wayne (1998). The effectiveness of other opioid replacement therapies: LAAM, heroin, buprenorphine, naltrexone and injectable maintenance. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 123-160) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter The use of urinalysis during opioid replacement therapyWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). The use of urinalysis during opioid replacement therapy. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 205-238) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter Psychiatric comorbidity among the opioid dependentWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). Psychiatric comorbidity among the opioid dependent. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 419-442) edited by Jeff Ward, Mattick, R. and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter The future of opioid replacement therapyWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). The future of opioid replacement therapy. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 397-418) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherland: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter The provision of methadone within prison settingsWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). The provision of methadone within prison settings. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 361-378) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter Assessment for opioid replacement therapyWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). Assessment for opioid replacement therapy. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 177-204) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter IntroductionWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). Introduction. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 1-14) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter The effectiveness of methadone treatment 2: HIV and infectious hepatitisWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). The effectiveness of methadone treatment 2: HIV and infectious hepatitis. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 59-74) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |
1998 Book Chapter The role of counselling and psychological therapyWard, Jeff, Mattick, Richard P. and Hall, Wayne (1998). The role of counselling and psychological therapy. Methadone maintenance treatment and other opioid replacement therapies. (pp. 265-304) edited by Jeff Ward, Richard P. Mattick and Wayne Hall. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Harwood Academic Press. |