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Other Outputs

Retrospections of a relapsing drug researcher

Hall, Wayne (2022). Retrospections of a relapsing drug researcher. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland; National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research. doi: 10.14264/323e47f

Retrospections of a relapsing drug researcher


Other Outputs

Cannabis legalisation in Canada: a brief history, policy rationale, implementation, and evidence of early impacts

Hall, Wayne, Stjepanovic, Daniel and Leung, Janni (2022). Cannabis legalisation in Canada: a brief history, policy rationale, implementation, and evidence of early impacts. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/a494332

Cannabis legalisation in Canada: a brief history, policy rationale, implementation, and evidence of early impacts


Other Outputs

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) within the criminal justice sector in Queensland

Douglas, Heather, Hammill, Janet, Hall, Wayne and Russell, Elizabeth (2013). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) within the criminal justice sector in Queensland. Deakin, ACT, Australia: Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) within the criminal justice sector in Queensland


Other Outputs

Inquiry into use of cannabis for medical purposes

Hall, Wayne and Farrell, Michael (2013). Inquiry into use of cannabis for medical purposes.

Inquiry into use of cannabis for medical purposes


Other Outputs

A one-sided and often mistaken review: The authors of The Range and Magnitude of Alcohol’s Harm to Others respond to an Access Economics critique commissioned by the National Alcohol Beverage Industries Council

Room, Robin, Chikritzhs, Tanya, Doran, Christopher, Ferris, Jason, Hall, Wayne, Jainullabudeen, Thameemul (Ansari), Laslett, Anne-Marie, Livingston, Michael, Mugavin, Janette and Wilkinson, Claire (2011). A one-sided and often mistaken review: The authors of The Range and Magnitude of Alcohol’s Harm to Others respond to an Access Economics critique commissioned by the National Alcohol Beverage Industries Council. Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia: Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation.

A one-sided and often mistaken review: The authors of The Range and Magnitude of Alcohol’s Harm to Others respond to an Access Economics critique commissioned by the National Alcohol Beverage Industries Council


Other Outputs


Hall, W. D. and Gartner, C. E. (2009). Australia.



Other Outputs

Addiction neurobiology: ethical and social implications

Carter, Adrian, Capps, Benjamin and Hall, Wayne (2009). Addiction neurobiology: ethical and social implications. Lisbon, Portugal: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

Addiction neurobiology: ethical and social implications


Other Outputs

The Ethical Use of Psychosocially Assisted Pharmacological Treatments for Opioid Dependence

Carter, A. and Hall, W. (2007). The Ethical Use of Psychosocially Assisted Pharmacological Treatments for Opioid Dependence. Geneva: World Health Organisation.

The Ethical Use of Psychosocially Assisted Pharmacological Treatments for Opioid Dependence


Other Outputs

Assessing the impact of medicines on health outcomes

Hall, W. D. and Lucke, J. C. (2005). Assessing the impact of medicines on health outcomes. Sydney: National Prescribing Service.

Assessing the impact of medicines on health outcomes


Other Outputs

Use of brief screening instrument for psychosis: results of a ROC analysis

Degenhardt, L., Hall, W. D., Korten, A and Jablensky, A (2005). Use of brief screening instrument for psychosis: results of a ROC analysis. NDARC Technical Report

Use of brief screening instrument for psychosis: results of a ROC analysis


Other Outputs

Estimating the economic consequences of a reduced heroin supply in Australia, 2000-2003

Shanahan, Marian, Degenhardt, Louisa and Hall, Wayne (2004). Estimating the economic consequences of a reduced heroin supply in Australia, 2000-2003. NDARC Technical Report; no. 195 Sydney, Australia: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Uni of NSW.

Estimating the economic consequences of a reduced heroin supply in Australia, 2000-2003


Other Outputs

The role of police in preventing and minimising illicit drug use and its harms

Spooner, C.,, McPherson, M. and Hall, W. D. (2004). The role of police in preventing and minimising illicit drug use and its harms. NDERLF Monograph Series No. 2

The role of police in preventing and minimising illicit drug use and its harms


Other Outputs

Estimating the size of a heroin using population after a marked reduction in heroin supply

Degenhardt, L., Rendle, V. A., Hall, W. D., Gilmour, S. and Law, M. (2004). Estimating the size of a heroin using population after a marked reduction in heroin supply. NDARC Technical Report 197 Sydney, Australia: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Uni of NSW.

Estimating the size of a heroin using population after a marked reduction in heroin supply


Other Outputs

Ethical challenges in drug epidemiology: issues, priorities, principles and guidelines. The GAP Toolkit Module 7

Fry, C. and Hall, W. D. (2004). Ethical challenges in drug epidemiology: issues, priorities, principles and guidelines. The GAP Toolkit Module 7. Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

Ethical challenges in drug epidemiology: issues, priorities, principles and guidelines. The GAP Toolkit Module 7


Other Outputs

Estimating the number of current regular heroin users in NSW and Australia 1997-2002

Degenhardt, L., Rendle, V. A., Hall, W. D., Gilmour, S. and Law, M. (2004). Estimating the number of current regular heroin users in NSW and Australia 1997-2002. NDARC Technical Report 198 Sydney, Australia: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Uni of NSW.

Estimating the number of current regular heroin users in NSW and Australia 1997-2002


Other Outputs


Degenhardt, Louisa, Day, Carolyn and Hall, Wsyne (2004). Conclusions. Monograph Series No. 3 Adelaide, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia.



Other Outputs

Global and Australian heroin markets

Gibson, A., Degenhardt, L., Topp, L., Day, C., Hall, W. D., Dietze, P. and McKetin, R. (2003). Global and Australian heroin markets. NDARC Technical Report 167 National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

Global and Australian heroin markets


Other Outputs

Is there a genetic susceptibility to engage in criminal acts?

Morley, K. I. and Hall, W. D. (2003). Is there a genetic susceptibility to engage in criminal acts?. Trends and Issues in Criminology Canberra, ACT Australia: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Is there a genetic susceptibility to engage in criminal acts?


Other Outputs

Ethical Issues in Trialing and Using a Cocaine Vaccine to Treat and Prevent Cocaine Dependence

Hall , Wayne and Carter, Lucy (2002). Ethical Issues in Trialing and Using a Cocaine Vaccine to Treat and Prevent Cocaine Dependence. NDARC Technical Report; no. 140 Sydney, N.S.W.: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

Ethical Issues in Trialing and Using a Cocaine Vaccine to Treat and Prevent Cocaine Dependence


Other Outputs

Ethical Implications of advances in neuroscience research on the addictions

Hall, W. D. and Carter, L. (2002). Ethical Implications of advances in neuroscience research on the addictions. NDARC Technical Report No. 143 National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.

Ethical Implications of advances in neuroscience research on the addictions