2016 Other Outputs Water, history and the Australian city: Urbanism, suburbanism and watering a dry continent, 1788-2015Frost, Lionel, Gaynor, Andrea, Gregory, Jenny, Morgan, Ruth, O'Hanlon, Seamus, Spearritt, Peter and Young, John (2016). Water, history and the Australian city: Urbanism, suburbanism and watering a dry continent, 1788-2015. |
2015 Other Outputs PNG SpeaksRitchie, Jonathan, Kemish, Ian, Spearritt, Peter, Stell, Marion, Lowe, David and Moutu, Andrew (2015). PNG Speaks. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea: Papua New Guinea National Museum & Art Gallery. |
2015 Other Outputs Victorian placesSpearritt, Peter and Stell, Marion (2015). Victorian places. St. Lucia, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland. |
2015 Other Outputs Queensland PlacesStell, Marion and Spearritt, Peter (2015). Queensland Places. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Centre for the Government of Queensland, University of Queensland. |
2013 Other Outputs The modern movement in New South Wales: a thematic study and survey of placesMorris, Colleen, Spearritt, Peter and Lumby, Roy (2013). The modern movement in New South Wales: a thematic study and survey of places. North Ryde, NSW, Australia: Hericon Consulting. |
2011 Other Outputs Queensland historical atlasSpearritt, Peter and Stell, Marion (2011). Queensland historical atlas. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Queensland Historical Atlas. |
2011 Other Outputs Queensland speaksSpearritt, Peter, Stell, Marion and Miller, Danielle (2011). Queensland speaks. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: Centre for the Government of Queensland. |
2011 Other Outputs Text Queensland: Queensland's past onlineSpearritt, Peter and Stell, Marion (2011). Text Queensland: Queensland's past online. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: Centre for the Government of Queensland. |
2011 Other Outputs Essay: What is heritage?Spearritt, Peter (2011). Essay: What is heritage?. Australian Heritage Strategy - commissioned essays Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Heritage Strategy. |
2009 Other Outputs Queensland placesSpearritt, Peter and Stell, Marion (2009). Queensland places. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Centre for the Government of Queensland, The University of Queensland. |
2009 Other Outputs Triumph in the tropics: Selling QueenslandSpearritt, Peter and Stell, Marion (2009). Triumph in the tropics: Selling Queensland. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: UQ Art Museum. |
2007 Other Outputs Korman, Stanley (1904-1988)Spearritt, P. and Young, J. (2007). Korman, Stanley (1904-1988). |
2007 Other Outputs Campbell, Sir James Keith (1928-1983)Spearritt, P. (2007). Campbell, Sir James Keith (1928-1983). |
2005 Other Outputs RetailingSpearritt, Peter and Young, John (2005). Retailing. |
2004 Other Outputs The 200 kilometre city: Noosa to the TweedSpearritt, Peter and Byrne, Dianne (2004). The 200 kilometre city: Noosa to the Tweed. Brisbane: Museum of Brisbane. |
2003 Other Outputs Promoting Western Australia in Text and ImageSpearritt, Peter (2003). Promoting Western Australia in Text and Image. |