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Journal Article

Navigating a path: multidisciplinary perspectives on transitions in sport coaching

Dieffenbach, Kristen, Blackett, Alex, Rynne, Steven and Chroni, Stiliani “Ani” (2024). Navigating a path: multidisciplinary perspectives on transitions in sport coaching. International Sport Coaching Journal, 12 (1), 1-7. doi: 10.1123/iscj.2024-0133

Navigating a path: multidisciplinary perspectives on transitions in sport coaching


Journal Article

Lessons from the field. Toward evidence‐based parenting support to promote positive parenting in children's sport

Sanders, Matthew R., Dittman, Cassandra K., Mallett, Clifford J. and Rynne, Steven (2024). Lessons from the field. Toward evidence‐based parenting support to promote positive parenting in children's sport. Family Relations, 73 (3), 2032-2041. doi: 10.1111/fare.12990

Lessons from the field. Toward evidence‐based parenting support to promote positive parenting in children's sport


Journal Article

Play Well Triple P: developing and evaluating a program to promote positive parental involvement in junior sport

Dittman, Cassandra K., Sanders, Matthew R., Rynne, Steven B., Mallett, Clifford J. and Lefebvere, Jordan S. (2024). Play Well Triple P: developing and evaluating a program to promote positive parental involvement in junior sport. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. doi: 10.1007/s10578-024-01725-y

Play Well Triple P: developing and evaluating a program to promote positive parental involvement in junior sport


Journal Article

Sport for reconciliation? : federal sport policy in settler-colonial states

Forde, Shawn, Giles, Audrey R., Stewart-Withers, Rochelle, Rynne, Steven, Hapeta, Jeremy, Hayhurst, Lyndsay M. C. and Henhawk, Daniel (2024). Sport for reconciliation? : federal sport policy in settler-colonial states. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 15 (1) 14484, 1-31. doi: 10.18584/iipj.2024.15.1.14484

Sport for reconciliation? : federal sport policy in settler-colonial states


Journal Article

Becoming more authentic as an elite coach: the case study of Erkka Westerlund

Mallett, C. J., Bespomoshchnov, V. A., Arvaja, M., Rynne, S. B. and Tiikkaja, J. (2024). Becoming more authentic as an elite coach: the case study of Erkka Westerlund. International Sport Coaching Journal, 1-12. doi: 10.1123/iscj.2023-0087

Becoming more authentic as an elite coach: the case study of Erkka Westerlund


Journal Article

The effect of the International Olympic Academy’s Olympic Studies postgraduate student’s work

Galjaardt, H.B., Ellmer, E. and Rynne, S.B. (2024). The effect of the International Olympic Academy’s Olympic Studies postgraduate student’s work. Diagoras: International Academic Journal on Olympic Studies, 7, 127-140.

The effect of the International Olympic Academy’s Olympic Studies postgraduate student’s work


Journal Article

The pedagogization of traditional Indigenous games in Canada, Australia, and Aotearoa New Zealand

Fabian, Tom, Rynne, Steven, Hapeta, Jeremy and Giles, Audrey R. (2024). The pedagogization of traditional Indigenous games in Canada, Australia, and Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 43 (3), 532-538. doi: 10.1123/jtpe.2023-0047

The pedagogization of traditional Indigenous games in Canada, Australia, and Aotearoa New Zealand


Journal Article

Tino Rangatiratanga- Indigenous (MĀORI) Sovereignty and the messy realities of reconciliation efforts at the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup

Stewart-Withers, Rochelle, Hapeta, Jeremy, Rynne, Steven and Giles, Audrey (2024). Tino Rangatiratanga- Indigenous (MĀORI) Sovereignty and the messy realities of reconciliation efforts at the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup. Event Management, 29 (1), 125-130. doi: 10.3727/152599524x17135753220174

Tino Rangatiratanga- Indigenous (MĀORI) Sovereignty and the messy realities of reconciliation efforts at the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup


Journal Article

Understanding parenting behavior in junior rugby league in Australia

Mallett, Clifford J., Sanders, Matthew R., Dittman, Cassandra K., Kirby, James N. and Rynne, Steven B. (2023). Understanding parenting behavior in junior rugby league in Australia. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 33 (1), 271-287. doi: 10.1007/s10826-023-02744-4

Understanding parenting behavior in junior rugby league in Australia


Journal Article

The corporate social responsibility sport model: Grounded theory approach

Zargar, Tayebeh and Rynne, Steven (2023). The corporate social responsibility sport model: Grounded theory approach. Sage Open, 13 (4) 21582440231192113, 1-12. doi: 10.1177/21582440231192113

The corporate social responsibility sport model: Grounded theory approach


Journal Article

Thinking about elite performance: the experience and impact of mental fatigue in elite sport coaching

Russell, Suzanna, Halson, Shona L., Jenkins, David G., Rynne, Steven B., Roelands, Bart and Kelly, Vincent G. (2023). Thinking about elite performance: the experience and impact of mental fatigue in elite sport coaching. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 18 (8), 878-884. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2023-0033

Thinking about elite performance: the experience and impact of mental fatigue in elite sport coaching


Journal Article

Sport as a site of resistance against the hegemony of the state

Sheppard, Lee K., Rynne, Steven B. and Willis, Jon M. (2023). Sport as a site of resistance against the hegemony of the state. Journal of Sport for Development, 11 (1), 1-13.

Sport as a site of resistance against the hegemony of the state


Journal Article

Experiences of Aboriginal parents in the context of junior rugby league

Rynne, Steven B., Dittman, Cassandra K., Wheeler, Keane W., Mallett, Cliff J. and Sanders, Matthew R. (2023). Experiences of Aboriginal parents in the context of junior rugby league. Leisure Studies, 42 (5), 751-768. doi: 10.1080/02614367.2022.2143875

Experiences of Aboriginal parents in the context of junior rugby league


Journal Article

Sport as a site of resistance against the hegemony of the state

Sheppard, Lee K., Rynne, Steven B. and Willis, Jon M. (2023). Sport as a site of resistance against the hegemony of the state. Journal of Sport for Development, 11 (1), 19-31.

Sport as a site of resistance against the hegemony of the state


Journal Article

Conceptualizing sport for reconciliation within settler colonial states

Forde, Shawn D., Giles, Audrey R., Nachman, Jessica, Fabian, Tom, Giancarlo, Alexandra, Hayhurst, Lyndsay M., Rynne, Steven and Henhawk, Daniel A. (2023). Conceptualizing sport for reconciliation within settler colonial states. Journal of Sport for Development, 11 (1), 10-10.

Conceptualizing sport for reconciliation within settler colonial states


Journal Article

Investigating the internal relationships of social responsibility dimensions of sports clubs in Iran by DEMATEL method.

Zargar, Tayebeh and Rynne, Steven (2022). Investigating the internal relationships of social responsibility dimensions of sports clubs in Iran by DEMATEL method.. Strategic Studies on Youth and Sports. doi: 10.22034/SSYS.2022.2174.2553

Investigating the internal relationships of social responsibility dimensions of sports clubs in Iran by DEMATEL method.


Journal Article

Tensions in Shared Leadership in Elite Women’s Cricket: Implications for Coaching

Andrews, Max H., Rynne, Steven B. and Mallett, Clifford J. (2022). Tensions in Shared Leadership in Elite Women’s Cricket: Implications for Coaching. International Sport Coaching Journal, 9 (3), 1-11. doi: 10.1123/iscj.2021-0040

Tensions in Shared Leadership in Elite Women’s Cricket: Implications for Coaching


Journal Article

Designing and compiling a social responsibility charter for sports organizations in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Zargar, Taybeh and Rynne, Steven (2022). Designing and compiling a social responsibility charter for sports organizations in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Sport Management Journal, 1-17. doi: 10.22059/jsm.2022.336841.2874

Designing and compiling a social responsibility charter for sports organizations in the Islamic Republic of Iran


Journal Article

Extractives companies social media portrayals of their funding of sport for development in Indigenous communities in Canada and Australia

Latino, Steven, Giles, Audrey R., Rynne, Steven and Hayhurst, Lyndsay (2022). Extractives companies social media portrayals of their funding of sport for development in Indigenous communities in Canada and Australia. Communication and Sport, 10 (6) 21674795211069578, 1188-1209. doi: 10.1177/21674795211069578

Extractives companies social media portrayals of their funding of sport for development in Indigenous communities in Canada and Australia


Journal Article

‘I keep my brain on my iPhone’ – being and becoming an emergency physician in a technological age

Hussain, Aman, Rossi, Tony and Rynne, Steven (2022). ‘I keep my brain on my iPhone’ – being and becoming an emergency physician in a technological age. Studies in Continuing Education, 45 (2), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/0158037x.2022.2028762

‘I keep my brain on my iPhone’ – being and becoming an emergency physician in a technological age