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Conference Publication

Plumbing system anatomy of spatially and geochemically anomalous arc volcanoes: Insights from Muriah, Indonesia

Ward, J., Ubide, T., Rosenbaum, G., Sihombing, F.M.H., Priandri Nugroho, R., Abdul-Jabbar, G., Tapu, A.T. and MacDonald, A. (2023). Plumbing system anatomy of spatially and geochemically anomalous arc volcanoes: Insights from Muriah, Indonesia. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2023, Rotorua, New Zealand, 30 January – 3 February 2023.

Plumbing system anatomy of spatially and geochemically anomalous arc volcanoes: Insights from Muriah, Indonesia


Conference Publication

The filtering effect of volcanic plumbing systems on erupted melts. Implications for magma transport and storage across tectonic settings

Ubide, T., Rosenbaum, G., Larrea, P., Caulfield, J.T., Ward, J., Bennett, D., Parra-Encalada, D. and Sandiford, M. (2023). The filtering effect of volcanic plumbing systems on erupted melts. Implications for magma transport and storage across tectonic settings. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2023, Rotorua, New Zealand, 30 January – 3 February 2023.

The filtering effect of volcanic plumbing systems on erupted melts. Implications for magma transport and storage across tectonic settings


Conference Publication

Slab segmentation generates anomalous volcanism and giant porphyry ore deposits in Indonesia

Ward, J.F, Rosenbaum, G., Ubide, T., Sandiford, M. and Sandiford, D. (2022). Slab segmentation generates anomalous volcanism and giant porphyry ore deposits in Indonesia. Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Field Meeting, King Island, TAS Australia, 22 - 24 November 2022. Geological Society of Australia.

Slab segmentation generates anomalous volcanism and giant porphyry ore deposits in Indonesia


Conference Publication

Bending and segmentation of magmatic arcs

Rosenbaum, G., Caulfield, J.T., Ubide, T., Ward, J.F., Sandiford, D. and Sandiford, M. (2022). Bending and segmentation of magmatic arcs. Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Field Meeting, King Island, TAS Australia, 22 - 24 November 2022. Geological Society of Australia.

Bending and segmentation of magmatic arcs


Conference Publication

Slab segmentation, tearing, and the development of anomalous arc magmatism

Rosenbaum, G., Caulfield, J.T., Ubide, T., Ward, J.F., Sandiford, D. and Sandiford, M. (2022). Slab segmentation, tearing, and the development of anomalous arc magmatism. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL United States, December 2022.

Slab segmentation, tearing, and the development of anomalous arc magmatism


Conference Publication

Tectonic evolution and crustal growth processes revealed by detrital zircon petrochronology: Insights from dispersed Paleozoic-Mesozoic sedimentary basins of Zealandia

Matthew M.J., Rosenbaum, G., Allen, C.M. and Spandler, C. (2021). Tectonic evolution and crustal growth processes revealed by detrital zircon petrochronology: Insights from dispersed Paleozoic-Mesozoic sedimentary basins of Zealandia. Australian Earth Sciences Convention – ‘Core to Cosmos’, Virtual, 9-12 February 2021. Geological Society of Australia.

Tectonic evolution and crustal growth processes revealed by detrital zircon petrochronology: Insights from dispersed Paleozoic-Mesozoic sedimentary basins of Zealandia


Conference Publication

Recognising spatially and geochemically anomalous arc magmatism (SGAM) and implications for plate tectonic reconstructions

Rosenbaum, G., Caulfield, J., Ubide, T., Ward, J., Sandiford, M. and Sandiford, D. (2021). Recognising spatially and geochemically anomalous arc magmatism (SGAM) and implications for plate tectonic reconstructions. EGU General Assembly, Virtual, April 2021.

Recognising spatially and geochemically anomalous arc magmatism (SGAM) and implications for plate tectonic reconstructions


Conference Publication

A trapdoor mechanism for slab tearing and melt generation in the northern Andes

Rosenbaum, G., Sandiford, M., Caulfield, J. and Garrison, J.M. (2019). A trapdoor mechanism for slab tearing and melt generation in the northern Andes. Biennial Meeting of the Specialist Group for Tectonics and Structural Geology and the Specialist Group in Solid Earth Geophysics, Port Lincoln, SA, United States, 18-23 November 2019.

A trapdoor mechanism for slab tearing and melt generation in the northern Andes


Conference Publication

Slab edge upwellings trigger intraplate volcanism in East Asia

Ward, J., Rosenbaum, G., Sandiford, M, Caulfield, J.T and Ubide, T. (2019). Slab edge upwellings trigger intraplate volcanism in East Asia. GSA Earth Sciences Student Symposium Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, November 2019.

Slab edge upwellings trigger intraplate volcanism in East Asia


Conference Publication

Paleomagnetic field tests on rock samples from the Murihiku Terrane, Southland, New Zealand

Zerbst, L., Greve, A., Mortimer, N., Campbell, M. J. and Rosenbaum, G. (2019). Paleomagnetic field tests on rock samples from the Murihiku Terrane, Southland, New Zealand. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2019.

Paleomagnetic field tests on rock samples from the Murihiku Terrane, Southland, New Zealand


Conference Publication

Permo-Triassic geodynamics of eastern Gondwana: insights from zircon petrochronology in Zealandia

Campbell, M.J., Rosenbaum, G. and Allen, C.M. (2019). Permo-Triassic geodynamics of eastern Gondwana: insights from zircon petrochronology in Zealandia. Biennial meeting of the Specialist Group for Tectonics and Structural Geology and the Specialist Group in Solid Earth Geophysics, Port Lincoln, SA, United States, 18-23 November 2019.

Permo-Triassic geodynamics of eastern Gondwana: insights from zircon petrochronology in Zealandia


Conference Publication

Slab-edge upwellings trigger intraplate volcanism in East Asia

Ward, J., Rosenbaum, G., Sandiford, M., Caulfield, J.T. and Ubide, T. (2019). Slab-edge upwellings trigger intraplate volcanism in East Asia. Biennial Meeting of the Specialist Group for Tectonics and Structural Geology and the Specialist Group in Solid Earth Geophysics, Port Lincoln, SA, United States, 18-23 November 2019.

Slab-edge upwellings trigger intraplate volcanism in East Asia


Conference Publication

Detrital zircon petrochronology of Zealandian fore-arc terranes: implications for the history of arc magmatism and continental crustal growth along the eastern Gondwanan margin

Campbell, M., Rosenbaum, G. and Allen, C. (2019). Detrital zircon petrochronology of Zealandian fore-arc terranes: implications for the history of arc magmatism and continental crustal growth along the eastern Gondwanan margin. GSA Earth Sciences Student Symposium Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, November 2019.

Detrital zircon petrochronology of Zealandian fore-arc terranes: implications for the history of arc magmatism and continental crustal growth along the eastern Gondwanan margin


Conference Publication

Provenance of arc-related sediments in the Silverwood Group, southeast Queensland (Australia)

Rogers, A., Rosenbaum, G. and Guerer, D (2019). Provenance of arc-related sediments in the Silverwood Group, southeast Queensland (Australia). GSA Earth Sciences Student Symposium Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, November 2019.

Provenance of arc-related sediments in the Silverwood Group, southeast Queensland (Australia)


Conference Publication

Detrital zircon as palaeodrainage indicator: insights into southeastern Gondwana from Permian basins in eastern Australia

Shaanan, U. and Rosenbaum, G. (2019). Detrital zircon as palaeodrainage indicator: insights into southeastern Gondwana from Permian basins in eastern Australia. Israel Geological Society, Conference, Northern Israel, February 2019.

Detrital zircon as palaeodrainage indicator: insights into southeastern Gondwana from Permian basins in eastern Australia


Conference Publication

A trapdoor mechanism for slab tearing and melt generation in the northern Andes

Rosenbaum, G., Sandiford, S., Caulfield, J. and Garrison, J. M. (2018). A trapdoor mechanism for slab tearing and melt generation in the northern Andes. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC USA, December 2018.

A trapdoor mechanism for slab tearing and melt generation in the northern Andes


Conference Publication

Peri-Gondwanan Terranes of the Southwest Pacific: insights from detrital zircon geochronology and trace element concentrations

Campbell, M. J., Rosenbaum, G. and Allen, C. (2018). Peri-Gondwanan Terranes of the Southwest Pacific: insights from detrital zircon geochronology and trace element concentrations. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC USA, December 2018.

Peri-Gondwanan Terranes of the Southwest Pacific: insights from detrital zircon geochronology and trace element concentrations


Conference Publication

Evidence for deformation in the Cambrian-Ordovician Warburton Basin and implications for the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Tasmanides (eastern Australia)

Abdullah, R., Nugroho, R., Rosenbaum, G., Doublier, M. P., Shaanan, U. and Zwingmann, H. (2018). Evidence for deformation in the Cambrian-Ordovician Warburton Basin and implications for the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Tasmanides (eastern Australia). AGCC 2018, Adelaide, SA Australia, October 2018.

Evidence for deformation in the Cambrian-Ordovician Warburton Basin and implications for the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Tasmanides (eastern Australia)


Conference Publication

Devonian crustal stretching in the northern Tasmanides (Australia) and implications for the origin of the orogenic curvature in the Delamerian-Thomson belt

Abdullah, R. and Rosenbaum, G. (2018). Devonian crustal stretching in the northern Tasmanides (Australia) and implications for the origin of the orogenic curvature in the Delamerian-Thomson belt. AGCC 2018, Adelaide, SA Australia, October 2018.

Devonian crustal stretching in the northern Tasmanides (Australia) and implications for the origin of the orogenic curvature in the Delamerian-Thomson belt


Conference Publication

Age and trace element composition of detrital zircon grains from Mesozoic terranes in New Zealand

Campbell, M., Rosenbaum, G., Allen, C., Shaanan, U. and Mortimer, N. (2018). Age and trace element composition of detrital zircon grains from Mesozoic terranes in New Zealand. AGCC 2018, Adelaide, SA Australia, October 2018.

Age and trace element composition of detrital zircon grains from Mesozoic terranes in New Zealand