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Conference Publication

Structure of the Texas Orocline below the sedimentary cover: insights from geophysical data

Brooke-Barnett, S. and Rosenbaum, G. (2015). Structure of the Texas Orocline below the sedimentary cover: insights from geophysical data. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference 2015, Caloundra, QLD, Australia, 22 - 27 November 2015.

Structure of the Texas Orocline below the sedimentary cover: insights from geophysical data


Conference Publication

Paleomagnetic data from the New England Orogen (eastern Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending

Shaanan, U., Rosenbaum, G., Pisarevsky, S. and Speranza, F. (2015). Paleomagnetic data from the New England Orogen (eastern Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference, Caloundra, QLD, Australia, November 2015.

Paleomagnetic data from the New England Orogen (eastern Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending


Conference Publication

Origin of oroclines in Paleozoic Australia: the role of inherited plate boundary irregularities and trench retreat

Rosenbaum, G., Shaanan, U., Hoy, D. and Abdullah, R. (2015). Origin of oroclines in Paleozoic Australia: the role of inherited plate boundary irregularities and trench retreat. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, December 2015.

Origin of oroclines in Paleozoic Australia: the role of inherited plate boundary irregularities and trench retreat


Conference Publication

Late Neogene and Quaternary reconstruction of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

Holm, R.J., Rosenbaum, G. and Richard, S.W. (2015). Late Neogene and Quaternary reconstruction of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference, Caloundra, QLD, Australia, November 2015.

Late Neogene and Quaternary reconstruction of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands


Conference Publication

Time-Space discontinuum in the NEO: partitioning of Hunter-Bowen events

Holcombe, R., Fielding, C., Sliwa, R., Rosenbaum, G. and Hoy, D. (2015). Time-Space discontinuum in the NEO: partitioning of Hunter-Bowen events. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology 2015 Conference, Caloundra, QLD, Australia, 22 - 27 November 2015.

Time-Space discontinuum in the NEO: partitioning of Hunter-Bowen events


Conference Publication

Modelling the Complexity of Continental Breakup and Basin Formation Including the Role of Magmatism

Regenauer-Lieb, K., Liu, J.,, Rosenbaum, G., Weinberg, R., Karrech, A., Veveakis, M. and Poulet, T. (2015). Modelling the Complexity of Continental Breakup and Basin Formation Including the Role of Magmatism. SEG Global Meeting, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, September 2015. doi: 10.1190/ice2015-2211366

Modelling the Complexity of Continental Breakup and Basin Formation Including the Role of Magmatism


Conference Publication

The end of the Hunter-Bowen Orogeny and younger deformation in eastern Australia: insight from the Gympie Terrane

Hoy, D. and Rosenbaum, G. (2015). The end of the Hunter-Bowen Orogeny and younger deformation in eastern Australia: insight from the Gympie Terrane. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference 2015, Caloundra, QLD, Australia, 22 - 27 November 2015.

The end of the Hunter-Bowen Orogeny and younger deformation in eastern Australia: insight from the Gympie Terrane


Conference Publication

Tectonic overpressure in continental collision and the origin of ultra-high-pressure rocks

Regenauer-Lieb, K., Rosenbaum, G., Weinberg, R.F. and Manatschal, G. (2015). Tectonic overpressure in continental collision and the origin of ultra-high-pressure rocks. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference, Caloundra, QLD, Australia, November 2015.

Tectonic overpressure in continental collision and the origin of ultra-high-pressure rocks


Conference Publication

Curvilinear east-west structures at the southern Thomson Orogen and their geodynamic significance

Abdullah, R., Rosenbaum, G., Dunstan, S and Babaahmadi, A. (2015). Curvilinear east-west structures at the southern Thomson Orogen and their geodynamic significance. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference 2015, Caloundra, QLD, Australia, 22 - 27 November 2015.

Curvilinear east-west structures at the southern Thomson Orogen and their geodynamic significance


Conference Publication

Tectonics of the New England Orogen: trench migration, oroclinal bending, formation of sedimentary basins, and fault reactivation

Hoy, D., Rosenbaum, G., Shaanan, U., Babaahmadi, A., White, L. and Campbell, M. (2015). Tectonics of the New England Orogen: trench migration, oroclinal bending, formation of sedimentary basins, and fault reactivation. New England Orogen: Geology, Tectonics and Economics, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, June 2015.

Tectonics of the New England Orogen: trench migration, oroclinal bending, formation of sedimentary basins, and fault reactivation


Conference Publication

Provenance and palaeogeography of Early Permian back-arc basins in eastern Australia, and implications for the role of trench retreat in accretionary orogens

Shaanan, U. and Rosenbaum, G. (2015). Provenance and palaeogeography of Early Permian back-arc basins in eastern Australia, and implications for the role of trench retreat in accretionary orogens. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference, Caloundra, QLD, Australia, November 2015.

Provenance and palaeogeography of Early Permian back-arc basins in eastern Australia, and implications for the role of trench retreat in accretionary orogens


Conference Publication

Structural evolution of the Irtysh Shear Zone: implication for the Late Paleozoic amalgamation of multiple arc systems in Central Asia

Li, P., Sun, M. and Rosenbaum, G. (2015). Structural evolution of the Irtysh Shear Zone: implication for the Late Paleozoic amalgamation of multiple arc systems in Central Asia. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2015.

Structural evolution of the Irtysh Shear Zone: implication for the Late Paleozoic amalgamation of multiple arc systems in Central Asia


Conference Publication

Fault systems in Queensland and New South Wales and their implications to the tectonic evolution of eastern Australia since the Permian

Babaahmadi, A. and Rosenbaum, G. (2015). Fault systems in Queensland and New South Wales and their implications to the tectonic evolution of eastern Australia since the Permian. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference, Caloundra, QLD, Australia, 22 - 27 November 2015.

Fault systems in Queensland and New South Wales and their implications to the tectonic evolution of eastern Australia since the Permian


Conference Publication

Disparate tectonic settings for mineralisation in an active arc, Eastern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

Holm, R. J., Rosenbaum, G., Richards, S. and Spandler, C. (2015). Disparate tectonic settings for mineralisation in an active arc, Eastern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. PACRIM Congress 2015, Hong Kong, China, 18-21 March 2015. Sydney, NSW, Australia: AusIMM.

Disparate tectonic settings for mineralisation in an active arc, Eastern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands


Conference Publication

Brittle, creep and melt damage mechanics of the lithosphere: is slow creep deformation a key to intraplate volcanic provinces?

Liu, J., Regenauer-Lieb, K., Karrech, A., Rosenbaum, G. and Lyakhovsky, V. (2014). Brittle, creep and melt damage mechanics of the lithosphere: is slow creep deformation a key to intraplate volcanic provinces?. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, December 2014.

Brittle, creep and melt damage mechanics of the lithosphere: is slow creep deformation a key to intraplate volcanic provinces?


Conference Publication

Provenance and structural constraints of the early Permian Nambucca Block (eastern Australia), and implications for the origin of the New England orocline

Shaana, U., Rosenbaum, G., Li, P., Vasconcelos, P. and Wormald, R. (2014). Provenance and structural constraints of the early Permian Nambucca Block (eastern Australia), and implications for the origin of the New England orocline. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2014.

Provenance and structural constraints of the early Permian Nambucca Block (eastern Australia), and implications for the origin of the New England orocline


Conference Publication

New paleomagnetic data from the Late Paleozoic New England orogen (Eastern Australia) and a developed kinematic model of its evolution

Pisarevsky, S.A., Rosenbaum, G., Shaanan, U. and Hoy, D. (2014). New paleomagnetic data from the Late Paleozoic New England orogen (Eastern Australia) and a developed kinematic model of its evolution. Gondwana 15 International Symposium, Madrid, Spain, July 2014.

New paleomagnetic data from the Late Paleozoic New England orogen (Eastern Australia) and a developed kinematic model of its evolution


Conference Publication

Provenance of the Nambucca Block (eastern Australia) and implications for the early Permian eastern Gondwanan margins

Shaanan, U., Rosenbaum, G. and Wormald, R. (2014). Provenance of the Nambucca Block (eastern Australia) and implications for the early Permian eastern Gondwanan margins. 2014 Convention &11th International Conference on Gondwana to Asia, Beijing, China, September 2014.

Provenance of the Nambucca Block (eastern Australia) and implications for the early Permian eastern Gondwanan margins


Conference Publication

The geodynamics of oroclinal bending

Rosenbaum, G. (2014). The geodynamics of oroclinal bending. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference, Thredbo, Australia, February 2014.

The geodynamics of oroclinal bending


Conference Publication

Structural evolution of the early Permian Nambucca Block (New England Orogen, eastern Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending

Shaanan, U., Rosenbaum, G., Li, P., Vasconcelos, P. and Wormald, R. (2014). Structural evolution of the early Permian Nambucca Block (New England Orogen, eastern Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference, Thredbo, Australia, February 2014.

Structural evolution of the early Permian Nambucca Block (New England Orogen, eastern Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending