2022 Conference Publication The impact of tourist misbehavior on ingroup tourist responses: an abstractSun, Wanting, Chien, P. Monica, Ritchie, Brent W. and Pappu, Ravi (2022). The impact of tourist misbehavior on ingroup tourist responses: an abstract. 2021 AMS Virtual Annual Conference and World Marketing Congress, Virtual, 1-4 June 2021. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-95346-1_192 |
2021 Conference Publication Understanding intergroup conflicts between residents and touristsChien, P. Monica, Hornsey, Matthew, Nagatomo, Jun and Pappu, Ravi (2021). Understanding intergroup conflicts between residents and tourists. Japan Society for Tourism Studies Annual Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 3-4 July 2021. |
2021 Conference Publication Organizational changes, employee wellbeing, and leadership for ryokans’ survival in a global crisisAlmira, Tatyana, Saito, Hiroaki and Chien, P. Monica (2021). Organizational changes, employee wellbeing, and leadership for ryokans’ survival in a global crisis. APacCHRIE Conference, Singapore, 2-4 June 2021. |
2021 Conference Publication The impact of tourist misbehavior on ingroup tourist responsesSun, Wanting, Chien, P. Monica, Ritchie, Brent W. and Pappu, Ravi (2021). The impact of tourist misbehavior on ingroup tourist responses. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Virtual (United States), 1-4 June 2021. |
2021 Conference Publication The role of habit in tourist behaviourMacInnes, Sarah, Ong, Faith and Chien, P. Monica (2021). The role of habit in tourist behaviour. The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Annual Conference, Online, 9-12 February 2021. |
2021 Conference Publication Understanding tourists' responses to misbehaviours committed by compatriot touristsSun, Wanting, Chien, P. Monica and Pappu, Ravi (2021). Understanding tourists' responses to misbehaviours committed by compatriot tourists. The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Annual Conference, Online, 9-12 February 2021. |
2020 Conference Publication The destination through our eyes: Investigating residents' involvement in and perceptions of place branding initiativesHay Walters, Nicole, Ruhanen, Lisa and Chien, P. Monica (2020). The destination through our eyes: Investigating residents' involvement in and perceptions of place branding initiatives. CAUTHE 2020, Auckland, New Zealand, 10-13 February 2020. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology. |
2019 Conference Publication Investigating nonhost residents’ perceptions of mega-events in JapanNagai, Hayato and Chien, P. Monica (2019). Investigating nonhost residents’ perceptions of mega-events in Japan. The Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference, Danang, Vietnam, 1-4 July 2019. |
2018 Conference Publication Corporate sponsorship effects on charitable givingGoh, Iris, Pappu, Ravi and Chien, P. Monica (2018). Corporate sponsorship effects on charitable giving. Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 3-5 December 2018. Adelaide, SA, Australia: University of Adelaide. |
2017 Conference Publication Analysis of motivation, expectation and satisfaction of Chinese working holiday makersFang, Yao, Walters, Gabby and Chien, Monica (2017). Analysis of motivation, expectation and satisfaction of Chinese working holiday makers. Third East-West Dialogue on Tourism and the Chinese Dream, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 23-25 November, 2017. Gold Coast, QLD, Australia: Griffith Institute for Tourism (GIFT) and the Griffith Tourism Confucius Institute (TCI). |
2017 Conference Publication Leveraging the Olympic and Paralympic games: building brand equity for allChien, P. Monica, Kelly, Sarah J., Cornwell, T. Bettina, Ikematsu, Shu, Yamaguchi, Shiro and Motohashi, Naoki (2017). Leveraging the Olympic and Paralympic games: building brand equity for all. 2017 American Academy of Advertising Global Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 6-8 July 2017. |
2013 Conference Publication Health and safety risk perceptions and behaviour of Australian outbound travellersWang, Jie, Ritchie, Brent, Watson, Bernadette and Chien, Monica (2013). Health and safety risk perceptions and behaviour of Australian outbound travellers. CAUTHE 2013: Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Annual Conference, Canterbury, NZ, 11-14 February, 2013. Christchurch, NZ: CAUTHE (Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education). |
2013 Conference Publication It can't happen to me: travel risk perceptionsRitchie, Brent W., Chien, P. Monica and Watson, Bernadette (2013). It can't happen to me: travel risk perceptions. CPTHL 2013: 8th Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, 1-5 June, 2013. |
2011 Conference Publication Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility via Sponsorship: Does it Always Work?Chien, P. Monica, Cornwell, T. Bettina and Pappu, Ravi (2011). Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility via Sponsorship: Does it Always Work?. American Academy of Advertising 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 8-10 June 2011. |
2011 Conference Publication DTC advertising in AustraliaChien, P. Monica (2011). DTC advertising in Australia. American Academy of Advertising 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 8-10 June 2011. |
2010 Conference Publication Examining the impact of sponsorship portfolio communication on sponsor brand personalityChien, P. Monica, Cornwell, T. Bettina and Pappu, Ravi (2010). Examining the impact of sponsorship portfolio communication on sponsor brand personality. The American Academy of Advertising (AAA) 2010 European Conference, Milan, Italy, 4-6 June 2010. Richmond, VA, United States: American Academy of Advertising. |
2010 Conference Publication The role of articulation in sponsorship portfolio communicationChien, Pi-Hsuan Monica, Cornwell, T. Bettina and Pappu, Ravi (2010). The role of articulation in sponsorship portfolio communication. 39th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Copenhagan, Denmark, 1-4 June 2010. Frederiksberg, Denmark: Copenhagen Business School. |
2010 Conference Publication Sponsorship portfolios: framing effects with sport and cause sponsorshipsChien, P. Monica, Cornwell, T. Bettina and Pappu, Ravi (2010). Sponsorship portfolios: framing effects with sport and cause sponsorships. 2010 American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Boston, United States, 13-16 August 2010. Chicago, United States: American Marketing Association. |
2008 Conference Publication The effects of sponsorship portfolio on consumer associations of the sponsor brandChien, P. Monica, Cornwell, T. Bettina and Pappu, Ravi (2008). The effects of sponsorship portfolio on consumer associations of the sponsor brand. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 28-31 May, 2008. |
2008 Conference Publication The effects of sponsorship portfolio on consumer associations of the sponsor brandChien, P. Monica (2008). The effects of sponsorship portfolio on consumer associations of the sponsor brand. UQ Business School Research Colloquium, Brisbane, Australia, 6 June 2008. |