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Journal Article

Occupational sitting: practitioner perceptions of health risks, intervention strategies and influences

Gilson, Nicholas, Straker, Leon and Parry, Sharon (2012). Occupational sitting: practitioner perceptions of health risks, intervention strategies and influences. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 23 (3), 208-212. doi: 10.1071/HE12208

Occupational sitting: practitioner perceptions of health risks, intervention strategies and influences


Conference Publication

Are we chained to our desks? Assessing desk based sitting using a new objective measure of occupational sitting time

Ryde, G., Brown, H., Gilson, N. and Brown, W. (2012). Are we chained to our desks? Assessing desk based sitting using a new objective measure of occupational sitting time. Be Active 2012, Sydney, NSW, 31 October -3 November 2012. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2012.11.475

Are we chained to our desks? Assessing desk based sitting using a new objective measure of occupational sitting time


Conference Publication

An international study of an automated web-based walking program (Walk@Work) to increase workday step counts in lower active office workers

Gilson, N., Faulkner, G., Umstattd Meyer, M., Ryde, G., McCarthy, K., Arbour-Nicitopoulas, K., Dillon, K. and Washington, T. (2012). An international study of an automated web-based walking program (Walk@Work) to increase workday step counts in lower active office workers. Be Active 2012, Sydney, NSW, 31 October -3 November 2012. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2012.11.572

An international study of an automated web-based walking program (Walk@Work) to increase workday step counts in lower active office workers


Conference Publication

Objectively measured sedentary behaviour and physical activity in office employees: Relationships with presenteeism

Brown, H., Ryde, G., Gilson, N., Burton and Brown, W. (2012). Objectively measured sedentary behaviour and physical activity in office employees: Relationships with presenteeism. Be Active 2012, Sydney, NSW, 31 October -3 November 2012. Chatswood, NSW Australia: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2012.11.739

Objectively measured sedentary behaviour and physical activity in office employees: Relationships with presenteeism


Journal Article

Occupational sitting time: Employees' perceptions of health risks and intervention strategies

Gilson, Nicholas D., Burton, Nicola W., van Uffelen, Jannique G. Z. and Brown, Wendy J. (2011). Occupational sitting time: Employees' perceptions of health risks and intervention strategies. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 22 (1), 38-43. doi: 10.1071/he11038

Occupational sitting time: Employees' perceptions of health risks and intervention strategies


Journal Article

Does physical activity impact on presenteeism and other indicators of workplace wellbeing?

Brown, Helen E., Gilson, Nicholas D., Burton, Nicola W. and Brown, Wendy J. (2011). Does physical activity impact on presenteeism and other indicators of workplace wellbeing?. Sports Medicine, 41 (3), 249-262. doi: 10.2165/11539180-000000000-00000

Does physical activity impact on presenteeism and other indicators of workplace wellbeing?


Journal Article

Are workplace interventions to reduce sitting effective? A systematic review

Chau, Josephine Y., van der Ploeg, Hidde P., van Uffelen, Jannique G.Z., Wong, Jason, Riphagen, Ingrid, Healy, Genevieve N., Gilson, Nicholas D., Dunstan, David W., Bauman, Adrian E., Owen, Neville and Brown, Wendy J. (2010). Are workplace interventions to reduce sitting effective? A systematic review. Preventive Medicine, 51 (5), 352-356. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2010.08.012

Are workplace interventions to reduce sitting effective? A systematic review


Journal Article

Occupational sitting and health risks: A systematic review

van Uffelen, Jannique G. Z., Wong, Jason, Chau, Josephine Y., van der Ploeg, Hidde P., Riphagen, Ingrid, Gilson, Nicholas D., Burton, Nicola W., Healy, Genevieve N., Thorp, Alicia A., Clark, Bronwyn K., Gardiner, Paul A., Dunstan, David W., Bauman, Adrian, Owen, Neville and Brown, Wendy J. (2010). Occupational sitting and health risks: A systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 39 (4), 379-388. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2010.05.024

Occupational sitting and health risks: A systematic review


Journal Article

Cost-effectiveness of interventions to improve moderate physical activity: A study in nine UK sites

Pringle, Andy, Cooke, Carlton, Gilson, Nicholas, Marsh, Kevin and McKenna, Jim (2010). Cost-effectiveness of interventions to improve moderate physical activity: A study in nine UK sites. Health Education Journal, 69 (2), 211-224. doi: 10.1177/0017896910366790

Cost-effectiveness of interventions to improve moderate physical activity: A study in nine UK sites


Conference Publication

Is too much sitting really bad for health and what can be done about it?

Brown, Wendy J., van Uffelen, Jannique G. Z., Proper, Karin I., Chau, Josephine Y., Burton, Nicola W., Gilson, Nicholas and van der Ploeg, Hidde P. (2010). Is too much sitting really bad for health and what can be done about it?. The Third International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Toronto, Canada, May 5–8, 2010. Champaign, IL, United States: Human Kinetics.

Is too much sitting really bad for health and what can be done about it?


Conference Publication

Walk@Work - Feasibility trial of an automated, website walking program for Australian office workers

Gilson, N. and Ryde, Gemma (2010). Walk@Work - Feasibility trial of an automated, website walking program for Australian office workers. Hot Topics in the Tropics, Port Douglas, Qld, 3-6 November, 2010. Australia: Elsevier Australia. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2010.10.523

Walk@Work - Feasibility trial of an automated, website walking program for Australian office workers



A systematic review of the evidence exploring the association between sedentary behaviour in the workplace and health outcomes, and the strategies which encourage a change in sedentary behaviour in the workplace: final report

Brown, Wendy J., Burton, Nicola W. and Gilson, Nicholas (2010). A systematic review of the evidence exploring the association between sedentary behaviour in the workplace and health outcomes, and the strategies which encourage a change in sedentary behaviour in the workplace: final report. OFFER NO: HPQ 00.01/021 Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Health Promotion Queensland (Health Promotion Branch, Population Health Queensland).

A systematic review of the evidence exploring the association between sedentary behaviour in the workplace and health outcomes, and the strategies which encourage a change in sedentary behaviour in the workplace: final report


Journal Article

Do walking strategies to increase physical activity reduce reported sitting in workplaces: A randomized control trial

Gilson, Nicolas D., Puig-Ribera, Anna, McKenna, Jim, Brown, Wendy J., Burton, Nicola W. and Cooke, Carlton B. (2009). Do walking strategies to increase physical activity reduce reported sitting in workplaces: A randomized control trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 6 (43) 43, 43. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-6-43

Do walking strategies to increase physical activity reduce reported sitting in workplaces: A randomized control trial


Journal Article

The International Universities Walking Project: Development of a framework for workplace intervention using the Delphi Technique

Gilson, Nicolas, Brown, Wendy J., Faulkner, Guy, McKenna, Jim, Murphy, Marie, Pringle, Andy, Proper, Karin, Puig-Ribera, Anna and Stathi, Aphroditi (2009). The International Universities Walking Project: Development of a framework for workplace intervention using the Delphi Technique. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 6 (4), 520-528. doi: 10.1123/jpah.6.4.520

The International Universities Walking Project: Development of a framework for workplace intervention using the Delphi Technique


Conference Publication

Walk@Work: A web-based tool to support workplace walking

Gilson, N. and Ryde, G. (2009). Walk@Work: A web-based tool to support workplace walking. 2009 Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport - be active '09, Brisbane, 14-17 October, 2009. Mitchell, ACT: Sports Medicine Australia.

Walk@Work: A web-based tool to support workplace walking


Journal Article

An evaluation of the Local Exercise Action Pilots and impact on moderate physical activity

Pringle, Andy, Gilson, Nick, McKenna, Jim and Cooke, Carlton (2009). An evaluation of the Local Exercise Action Pilots and impact on moderate physical activity. Health Education Journal, 68 (3), 179-185. doi: 10.1177/0017896909339534

An evaluation of the Local Exercise Action Pilots and impact on moderate physical activity



A systematic review and meta analysis of the evidence exploring the association between sedentary behaviour and low energy expenditure in the workplace and obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: and strategies which encou

Brown, W. J., Burton, N. W. and Gilson, N. (2009). A systematic review and meta analysis of the evidence exploring the association between sedentary behaviour and low energy expenditure in the workplace and obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: and strategies which encou. Progress Report 3 Spring Hill, QLD, Australia: Australian Health Promotion Association (Queensland Branch).

A systematic review and meta analysis of the evidence exploring the association between sedentary behaviour and low energy expenditure in the workplace and obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: and strategies which encou


Conference Publication

Do walking strategies to increase physical activity reduce sitting in workplaces? A randomized control trial

Gilson, N., Puig-Ribera, A., McKenna, J., Brown, W. and Burton, N. (2009). Do walking strategies to increase physical activity reduce sitting in workplaces? A randomized control trial. 2009 Annual Conference of the ISBNPA, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-20 June, 2009. Lisbon: Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa.

Do walking strategies to increase physical activity reduce sitting in workplaces? A randomized control trial


Conference Publication

What stops employees increasing step counts? A qualitative approach within a randomised controlled trial

McKenna, J., Puig-Ribera, A., Gilson, N. and Brown, W. (2009). What stops employees increasing step counts? A qualitative approach within a randomised controlled trial. 2009 Annual Conference of the ISBNPA, Lisbon, Portugal, 17-29 June, 2009. Lisbon, Portugal: International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

What stops employees increasing step counts? A qualitative approach within a randomised controlled trial


Journal Article

A multi-site comparison of environmental characteristics to support workplace walking

Gilson, Nicolas D., Ainsworth, Barbara, Biddle, Stuart, Faulkner, Guy, Murphy, Marie H., Niven, Ailsa, Pringle, Andy, Puig-Ribera, Anna, Stathi, Afroditi and Umstattd, M. Renee (2009). A multi-site comparison of environmental characteristics to support workplace walking. Preventive Medicine, 49 (1), 21-23. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2009.05.001

A multi-site comparison of environmental characteristics to support workplace walking