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Other Outputs

Proposed spending and donations caps may at last bring genuine reform to national election rules

Orr, Graeme (2023, 06 20). Proposed spending and donations caps may at last bring genuine reform to national election rules The Conversation

Proposed spending and donations caps may at last bring genuine reform to national election rules


Other Outputs

Why party preselections are still a mess, and the courts haven’t helped

Orr, Graeme (2022, 04 13). Why party preselections are still a mess, and the courts haven’t helped The Conversation

Why party preselections are still a mess, and the courts haven’t helped


Other Outputs

Stronger Laws on ‘Foreign’ Election Influence were Rushed through this Week – Limiting Speech but Ignoring our Billionaire Problem

Orr, Graeme (2022, 02 18). Stronger Laws on ‘Foreign’ Election Influence were Rushed through this Week – Limiting Speech but Ignoring our Billionaire Problem The Conversation

Stronger Laws on ‘Foreign’ Election Influence were Rushed through this Week – Limiting Speech but Ignoring our Billionaire Problem


Other Outputs

Federal voter ID laws

Orr, Graeme, Dixon, Rosalind, Larkin, Dani, Brent, Peter and Green, Antony (2021). Federal voter ID laws. ERRN and Democratic Audit of Australia Working Paper Series. Number 76. Electoral Regulation Research Network, The University of Melbourne.

Federal voter ID laws


Other Outputs

Voter ID is a bad idea: here's why

Orr, Graeme (2021, 11 04). Voter ID is a bad idea: here's why The Conversation

Voter ID is a bad idea: here's why


Other Outputs

Who’s Liberal? What’s Labor? New bill to give established parties control of their names is full of holes

Orr, Graeme (2021, 08 16). Who’s Liberal? What’s Labor? New bill to give established parties control of their names is full of holes The Conversation

Who’s Liberal? What’s Labor? New bill to give established parties control of their names is full of holes


Other Outputs

Why this Queensland election is different - states are back at the forefront of political attention

Orr, Graeme (2020, 10 28). Why this Queensland election is different - states are back at the forefront of political attention The Conversation - .

Why this Queensland election is different - states are back at the forefront of political attention


Other Outputs

Clive Palmer’s ‘death tax’ scare campaign isn’t new. But it’s still outrageous

Orr, Graeme (2020, 10 28). Clive Palmer’s ‘death tax’ scare campaign isn’t new. But it’s still outrageous Guardian Australia - .

Clive Palmer’s ‘death tax’ scare campaign isn’t new. But it’s still outrageous


Other Outputs

Funding Questions have Interrupted the Queensland LNP’s Election Campaign: What Does the Law Say?

Orr, Graeme (2020, 10 14). Funding Questions have Interrupted the Queensland LNP’s Election Campaign: What Does the Law Say? The Conversation

Funding Questions have Interrupted the Queensland LNP’s Election Campaign: What Does the Law Say?


Other Outputs

Swallowing a huge spider to catch foreign relations flies

Orr, Graeme (2020, September 08). Swallowing a huge spider to catch foreign relations flies. Pearls and Irritations, .

Swallowing a huge spider to catch foreign relations flies


Other Outputs

Speaking freely in special clothing: what happens when sport moves from the back pages to the front?

Orr, Graeme (2020, 06 25). Speaking freely in special clothing: what happens when sport moves from the back pages to the front? Inside Story 1-1.

Speaking freely in special clothing: what happens when sport moves from the back pages to the front?


Other Outputs

High Court Challenge in Kooyong and Chisholm unlikely to win, but may still land a blow

Orr, Graeme (2019, 08 01). High Court Challenge in Kooyong and Chisholm unlikely to win, but may still land a blow The Conversation

High Court Challenge in Kooyong and Chisholm unlikely to win, but may still land a blow


Other Outputs

A Solution in Search of a Problem [Voter ID in Australia]

Orr, Graeme (2018, 12 11). A Solution in Search of a Problem [Voter ID in Australia] Inside Story

A Solution in Search of a Problem [Voter ID in Australia]


Other Outputs

Process Eclipses Policy

Orr, Graeme (2017, 10 31). Process Eclipses Policy Inside Story

Process Eclipses Policy


Other Outputs

High Farce in the High Court: Your Guide to the 'Citizenship Seven'

Orr, Graeme (2017, 10 09). High Farce in the High Court: Your Guide to the 'Citizenship Seven' Sydney-Morning Herald

High Farce in the High Court: Your Guide to the 'Citizenship Seven'


Other Outputs

Don't be Distracted by an SMS in the Same-Sex Marriage Survey Debate

Orr, Graeme (2017, 09 26). Don't be Distracted by an SMS in the Same-Sex Marriage Survey Debate The Conversation

Don't be Distracted by an SMS in the Same-Sex Marriage Survey Debate


Other Outputs

Court Must Sort Out an Outdated Muddle

Orr, Graeme (2017, 08 19). Court Must Sort Out an Outdated Muddle The Daily Telegraph 57-57.

Court Must Sort Out an Outdated Muddle


Other Outputs

An Electoral Anachronism Claims More Victims

Orr, Graeme (2017, 07 18). An Electoral Anachronism Claims More Victims Inside Story

An Electoral Anachronism Claims More Victims


Other Outputs

Entitled to Vote? Then you Should be Entitled to Run

Orr, Graeme (2017, 04 17). Entitled to Vote? Then you Should be Entitled to Run Inside Story

Entitled to Vote? Then you Should be Entitled to Run


Other Outputs

Something Doesn't Add Up about the ABS's 'Typical' Australian

Orr, Graeme (2017, 04 13). Something Doesn't Add Up about the ABS's 'Typical' Australian Sydney-Morning Herald

Something Doesn't Add Up about the ABS's 'Typical' Australian