2022 Journal Article Regionalisation and general practitioner and nurse workforce development in regional northern Australia: insights from 30 years of census migration dataCarson, Dean B., McGrail, Matthew and Sahay, Ashlyn (2022). Regionalisation and general practitioner and nurse workforce development in regional northern Australia: insights from 30 years of census migration data. Journal of Rural Studies, 91, 98-107. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2022.02.005 |
2022 Journal Article Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on medical student placements in rural Queensland: A survey studyMartin, Priya, McGrail, Matthew, Fox, Jordan, Partanen, Riitta and Kondalsamy‐Chennakesavan, Srinivas (2022). Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on medical student placements in rural Queensland: A survey study. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 30 (4), 478-487. doi: 10.1111/ajr.12862 |
2022 Journal Article Physician competition and low-value health careScott, Anthony, Li, Jinhu, Gravelle, Hugh and McGrail, Matthew (2022). Physician competition and low-value health care. American Journal of Health Economics, 8 (2), 252-274. doi: 10.1086/718509 |
2022 Journal Article Referral patterns, disease progression and impact of the kidney failure risk equation (KFRE) in a Queensland Chronic Kidney Disease Registry (CKD.QLD) cohort: a study protocolMutatiri, Clyson, Ratsch, Angela, McGrail, Matthew R., Venuthurupalli, Sree and Kondalsamy Chennakesavan, Srinivas (2022). Referral patterns, disease progression and impact of the kidney failure risk equation (KFRE) in a Queensland Chronic Kidney Disease Registry (CKD.QLD) cohort: a study protocol. BMJ Open, 12 (2), e052790. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052790 |
2021 Journal Article Exploring doctors’ emerging commitment to rural and general practice roles over their early careerMcGrail, Matthew, O’Sullivan, Belinda, Gurney, Tiana, Eley, Diann and Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, Srinivas (2021). Exploring doctors’ emerging commitment to rural and general practice roles over their early career. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (22) 11835, 11835. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182211835 |
2021 Journal Article Increasing doctors working in specific rural regions through selection from and training in the same region: national evidence from AustraliaMcGrail, Matthew R. and O’Sullivan, Belinda G. (2021). Increasing doctors working in specific rural regions through selection from and training in the same region: national evidence from Australia. Human Resources for Health, 19 (1) 132, 132. doi: 10.1186/s12960-021-00678-w |
2021 Journal Article Barriers to getting into postgraduate specialty training for junior Australian doctors: An interview-based studyO’Sullivan, Belinda, McGrail, Matthew, Gurney, Tiana and Martin, Priya (2021). Barriers to getting into postgraduate specialty training for junior Australian doctors: An interview-based study. PLoS One, 16 (10) e0258584, e0258584. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258584 |
2021 Journal Article Responsive policies needed to secure rural supply from increasing female doctors: A perspectiveO'Sullivan, Belinda, McGrail, Matthew and May, Jennifer (2021). Responsive policies needed to secure rural supply from increasing female doctors: A perspective. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 37 (1), 40-49. doi: 10.1002/hpm.3363 |
2021 Journal Article How rural immersion training influences rural work orientation of medical students: theory building through realist evaluationBingham, Amie, O’Sullivan, Belinda, Couch, Danielle, Cresser, Samuel, McGrail, Matthew and Major, Laura (2021). How rural immersion training influences rural work orientation of medical students: theory building through realist evaluation. Medical Teacher, 43 (12), 1-8. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1948520 |
2021 Journal Article Characterising Australia’s rural specialist physician workforce: the professional profile and professional satisfaction of junior doctors and consultantsMcGrail, Matthew R., Adegbija, Odewumi and Kondalsamy- Chennakesavan, Srinivas (2021). Characterising Australia’s rural specialist physician workforce: the professional profile and professional satisfaction of junior doctors and consultants. Medical Journal of Australia, 215 (S1), S7-S14. doi: 10.5694/mja2.51122 |
2021 Journal Article Editorial: Effective strategies to develop rural health workforce in low and middle-income countries (LMICs)O'Sullivan, Belinda Gabrielle, Couper, Ian, Kumar, Pratyush and McGrail, Matthew Richard (2021). Editorial: Effective strategies to develop rural health workforce in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Frontiers in Public Health, 9 702362, 702362. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.702362 |
Featured 2021 Journal Article Effect of infusion set replacement intervals on catheter-related bloodstream infections (RSVP): a randomised, controlled, equivalence (central venous access device)–non-inferiority (peripheral arterial catheter) trialRickard, Claire M., Marsh, Nicole M., Larsen, Emily N., McGrail, Matthew R., Graves, Nicholas, Runnegar, Naomi, Webster, Joan, Corley, Amanda, McMillan, David, Gowardman, John R., Long, Debbie A., Fraser, John F., Gill, Fenella J., Young, Jeanine, Murgo, Marghie, Alexandrou, Evan, Choudhury, Md Abu, Chan, Raymond J., Gavin, Nicole C., Daud, Azlina, Palermo, Annamaria, Regli, Adrian and Playford, E. Geoffrey (2021). Effect of infusion set replacement intervals on catheter-related bloodstream infections (RSVP): a randomised, controlled, equivalence (central venous access device)–non-inferiority (peripheral arterial catheter) trial. The Lancet, 397 (10283), 1447-1458. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00351-2 |
2021 Journal Article Selection, training and employment to encourage early‐career doctors to pursue a rural postgraduate training pathwayO'Sullivan, Belinda, Gurney, Tiana and McGrail, Matthew (2021). Selection, training and employment to encourage early‐career doctors to pursue a rural postgraduate training pathway. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29 (2), 267-271. doi: 10.1111/ajr.12744 |
2021 Journal Article Critically reviewing the policies used by colleges to select doctors for specialty training: a kink in the rural pathwayMcGrail, Matthew, O'Sullivan, Belinda and Gurney, Tiana (2021). Critically reviewing the policies used by colleges to select doctors for specialty training: a kink in the rural pathway. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29 (2), 272-283. doi: 10.1111/ajr.12707 |
2021 Journal Article Improving knowledge and data about the medical workforce underpins healthy communities and doctorsRussell, Grant M., McGrail, Matthew R., O’Sullivan, Belinda and Scott, Anthony (2021). Improving knowledge and data about the medical workforce underpins healthy communities and doctors. Medical Journal of Australia, 214 (6), 252-254.e1. doi: 10.5694/mja2.50962 |
2020 Journal Article A realist evaluation of theory about triggers for doctors choosing a generalist or specialist medical careerO’sullivan, Belinda, McGrail, Matthew, Gurney, Tiana and Martin, Priya (2020). A realist evaluation of theory about triggers for doctors choosing a generalist or specialist medical career. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (22) 8566, 8566-17. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17228566 |
2020 Journal Article Exploring preference for, and uptake of, rural medical internships, a key issue for supporting rural training pathwaysMcGrail, Matthew R., O’Sullivan, Belinda G., Russell, Deborah J. and Rahman, Muntasirur (2020). Exploring preference for, and uptake of, rural medical internships, a key issue for supporting rural training pathways. BMC Health Services Research, 20 (1) 930, 930. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05779-1 |
2020 Journal Article Evaluation of patient reported outcome measures post urethroplasty: piloting a “trifecta” approachOng, Michelle, Duncan, Catriona, McGrail, Matthew and Desai, Devang J. (2020). Evaluation of patient reported outcome measures post urethroplasty: piloting a “trifecta” approach. World Journal of Clinical Urology, 9 (1), 9-15. doi: 10.5410/wjcu.v9.i1.9 |
2020 Journal Article An exploration of the experiences of GP registrar supervisors in small rural communities: a qualitative studyCouch, Danielle, O'Sullivan, Belinda, Russell, Deborah, McGrail, Matthew, Wallace, Glen and Bentley, Michael (2020). An exploration of the experiences of GP registrar supervisors in small rural communities: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 20 (1) 834, 834. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05697-2 |
2020 Journal Article Faculties to support general practitioners working rurally at broader scope: a national cross-sectional study of their valueMcGrail, Matthew R. and O’sullivan, Belinda G. (2020). Faculties to support general practitioners working rurally at broader scope: a national cross-sectional study of their value. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (13) 4652, 1-15. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17134652 |