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Conference Publication

Reforming government policy on flexible working arrangements in Malaysia

Amirul, Sharifah, Shaari, C. and Jones, S. (2023). Reforming government policy on flexible working arrangements in Malaysia. International Conference on Public Policy and Social Sciences 2023., Bosnia, 13-15 September 2023.

Reforming government policy on flexible working arrangements in Malaysia


Conference Publication

Mapping the uses of behavioural economics and behavioural insights in government agencies – Australia and New Zealand

Head, Brian and Jones, Stephen (2019). Mapping the uses of behavioural economics and behavioural insights in government agencies – Australia and New Zealand. ReNewing Public Management for Stewardship, Innovation and Impact, Wellington, New Zealand, 16-18 April 2019.

Mapping the uses of behavioural economics and behavioural insights in government agencies – Australia and New Zealand


Conference Publication

Coping with complexity: adaptive governance for waste management in a multilevel system

Jones, Stephen (2019). Coping with complexity: adaptive governance for waste management in a multilevel system. International Research Society for Public Management, Wellington, New Zealand, 16-18 April 2019.

Coping with complexity: adaptive governance for waste management in a multilevel system


Conference Publication

Performance federalism: a model for analysis

Jones, Stephen, Bouckaert, Geert, Cooper, Amy and Bernier, Luc (2015). Performance federalism: a model for analysis. International Conference on Public Policy, Milan, Italy, 1-4 July 2015.

Performance federalism: a model for analysis


Conference Publication

Climate Change Policies of Subnational Governments in Canada and Australia

Jones, S (2012). Climate Change Policies of Subnational Governments in Canada and Australia. International Political Science Association 22nd World Congress, RC30 Comparative Public Policy, Madrid, Spain, 8-12 July.

Climate Change Policies of Subnational Governments in Canada and Australia


Conference Publication

The role of local government in economic development

Jones, S. M. (2002). The role of local government in economic development. 2002 Research Student Colloquium, Riverglenn Conference Centre, Indooroopilly, 1 June, 2002. The University of Queensland, St Lucia: UQ Business School.

The role of local government in economic development


Conference Publication

The role of local government in economic development

Jones, S. (2001). The role of local government in economic development. Third Annual Research Colloquium, Indooroopilly, Queensland , Australia, 2 June, 2001. St Lucia, Qld, Australia: School of Management, University of Queensland.

The role of local government in economic development