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Journal Article

Orchestrating Digital Resilience: A Clinical IS Study of an Everything-as-a-Service Technology Strategy

Breidbach, Christoph F., Joshi, Amol M., Twigg, Alexander and Dickens, Graham (2024). Orchestrating Digital Resilience: A Clinical IS Study of an Everything-as-a-Service Technology Strategy. European Journal of Information Systems, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/0960085X.2024.2435975

Orchestrating Digital Resilience: A Clinical IS Study of an Everything-as-a-Service Technology Strategy


Journal Article

Responsible algorithmic decision-making

Breidbach, Christoph F. (2024). Responsible algorithmic decision-making. Organizational Dynamics, 53 (2) 101031, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2024.101031

Responsible algorithmic decision-making


Journal Article

Cultivating resilience for sustainable service ecosystems in turbulent times: evidence from primary health care

McColl-Kennedy, Janet R., Breidbach, Christoph F., Green, Teegan, Zaki, Mohamed, Gain, Alexandria M. and van Driel, Mieke L. (2023). Cultivating resilience for sustainable service ecosystems in turbulent times: evidence from primary health care. Journal of Services Marketing, 37 (9), 1167-1185. doi: 10.1108/jsm-03-2023-0100

Cultivating resilience for sustainable service ecosystems in turbulent times: evidence from primary health care


Journal Article

On the performance of blockchain-based token offerings

Risius, Marten, Breidbach, Christoph F., Chanson, Mathieu, von Krannichfeldt, Ruben and Wortmann, Felix (2023). On the performance of blockchain-based token offerings. Electronic Markets, 33 (1) 32, 1-19. doi: 10.1007/s12525-023-00652-5

On the performance of blockchain-based token offerings


Journal Article

Managing Sustainable Services: A Systematic Literature Review

Gain, Alexandria M., McColl-Kennedy, Janet R. and Breidbach, Christoph F. (2023). Managing Sustainable Services: A Systematic Literature Review. Business Research Proceedings, 1-3. doi: 10.51300/brp-2023-69

Managing Sustainable Services: A Systematic Literature Review


Journal Article

Digital transformation as collective social action

Tana, Silviana, Breidbach, Christoph F. and Burton-Jones, Andrew (2023). Digital transformation as collective social action. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24 (6), 1618-1644. doi: 10.17705/1jais.00791

Digital transformation as collective social action


Journal Article

Computational literature reviews: method, algorithms, and roadmap

Antons, David, Breidbach, Christoph F., Joshi, Amol M. and Salge, Torsten Oliver (2023). Computational literature reviews: method, algorithms, and roadmap. Organizational Research Methods, 26 (1) 1094428121991230, 107-138. doi: 10.1177/1094428121991230

Computational literature reviews: method, algorithms, and roadmap


Journal Article

Ethics II: Editorial conduct

Eckhardt, Andreas and Breidbach, Christoph F. (2023). Ethics II: Editorial conduct. Information Systems Journal, 34 (4), 965-969. doi: 10.1111/isj.12499

Ethics II: Editorial conduct


Journal Article

Orchestrating the digital transformation of a business ecosystem

Mann, Geoffrey, Karanasios, Stan and Breidbach, Christoph F. (2022). Orchestrating the digital transformation of a business ecosystem. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 31 (3) 101733, 101733. doi: 10.1016/j.jsis.2022.101733

Orchestrating the digital transformation of a business ecosystem


Journal Article

Investigating information and communication technology‐enabled national development as a multi‐level social process

Ramadani, Luthfi, Breidbach, Christoph F. and Kurnia, Sherah (2022). Investigating information and communication technology‐enabled national development as a multi‐level social process. Information Systems Journal, 33 (1), 130-153. doi: 10.1111/isj.12381

Investigating information and communication technology‐enabled national development as a multi‐level social process


Journal Article

How everything-as-a-service enabled Judo to become a billion-dollar bank without owning IT

Breidbach, Christoph F., Joshi, Amol M. , Maglio, Paul P. , von Briel, Frederik , Twigg, Alex , Dickens, Graham and Wünderlich, Nancy V. (2022). How everything-as-a-service enabled Judo to become a billion-dollar bank without owning IT. MIS Quarterly Executive, 21 (3) 3, 185-203. doi: 10.17705/2msqe.00065

How everything-as-a-service enabled Judo to become a billion-dollar bank without owning IT


Journal Article

Betting on Bitcoin: how social collectives shape cryptocurrency markets

Breidbach, Christoph F. and Tana, Silviana (2021). Betting on Bitcoin: how social collectives shape cryptocurrency markets. Journal of Business Research, 122, 311-320. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.09.017

Betting on Bitcoin: how social collectives shape cryptocurrency markets


Journal Article

Accountable algorithms? The ethical implications of data-driven business models

Breidbach, Christoph F. and Maglio, Paul (2020). Accountable algorithms? The ethical implications of data-driven business models. Journal of Service Management, 31 (2), 163-185. doi: 10.1108/josm-03-2019-0073

Accountable algorithms? The ethical implications of data-driven business models


Journal Article

Fintech: research directions to explore the digital transformation of financial service systems

Breidbach, Christoph F., Keating, Byron W. and Lim, Chiehyeon (2020). Fintech: research directions to explore the digital transformation of financial service systems. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 30 (1), 79-102. doi: 10.1108/jstp-08-2018-0185

Fintech: research directions to explore the digital transformation of financial service systems


Journal Article

Smart service systems: An interdisciplinary perspective

Beverungen, Daniel, Breidbach, Christoph F., Poeppelbuss, Jens and Tuunainen, Virpi Kristiina (2019). Smart service systems: An interdisciplinary perspective. Information Systems Journal, 29 (6) isj.12275, 1201-1206. doi: 10.1111/isj.12275

Smart service systems: An interdisciplinary perspective


Journal Article

Ethical issues in big data analytics: A stakeholder perspective

Someh, Ida, Davern, Michael, Breidbach, Christoph F. and Shanks, Graeme (2019). Ethical issues in big data analytics: A stakeholder perspective. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 44 (1) 34, 718-747. doi: 10.17705/1cais.04434

Ethical issues in big data analytics: A stakeholder perspective


Journal Article

The impact of occupational stereotypes in human-centered service systems

Huetten, Antje Sarah Julia, Antons, David, Breidbach, Christoph F., Piening, Erk P. and Salge, Torsten Oliver (2019). The impact of occupational stereotypes in human-centered service systems. Journal of Service Management, 30 (1), 132-155. doi: 10.1108/josm-12-2016-0324

The impact of occupational stereotypes in human-centered service systems


Journal Article

Big Data, Big Insights? Advancing Service Innovation and Design With Machine Learning

Antons, David and Breidbach, Christoph F. (2018). Big Data, Big Insights? Advancing Service Innovation and Design With Machine Learning. Journal of Service Research, 21 (1), 17-39. doi: 10.1177/1094670517738373

Big Data, Big Insights? Advancing Service Innovation and Design With Machine Learning


Journal Article

Operating without operations: how is technology changing the role of the firm?

Breidbach, Christoph, Choi, Sunmee, Ellway, Benjamin, Keating, Byron W., Kormusheva, Katerina, Kowalkowski, Christian, Lim, Chiehyeon and Maglio, Paul (2018). Operating without operations: how is technology changing the role of the firm?. Journal of Service Management, 29 (5), 809-833. doi: 10.1108/josm-05-2018-0127

Operating without operations: how is technology changing the role of the firm?


Journal Article

Engagement platforms in the sharing economy Conceptual foundations and research directions

Breidbach, Christoph F. and Brodie, Roderick J. (2017). Engagement platforms in the sharing economy Conceptual foundations and research directions. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 27 (4), 761-777. doi: 10.1108/jstp-04-2016-0071

Engagement platforms in the sharing economy Conceptual foundations and research directions