2024 Conference Publication Place and the intangible in the Making of Canberra: Enrico Taglietti’s Cinema Center (1964–66)Micheli, Silvia, Moulis, Antony and Rigney, Virginia (2024). Place and the intangible in the Making of Canberra: Enrico Taglietti’s Cinema Center (1964–66). This is Modernism Symposium, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 16 February 2024. Adelaide, SA, Australia: School of Architecture, Unitec l Te Pūkenga, and the Architecture Museum, University of South Australia. |
2023 Conference Publication Experiments in space and pedagogy: Enrico Taglietti’s educational architecture for Canberra and open planMicheli, Silvia, Moulis, Antony and Rigney, Virginia (2023). Experiments in space and pedagogy: Enrico Taglietti’s educational architecture for Canberra and open plan. Making a City by Design: Canberra and the CCAE, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 16 November 2023. |
2023 Conference Publication Re-thinking homes as productive spaces for improved resilient communitiesMicheli, Silvia, Moulis, Antony, Akhgar, Peyman, Ayoko, Remi and Kastelle, Tim (2023). Re-thinking homes as productive spaces for improved resilient communities. Repurposing Places for Social and Environmental Resilience, London, United Kingdom, 23-24 March 2023. London, United Kingdom: Counterarchitecture, in collaboration with UEL and Arup. |
2023 Conference Publication The productive house and suburban entrepreneurialism: rethinking the domestic space for urban resilienceMicheli, Silvia, Moulis, Antony, Ayoko, Remi and Akhgar, Peyman (2023). The productive house and suburban entrepreneurialism: rethinking the domestic space for urban resilience. Livable Cities: A Conference on Issues Affecting Life in Cities, New York, NY United States, 14-16 June 2023. |
2021 Conference Publication Process of a global triangulation of cultures: how Alvar Aalto's design methodology crossed the Asia pacificMicheli, Silvia and Sarvimaki, Marja (2021). Process of a global triangulation of cultures: how Alvar Aalto's design methodology crossed the Asia pacific. 16th International Docomomo Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 29 August - 2 September 2021. Tokyo, Japan: Docomomo. |
2020 Conference Publication The ecology of (sub)tropical residential architecture in urban Vietnam and AustraliaMicheli, Silvia (2020). The ecology of (sub)tropical residential architecture in urban Vietnam and Australia. Urban Tropicality: 7th International Network of Tropical Architecture Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 5-8 December 2019. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. |
2018 Conference Publication New inner-city living: testing the micro-contextMicheli, Silvia and Moulis, Antony (2018). New inner-city living: testing the micro-context. Annual Design Research Conference (ADR18), Sydney, NSW, Australia, 27-28 September 2018. Sydney, NSW, Australia: The University of Sydney. |
2016 Conference Publication Queensland, golden chips and the temptation of the Asia-Pacific modelBischeri, Cecilia and Micheli, Silvia (2016). Queensland, golden chips and the temptation of the Asia-Pacific model. Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 6-9 July 2016. Melbourne, Australia: SAHANZ. |
2015 Conference Publication Brisbane, Australia’s new world city: the making of public and institutional spaces in South Bank from Expo ’88 to the G20Micheli, Silvia (2015). Brisbane, Australia’s new world city: the making of public and institutional spaces in South Bank from Expo ’88 to the G20. Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 7-10 July 2015. Sydney, NSW, Australia: SAHANZ. |
2014 Conference Publication Building European taste in broader communities: The role of the David Jones stores in the promotion of design and architecture in AustraliaMicheli, Silvia (2014). Building European taste in broader communities: The role of the David Jones stores in the promotion of design and architecture in Australia. EAHN Turin 2014: European Architectural History Network Third International Meeting, Turin, Italy, 19 - 21 June 2014. Torino, Italy: Politecnico di Torino. |
2013 Conference Publication Architecture in a foreign language: how Italy has recognized foreign architecture in the last twenty yearsMicheli, Silvia (2013). Architecture in a foreign language: how Italy has recognized foreign architecture in the last twenty years. Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) Annual Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 2-5 July, 2013. Gold Coast, QLD, Australia: SAHANZ: Society of Architectural Historians, Australia & New Zealand. |
2012 Conference Publication At the origins of postmodernism: Paolo Portoghesi's studies on baroque architectureMicheli, Silvia (2012). At the origins of postmodernism: Paolo Portoghesi's studies on baroque architecture. Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) Annual Conference, Launceston, TAS, Australia, 5-8 July 2012. Launceston, TAS, Australia: SAHANZ. |
2012 Conference Publication Exploring the edge of orthodoxy: The Baroque as read by Paolo PortoghesiMicheli, Silvia (2012). Exploring the edge of orthodoxy: The Baroque as read by Paolo Portoghesi. 2nd International Meeting of the European Architectural History Network, Brussels, Belgium, 31 May - 3 June 2012. Brussels, Belgium: KVAB Press. |
2011 Conference Publication Look at the architect! The effects of the star system on the communication of contemporary architectureMicheli, Silvia (2011). Look at the architect! The effects of the star system on the communication of contemporary architecture. Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) Annual Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 7-10 July 2011. Brisbane, Australia: Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ). |