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Journal Article

ReX: A suite of computational tools for the design, visualization, and analysis of chimeric protein libraries

Huang, Weiliang, Johnston, Wayne A., Boden, Mikael and Gillam, Elizabeth M.J. (2016). ReX: A suite of computational tools for the design, visualization, and analysis of chimeric protein libraries. BioTechniques, 60 (2), 91-94. doi: 10.2144/000114381

ReX: A suite of computational tools for the design, visualization, and analysis of chimeric protein libraries


Journal Article

Cell-type-specific expression of NFIX in the developing and adult cerebellum

Fraser, James, Essebier, Alexandra, Gronostajski, Richard M., Boden, Mikael, Wainwright, Brandon J., Harvey, Tracey J. and Piper, Michael (2016). Cell-type-specific expression of NFIX in the developing and adult cerebellum. Brain Structure and Function, 222 (5), 1-20. doi: 10.1007/s00429-016-1340-8

Cell-type-specific expression of NFIX in the developing and adult cerebellum


Journal Article

Sequencing technologies and tools for short tandem repeat variation detection

Cao, Minh Duc, Balasubramanian, Sureshkumar and Boden, Mikael (2015). Sequencing technologies and tools for short tandem repeat variation detection. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 16 (2) bbu001, 193-204. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbu001

Sequencing technologies and tools for short tandem repeat variation detection


Journal Article

A bioinformatics tool for epitope-based vaccine design that accounts for human ethnic diversity: Application to emerging infectious diseases.

Oyarzun, Patricio, Ellis, Jonathan J., Gonzalez-Galarza, Faviel F., Jones, Andrew R, Middleton, Derek, Boden, Mikael and Kobe, Bostjan (2015). A bioinformatics tool for epitope-based vaccine design that accounts for human ethnic diversity: Application to emerging infectious diseases.. Vaccine, 33 (10), 1267-1273. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.01.040

A bioinformatics tool for epitope-based vaccine design that accounts for human ethnic diversity: Application to emerging infectious diseases.


Journal Article

Dynamics of re-constitution of the human nuclear proteome after cell division is regulated by NLS-adjacent phosphorylation

Roona, Gergely, Borsos, Mate, Ellis, Jonathan J., Mehdi, Ahmed M., Christie, Mary, Koornyei, Zsuzsanna, Neubrandt, Mate, Tooth, Judit, Bozooky, Zoltan, Buday, Laszlo, Madaraasz, Emilia, Bodaen, Mikael, Kobe, Bostjan and Veertessy, Beata G. (2014). Dynamics of re-constitution of the human nuclear proteome after cell division is regulated by NLS-adjacent phosphorylation. Cell Cycle, 13 (22), 3551-3564. doi: 10.4161/15384101.2014.960740

Dynamics of re-constitution of the human nuclear proteome after cell division is regulated by NLS-adjacent phosphorylation


Journal Article

PhosphoPICK: modelling cellular context to map kinase-substrate phosphorylation events

Patrick, Ralph, Lê Cao, Kim-Anh, Kobe, Bostjan and Bodén, Mikael (2014). PhosphoPICK: modelling cellular context to map kinase-substrate phosphorylation events. Bioinformatics, 31 (3), 382-389. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu663

PhosphoPICK: modelling cellular context to map kinase-substrate phosphorylation events


Journal Article

Importin alpha and nonclassical nuclear localization signal

Chang, Chiung-Wen, Couñago, Rafael, Williams, Simon, Bodén, Mikael and Kobe, Boštjan (2014). Importin alpha and nonclassical nuclear localization signal. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, 70 (a1), C1634-C1634. doi: 10.1107/s205327331408365x

Importin alpha and nonclassical nuclear localization signal


Journal Article

Dimensionality reduction and topographic mapping of binary tensors

Mazgut, Jakub, Tino, Peter, Boden, Mikael and Yan, Hong (2014). Dimensionality reduction and topographic mapping of binary tensors. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 17 (3), 497-515. doi: 10.1007/s10044-013-0317-y

Dimensionality reduction and topographic mapping of binary tensors


Journal Article

Predicting the dynamics of protein abundance

Mehdi, Ahmed M., Patrick, Ralph, Bailey, Timothy L. and Boden, Mikael (2014). Predicting the dynamics of protein abundance. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 13 (5), 1330-1340. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M113.033076

Predicting the dynamics of protein abundance


Journal Article

Inferring short tandem repeat variation from paired-end short reads

Cao, Minh Duc, Tasker, Edward, Willadsen, Kai, Imelfort, Michael, Vishwanathan, Sailaja, Sureshkumar, Sridevi, Balasubramanian, Sureshkumar and Bodén, Mikael (2014). Inferring short tandem repeat variation from paired-end short reads. Nucleic Acids Research, 42 (3) ARTN e16, e16.1-e16.11. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt1313

Inferring short tandem repeat variation from paired-end short reads


Journal Article

Distinctive conformation of minor site-specific nuclear localization signals bound to importin-α

Chang, Chiung-Wen, Counago, Rafael Miguez, Williams, Simon J., Boden, Mikael and Kobe, Bostjan (2013). Distinctive conformation of minor site-specific nuclear localization signals bound to importin-α. Traffic, 14 (11), 1144-1154. doi: 10.1111/tra.12098

Distinctive conformation of minor site-specific nuclear localization signals bound to importin-α


Journal Article

PREDIVAC: CD4+T-cell epitope prediction for vaccine design that covers 95% of HLA class II DR protein diversity

Oyarzun, Patricio, Ellis, Jonathan J., Boden, Mikael and Kobe, Bostjan (2013). PREDIVAC: CD4+T-cell epitope prediction for vaccine design that covers 95% of HLA class II DR protein diversity. BMC Bioinformatics, 14 (1) 52, 52. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-14-52

PREDIVAC: CD4+T-cell epitope prediction for vaccine design that covers 95% of HLA class II DR protein diversity


Journal Article

Repeat-encoded poly-Q tracts show statistical commonalities across species

Willadsen, Kai, Minh Duc Cao, Wiles, Janet, Balasubramanian, Sureshkumar and Boden, Mikael (2013). Repeat-encoded poly-Q tracts show statistical commonalities across species. Bmc Genomics, 14 (1) 76, 76.1-76.10. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-76

Repeat-encoded poly-Q tracts show statistical commonalities across species


Journal Article

DLocalMotif: a discriminative approach for discovering local motifs in protein sequences

Mehdi, Ahmed M., Sehgal, Muhammad Shoaib B., Kobe, Bostjan, Bailey, Timothy L. and Boden, Mikael (2013). DLocalMotif: a discriminative approach for discovering local motifs in protein sequences. Bioinformatics, 29 (1), 39-46. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts654

DLocalMotif: a discriminative approach for discovering local motifs in protein sequences


Journal Article

The distribution of different classes of nuclear localization signals (NLSs) in diverse organisms and the utilization of the minor NLS-binding site in plant nuclear import factor importin-α

Chang, Chiung-Wen, Counago, Rafael Miguez, Williams, Simon J., Boden, Mikael and Kobe, Bostjan (2013). The distribution of different classes of nuclear localization signals (NLSs) in diverse organisms and the utilization of the minor NLS-binding site in plant nuclear import factor importin-α. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 8 (10), e25976.1-e25976.6. doi: 10.4161/psb.25976

The distribution of different classes of nuclear localization signals (NLSs) in diverse organisms and the utilization of the minor NLS-binding site in plant nuclear import factor importin-α


Journal Article

Crystal structure of rice importin-alpha and structural basis of its interaction with plant-specific nuclear localization signals

Chang, Chiung-Wen, Counago, Rafael Lemos Miguez, Williams, Simon J., Boden, Mikael and Kobe, Bostjan (2012). Crystal structure of rice importin-alpha and structural basis of its interaction with plant-specific nuclear localization signals. Plant Cell, 24 (12), 5074-5088. doi: 10.1105/tpc.112.104422

Crystal structure of rice importin-alpha and structural basis of its interaction with plant-specific nuclear localization signals


Journal Article

NSort/DB: an intra-nuclear compartment protein database

Willadsen, Kai, Mohamad, Nurul and Boden, Mikael (2012). NSort/DB: an intra-nuclear compartment protein database. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 10 (4), 226-229. doi: 10.1016/j.gpb.2012.07.001

NSort/DB: an intra-nuclear compartment protein database


Journal Article

Computational modelling of linear motif-mediated protein interactions

Kobe, Bostjan and Boden, Mikael (2012). Computational modelling of linear motif-mediated protein interactions. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 12 (14), 1553-1561. doi: 10.2174/156802612802652439

Computational modelling of linear motif-mediated protein interactions


Journal Article

Mapping the stabilome: a novel computational method for classifying metabolic protein stability

Patrick, Ralph, Cao, Kim-Anh L., Davis, Melissa, Kobe, Bostjan and Bodén, Mikael (2012). Mapping the stabilome: a novel computational method for classifying metabolic protein stability. BMC Systems Biology, 6 (1) 60, 60.1-60.15. doi: 10.1186/1752-0509-6-60

Mapping the stabilome: a novel computational method for classifying metabolic protein stability


Journal Article

Matching cavities in G protein-coupled receptors to infer ligand-binding sites

Madala, Praveen K., Fairlie, David P. and Bodén, Mikael (2012). Matching cavities in G protein-coupled receptors to infer ligand-binding sites. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 52 (5), 1401-1410. doi: 10.1021/ci2005498

Matching cavities in G protein-coupled receptors to infer ligand-binding sites