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Journal Article

Molecular basis for specificity of nuclear import and prediction of nuclear localization

Marfori, Mary, Mynott, Andrew, Ellis, Jonathan J., Mehdi, Ahmed M., Saunders, Neil F. W., Curmi, Paul M., Forwood, Jade K., Bodén, Mikael and Kobe, Bostjan (2011). Molecular basis for specificity of nuclear import and prediction of nuclear localization. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA): Molecular Cell Research, 1813 (9), 1562-1577. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2010.10.013

Molecular basis for specificity of nuclear import and prediction of nuclear localization


Journal Article

Sorting the nuclear proteome

Bauer, Denis C., Willadsen, Kai, Buske, Fabian A., Lê Cao, Kim-Anh, Bailey, Timothy L., Dellaire, Graham and Bodén, Mikael (2011). Sorting the nuclear proteome. Bioinformatics, 27 (13) btr217, i7-i14. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr217

Sorting the nuclear proteome


Journal Article

A probabilistic model of nuclear import of proteins

Mehdi, Ahmed M., Sehgal, Muhammad Shoaib B., Kobe, Bostjan, Bailey, Timothy L. and Boden, Mikael (2011). A probabilistic model of nuclear import of proteins. Bioinformatics, 27 (9) btr121, 1239-1246. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr121

A probabilistic model of nuclear import of proteins


Journal Article

Using Gaussian process with test rejection to detect T-Cell epitopes in pathogen genomes

You, Liwen, Brusic, Vladimir, Gallagher, Marcus and Boden, Mikael (2010). Using Gaussian process with test rejection to detect T-Cell epitopes in pathogen genomes. IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 7 (4) 4695825, 741-751. doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2008.131

Using Gaussian process with test rejection to detect T-Cell epitopes in pathogen genomes


Journal Article

Predicting SUMOylation sites in developmental transcription factors of Drosophila melanogaster

Bauer, Denis C., Buske, Fabian A., Bailey, Timothy L. and Boden, Mikael (2010). Predicting SUMOylation sites in developmental transcription factors of Drosophila melanogaster. Neurocomputing, 73 (13-15), 2300-2307. doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2010.01.022

Predicting SUMOylation sites in developmental transcription factors of Drosophila melanogaster


Journal Article

The proteins of intra-nuclear bodies: A data-driven analysis of sequence, interaction and expression

Mohamad, Nurul and Bodén, Mikael (2010). The proteins of intra-nuclear bodies: A data-driven analysis of sequence, interaction and expression. BMC Systems Biology, 4 (44) 44, 1-12. doi: 10.1186/1752-0509-4-44

The proteins of intra-nuclear bodies: A data-driven analysis of sequence, interaction and expression


Journal Article

The value of position-specific priors in motif discovery using MEME

Bailey, Timothy L., Bodén, Mikael, Whitington, Tom and Machanick, Philip (2010). The value of position-specific priors in motif discovery using MEME. BMC Bioinformatics, 11 (179) 179, 1-14. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-179

The value of position-specific priors in motif discovery using MEME


Journal Article

Assigning roles to DNA regulatory motifs using comparative genomics

Buske, Fabian A., Boden, Mikael, Bauer, Denis C. and Bailey, Timothy L. (2010). Assigning roles to DNA regulatory motifs using comparative genomics. Bioinformatics, 26 (7) btq049, 860-866. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btq049

Assigning roles to DNA regulatory motifs using comparative genomics


Journal Article

A bayesian network model of proteins' association with promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies

Boden, Mikael, Dellaire, Graham, Burrage, Kevin and Bailey, Timothy L. (2010). A bayesian network model of proteins' association with promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies. Journal of Computational Biology, 17 (4), 617-630. doi: 10.1089/cmb.2009.0140

A bayesian network model of proteins' association with promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies


Journal Article

In silico characterization of protein chimeras: Relating sequence and function within the same fold

Buske, Fabian A., Their, Ricarda, Gillam, Elizabeth M. J. and Boden, Mikael (2009). In silico characterization of protein chimeras: Relating sequence and function within the same fold. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 77 (1), 111-120. doi: 10.1002/prot.22422

In silico characterization of protein chimeras: Relating sequence and function within the same fold


Journal Article

It's about time: Signal recognition in staged models of protein translocation

Buske, Fabian A., Maetschke, Stefan and Boden, Mikael (2009). It's about time: Signal recognition in staged models of protein translocation. Pattern Recognition, 42 (4), 567-574. doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2008.09.020

It's about time: Signal recognition in staged models of protein translocation


Journal Article

MEME suite: Tools for motif discovery and searching

Bailey, T. L., Boden, M. B., Buske, F. A., Frith, M., Grant, C. E., Clementi, L., Ren, J. Y., Li, W. W. and Noble, W. S. (2009). MEME suite: Tools for motif discovery and searching. Nucleic Acids Research, 37 (Suppl. 2), W202-W208. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkp335

MEME suite: Tools for motif discovery and searching


Journal Article

Determining nucleolar association from sequence by leveraging protein-protein interactions

Boden, M. and Teasdale, R. D. (2008). Determining nucleolar association from sequence by leveraging protein-protein interactions. Journal of Computational Biology, 15 (3), 291-304. doi: 10.1089/cmb.2007.0163

Determining nucleolar association from sequence by leveraging protein-protein interactions


Journal Article

Associating transcription factor-binding site motifs with target GO terms and target genes

Boden, M. and Bailey, T. L. (2008). Associating transcription factor-binding site motifs with target GO terms and target genes. Nucleic Acids Research, 36 (12), 4108-4117. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkn374

Associating transcription factor-binding site motifs with target GO terms and target genes


Journal Article

Network: Computation in Neural Systems: Editorial

Goodhill, Geoff, Baker, Curtis, Balasubramanian, Vijay, Bazhenov, Maxim, Beck, Jeffrey, Becker, Sue, Bethge, Matthias, Boahen, Kwabena, Boden, Mikael, Bonin, Vincent, Bouret, Sebastien, Fairhall, Adrienne, Flash, Tamar, French, Robert, Gillies, Andrew, Gollisch, Tim, Gurney, Kevin, Gutkin, Boris, Hayhoe, Mary, Hunt, Jonathan, Ibbotson, Michael, Kepecs, Adam, Kingdom, Fred, Kropff, Emilio, Longden, Kit, Marder, Eve, Miikkulainen, Risto, Oliva, Aude, Olshausen, Bruno ... Zhaoping, Li (2008). Network: Computation in Neural Systems: Editorial. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 19 (1), 1-2. doi: 10.1080/09548980801915409

Network: Computation in Neural Systems: Editorial


Journal Article

Computing the reversal distance between genomes in the presence of multi-gene families via binary integer programming

Suksawatchon, J., Lursinsap, C. and Boden, M. (2007). Computing the reversal distance between genomes in the presence of multi-gene families via binary integer programming. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 5 (1), 117-133. doi: 10.1142/S0219720007002552

Computing the reversal distance between genomes in the presence of multi-gene families via binary integer programming


Journal Article

Identifying novel peroxisomal proteins

Hawkins, J., Mahony, D., Maetschke, S., Wakabayashi, M., Teasdale, R. D. and Boden, M. (2007). Identifying novel peroxisomal proteins. Proteins: Structure Function and Bioinformatics, 69 (3), 606-616. doi: 10.1002/prot.21420

Identifying novel peroxisomal proteins


Journal Article

Evolving spelling exercises to suit individual student needs

Boden, Marie and Boden, Mikael (2007). Evolving spelling exercises to suit individual student needs. Applied Soft Computing, 7 (1), 126-135. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2005.03.001

Evolving spelling exercises to suit individual student needs


Journal Article

Predicting Nuclear Localization

Hawkins, John, Davis, Lynne and Boden, Mikael (2007). Predicting Nuclear Localization. Journal of Proteome Research, 6 (4), 1402-1409. doi: 10.1021/pr060564n

Predicting Nuclear Localization


Journal Article

Detecting and sorting targeting peptides wtih neural networks and support vector machines

Hawkins, John and Boden, Mikael (2006). Detecting and sorting targeting peptides wtih neural networks and support vector machines. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 4 (1), 1-18. doi: 10.1142/S0219720006001771

Detecting and sorting targeting peptides wtih neural networks and support vector machines