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Journal Article

The early Jewish reception of Kantian philosophy

Hunter, Ian (2022). The early Jewish reception of Kantian philosophy. Modern Intellectual History, 19 (1), 159-186. doi: 10.1017/S1479244320000359

The early Jewish reception of Kantian philosophy


Journal Article

The contest over context in intellectual history

Hunter, Ian (2019). The contest over context in intellectual history. History and Theory, 58 (2), 185-209. doi: 10.1111/hith.12109

The contest over context in intellectual history


Journal Article

The invention of human nature: the intention and reception of Pufendorf’s entia moralia doctrine

Hunter, Ian (2019). The invention of human nature: the intention and reception of Pufendorf’s entia moralia doctrine. History of European Ideas, 45 (7), 1-20. doi: 10.1080/01916599.2019.1614813

The invention of human nature: the intention and reception of Pufendorf’s entia moralia doctrine


Journal Article

Science as a Vocation, Philosophy as a Religion

Hunter, Ian (2018). Science as a Vocation, Philosophy as a Religion. Sociologica: International Journal for Sociological Debate, 12 (1), 137-153. doi: 10.6092/issn.1971-8853/8436

Science as a Vocation, Philosophy as a Religion


Journal Article

Public law and the limits of philosophy: German idealism and the religious constitution

Hunter, Ian (2018). Public law and the limits of philosophy: German idealism and the religious constitution. Critical Inquiry, 44 (3), 528-553. doi: 10.1086/696922

Public law and the limits of philosophy: German idealism and the religious constitution


Journal Article

Johann Jakob Moser and Immanuel Kant on Public Law and the German Religious Constitution

Hunter, Ian (2018). Johann Jakob Moser and Immanuel Kant on Public Law and the German Religious Constitution. Kant and His German Contemporaries, Vol Ii: Aesthetics, History, Politics, and Religion, 150-169.

Johann Jakob Moser and Immanuel Kant on Public Law and the German Religious Constitution


Journal Article

Giorgio Agamben's genealogy of office

Hunter, Ian (2017). Giorgio Agamben's genealogy of office. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 4 (2), 166-199. doi: 10.1080/23254823.2017.1300541

Giorgio Agamben's genealogy of office


Journal Article

Giorgio Agamben's Form of life

Hunter, Ian (2017). Giorgio Agamben's Form of life. Politics, Religion and Ideology, 18 (2), 135-156. doi: 10.1080/21567689.2017.1327852

Giorgio Agamben's Form of life


Journal Article

Pufendorf’s philosophy

Hunter, Ian (2017). Pufendorf’s philosophy. Online Library of Liberty, 1-1.

Pufendorf’s philosophy


Journal Article

Response to Haakonssen

Hunter, Ian (2017). Response to Haakonssen. Online Library of Liberty, 1-1.

Response to Haakonssen


Journal Article

Review of Justin E.H. Smith, The philosopher: a history in six types

Hunter, Ian (2016). Review of Justin E.H. Smith, The philosopher: a history in six types. Intellectual History Review, 26 (4), 566-569. doi: 10.1080/17496977.2016.1225373

Review of Justin E.H. Smith, The philosopher: a history in six types


Journal Article

Heideggerian mathematics: Badiou's Being and Event as spiritual pedagogy

Hunter, Ian (2016). Heideggerian mathematics: Badiou's Being and Event as spiritual pedagogy. Representations, 134 (Spring 2016), 116-156. doi: 10.1525/rep.2016.134.5.116

Heideggerian mathematics: Badiou's Being and Event as spiritual pedagogy


Journal Article

About the dialectical historiography of international law

Hunter, Ian (2016). About the dialectical historiography of international law. Global Intellectual History, 1 (1), 1-32. doi: 10.1080/23801883.2016.1155863

About the dialectical historiography of international law


Journal Article

Hayden White's philosophical history

Hunter, Ian (2014). Hayden White's philosophical history. New Literary History, 45 (3), 331-358. doi: 10.1353/nlh.2014.0023

Hayden White's philosophical history


Journal Article

Secularization: the birth of a modern combat concept

Hunter, Ian (2014). Secularization: the birth of a modern combat concept. Modern Intellectual History, 12 (1), 1-32. doi: 10.1017/S1479244314000158

Secularization: the birth of a modern combat concept


Journal Article

Religious freedom in early modern Germany: theology, philosophy, and legal casuistry

Hunter, Ian (2014). Religious freedom in early modern Germany: theology, philosophy, and legal casuistry. South Atlantic Quarterly, 113 (1), 37-62. doi: 10.1215/00382876-2390419

Religious freedom in early modern Germany: theology, philosophy, and legal casuistry


Journal Article

The mythos, ethos, and pathos of the humanities

Hunter, Ian (2014). The mythos, ethos, and pathos of the humanities. History of European Ideas, 40 (1), 11-36. doi: 10.1080/01916599.2013.784030

The mythos, ethos, and pathos of the humanities


Journal Article

The figure of man and the territorialisation of justice in enlightenment natural law: Pufendorf and vattel

Hunter, Ian (2013). The figure of man and the territorialisation of justice in enlightenment natural law: Pufendorf and vattel. Intellectual History Review, 23 (3), 289-307. doi: 10.1080/17496977.2012.723335

The figure of man and the territorialisation of justice in enlightenment natural law: Pufendorf and vattel


Journal Article

Kant and Vattel in context: cosmopolitan philosophy and diplomatic casuistry

Hunter, Ian (2013). Kant and Vattel in context: cosmopolitan philosophy and diplomatic casuistry. History of European Ideas, 39 (4), 477-502. doi: 10.1080/01916599.2012.727145

Kant and Vattel in context: cosmopolitan philosophy and diplomatic casuistry


Journal Article

English blasphemy

Hunter, Ian (2013). English blasphemy. Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, 4 (3), 403-428. doi: 10.1353/hum.2013.0022

English blasphemy