2024 Book Chapter The Philosophical Personae of Joseph Weber (1753–1831): Catholic Philosopher-Priest at the University of DillingenHunter, Ian (2024). The Philosophical Personae of Joseph Weber (1753–1831): Catholic Philosopher-Priest at the University of Dillingen. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. (pp. 143-152) Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-76037-2_15 |
2019 Book Chapter The contested persona of the historian: on the origins of a permanent conflictHunter, Ian (2019). The contested persona of the historian: on the origins of a permanent conflict. How to be a historian: scholarly personae in historical studies, 1800-2000. (pp. 15-35) edited by Herman Paul. Manchester, United Kingdom: Manchester University Press. |
2019 Book Chapter Theory and practice in the natural law of Christian ThomasiusHunter, Ian (2019). Theory and practice in the natural law of Christian Thomasius. Philosophy, rights and natural law: essays in honour of Knud Haakonssen. (pp. 169-195) edited by Ian Hunter and Richard Whatmore. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press. |
2014 Book Chapter The uses of natural law in early modern Germany: Christian Thomasius's reshaping of the legal personaHunter, Ian (2014). The uses of natural law in early modern Germany: Christian Thomasius's reshaping of the legal persona. Reading and Writing History from Bruni to Windschuttle: Essays in Honour of Gary Ianziti. (pp. 125-140) edited by Christian Thorsten Callisen. Farnham, England: Ashgate. |
2014 Book Chapter The law of nature and nationsHunter, Ian (2014). The law of nature and nations. The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Philosophy. (pp. 559-592) edited by Aaron Garrett. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge. |
2014 Book Chapter The law of nature and nationsHunter, Ian (2014). The law of nature and nations. The Routledge companion to eighteenth century philosophy. (pp. 559-592) edited by Aaron Garrett. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315815558-36 |
2013 Book Chapter Vattel in revolutionary America: from the rules of war to the rule of lawHunter, Ian (2013). Vattel in revolutionary America: from the rules of war to the rule of law. Between Indigenous and Settler Governance. (pp. 12-22) edited by Lisa Ford and Tim Rowse. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203085028 |
2013 Book Chapter The Tolerationist Programs of Thomasius and LockeHunter, Ian (2013). The Tolerationist Programs of Thomasius and Locke. Natural law and toleration in the early enlightenment. (pp. 107-137) edited by Jon Parkin and Timothy Stanton. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.5871/bacad/9780197265406.003.0005 |
2013 Book Chapter Vattel in revolutionary America: from the rules of war to the rule of lawHunter, Ian (2013). Vattel in revolutionary America: from the rules of war to the rule of law. Between Indigenous and settler governance. (pp. 12-22) edited by Lisa Ford and Tim Rowse. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203085028-8 |
2012 Book Chapter Kant's political thought in the Prussian EnlightenmentHunter, Ian (2012). Kant's political thought in the Prussian Enlightenment. Kant's political theory: interpretations and applications. (pp. 170-207) edited by Elisabeth Ellis. University Park, PA USA: The Pennsylvania State University Press. |
2012 Book Chapter Kant's political thought in the Prussian enlightenmentHunter, Ian (2012). Kant's political thought in the Prussian enlightenment. Kant's political theory: interpretations and applications. (pp. 170-207) edited by Elizabeth Ellis. University Park, PA, United States: Pennsylvania State University Press. |
2012 Book Chapter Theory time: on the history of poststructuralismHunter, Ian (2012). Theory time: on the history of poststructuralism. Taking stock: the humanities in Australian life since 1968. (pp. 75-114) edited by Mark Finnane and Ian Donaldson. Nedlands, WA, Australia: University of Western Australia Press. |
2011 Book Chapter Libertad religiosa y coaccion racional. Thomasius y Locke sobre la toleranciaHunter, Ian (2011). Libertad religiosa y coaccion racional. Thomasius y Locke sobre la tolerancia. Forjadores de la tolerancia. (pp. 116-140) edited by Ma José Villaverde and John Christian Laursen. Madrid, Spain: Editorial Tecnos. |
2011 Book Chapter Natural law as political philosophyHunter, Ian (2011). Natural law as political philosophy. The Oxford handbook of philosophy in early modern Europe. (pp. 475-499) edited by Desmond M. Clarke and Catherine Wilson. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199556137.003.0023 |
2010 Book Chapter The man and the citizen: The pluralization of civil personae in early modern German natural lawHunter, Ian (2010). The man and the citizen: The pluralization of civil personae in early modern German natural law. Security, state and subject formation. (pp. 16-35) edited by Anna Yeatman and Magdalena Żółkoś. New York, U.S.A.: Continuum International Publishing Group. |
2010 Book Chapter Global justice and regional metaphysics: On the critical history of the law of nature and nationsHunter, Ian (2010). Global justice and regional metaphysics: On the critical history of the law of nature and nations. Law and politics in British Colonial thought: Transpositions of empire. (pp. 11-30) edited by Shaunnagh Dorsett and Ian Hunter. New York, U.S.A.: Palgrave Macmillan. |
2010 Book Chapter Die geschichte der philosophie und die persona des philosophenHunter, Ian (2010). Die geschichte der philosophie und die persona des philosophen. Die Cambridge School der Politischen Ideengeschichte. (pp. 241-283) edited by Martin Muslow and Andreas Mahler. Berlin, Germany: Suhrkamp Verlag. |
2009 Book Chapter The shallow legitimacy of secular liberal orders: The case of early modern Brandenburg-PrussiaHunter, Ian (2009). The shallow legitimacy of secular liberal orders: The case of early modern Brandenburg-Prussia. Secularism, religion and multicultural citizenship. (pp. 27-55) edited by Geoffrey Brahm Levey and Tariq Modood. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. |
2007 Book Chapter IntroductionHunter, Ian, Ahnert, Thomas and Grunert, Frank (2007). Introduction. Essays on church, state, and politics. (pp. ix-xxi) edited by Knud Haakonssen. Indianapolis, U.S.A.: Liberty Fund. |
2006 Book Chapter IntroductionGaukroger, S., Hunter, Ian and Condren, Conal (2006). Introduction. The philosopher in early modern Europe: The nature of a contested identity. (pp. 1-16) edited by Conal Condren, Stephen Gaukroger and Ian Hunter. Cambridge, UK ; New York: Cambridge University Press. |