2014 Conference Publication Law, war, and empire in early modern protestant Jus Gentium: the casuistries of Gentili and VattelHunter, Ian (2014). Law, war, and empire in early modern protestant Jus Gentium: the casuistries of Gentili and Vattel. Convegno XIV Giornata Gentiliana, Milan, Italy, 24-25 September 2010. Milan, Italy: Giuffrè. |
2009 Conference Publication Theory time: on the history of poststructuralismHunter, Ian (2009). Theory time: on the history of poststructuralism. The 40th Annual Symposium of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, Canberra, Australia, 19-20 November 2009. Canberra, Australia: The Australian Academy of the Humanities. |
2006 Conference Publication IntroductionCondren, Conal, Gaukroger, Stephen and Hunter, Ian (2006). Introduction. International Workshop on the Persona of the Philosopher in Early Modern Europe, Brisbane Australia, Jul 07-08, 2004. CAMBRIDGE: CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511490460.001 |
2006 Conference Publication The university philosopher in early modern GermanyHunter, Ian (2006). The university philosopher in early modern Germany. International Workshop on the Persona of the Philosopher in Early Modern Europe, Brisbane Australia, Jul 07-08, 2004. CAMBRIDGE: CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511490460.003 |
2003 Conference Publication Arguments over obligation: Teaching time and place in moral philosophyHunter, Ian (2003). Arguments over obligation: Teaching time and place in moral philosophy. Teaching the New Histories of Philosophy: A Conference, Princeton, NJ, United States of America, 4-6 April 2003. Princeton, NJ, United States of America: University Center for Human Values, Princeton University. |