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Journal Article

Comparison of PI and fuzzy logic based sliding mode locomotive creep controls with change of rail-wheel contact conditions

Tian, Ye, Daniel, William J.T., Liu, Sheng and Meehan, Paul A. (2015). Comparison of PI and fuzzy logic based sliding mode locomotive creep controls with change of rail-wheel contact conditions. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 3 (1), 40-59. doi: 10.1080/23248378.2014.994259

Comparison of PI and fuzzy logic based sliding mode locomotive creep controls with change of rail-wheel contact conditions


Journal Article

Dynamic response of a locomotive with AC electric drives to changes in friction conditions

Liu, Sheng, Tian, Ye, Daniel, William J. T. and Meehan, Paul A. (2015). Dynamic response of a locomotive with AC electric drives to changes in friction conditions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 231 (1), 90-103. doi: 10.1177/0954409715620535

Dynamic response of a locomotive with AC electric drives to changes in friction conditions


Journal Article

Real-time rail–wheel wear damage control

Tian, Ye, Daniel, J. T. and Meehan, Paul A. (2015). Real-time rail–wheel wear damage control. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 4 (2), 113-129. doi: 10.1080/23248378.2015.1121411

Real-time rail–wheel wear damage control


Journal Article

Tool path strategies and deformation analysis in multi-pass incremental sheet forming process

Liu, Zhaobing, Li, Yanle and Meehan, Paul A. (2014). Tool path strategies and deformation analysis in multi-pass incremental sheet forming process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 75 (1-4), 395-409. doi: 10.1007/s00170-014-6143-6

Tool path strategies and deformation analysis in multi-pass incremental sheet forming process


Journal Article

Sensitivity analysis of simulation model on railway rolling noise prediction

Jiang, Shijie and Meehan, Paul A. (2014). Sensitivity analysis of simulation model on railway rolling noise prediction. International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, 10 (3), 241-256. doi: 10.1504/IJVNV.2014.064258

Sensitivity analysis of simulation model on railway rolling noise prediction


Journal Article

Longwall shearer cutting force estimation

Reid, A. W., McAree, P. R., Meehan, P. A. and Gurgenci, H. (2014). Longwall shearer cutting force estimation. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 136 (3) 031008, 031008. doi: 10.1115/1.4026326

Longwall shearer cutting force estimation


Journal Article

Efficient force prediction for incremental sheet forming and experimental validation

Li, Yanle, Liu, Zhaobing, Lu, Haibo, Daniel, W. J. T. (Bill), Liu, Sheng and Meehan, Paul A. (2014). Efficient force prediction for incremental sheet forming and experimental validation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73 (1-4), 571-587. doi: 10.1007/s00170-014-5665-2

Efficient force prediction for incremental sheet forming and experimental validation


Journal Article

Analysis of the non-Markov parameter in continuous-time signal processing

Varghese, J., Bellette, P. A., Weegink, K. J., Bradley, A. P. and Meehan, P. A. (2014). Analysis of the non-Markov parameter in continuous-time signal processing. Physical Review E, 89 (2) 022109, 022109. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.89.022109

Analysis of the non-Markov parameter in continuous-time signal processing


Journal Article

Investigation of the effect of relative humidity on lateral force in rolling contact and curve squeal

Liu, Xiaogang and Meehan, Paul A. (2014). Investigation of the effect of relative humidity on lateral force in rolling contact and curve squeal. Wear, 310 (1-2), 12-19. doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2013.11.045

Investigation of the effect of relative humidity on lateral force in rolling contact and curve squeal


Journal Article

Modelling and optimization of surface roughness in incremental sheet forming using a multi-objective function

Liu, Zhaobing, Liu, Sheng, Li, Yanle and Meehan, Paul A. (2014). Modelling and optimization of surface roughness in incremental sheet forming using a multi-objective function. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 29 (7), 808-818. doi: 10.1080/10426914.2013.864405

Modelling and optimization of surface roughness in incremental sheet forming using a multi-objective function


Journal Article

Multi-pass deformation design for incremental sheet forming: Analytical modeling, finite element analysis and experimental validation

Liu, Zhaobing, Daniel, William J. T., Li, Yanle, Liu, Sheng and Meehan, Paul A. (2014). Multi-pass deformation design for incremental sheet forming: Analytical modeling, finite element analysis and experimental validation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214 (3), 620-634. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2013.11.010

Multi-pass deformation design for incremental sheet forming: Analytical modeling, finite element analysis and experimental validation


Journal Article

Simulation and experimental observations of effect of different contact interfaces on the incremental sheet forming process

Li, Yanle, Liu, Zhaobing, Daniel, W. J. T. (Bill) and Meehan, P. A. (2014). Simulation and experimental observations of effect of different contact interfaces on the incremental sheet forming process. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 29 (2), 121-128. doi: 10.1080/10426914.2013.822977

Simulation and experimental observations of effect of different contact interfaces on the incremental sheet forming process


Journal Article

"Does god play dice with corrugations?": environmental effects on growth

Meehan, P. A., Bellette, P. A. and Horwood, R. J. (2013). "Does god play dice with corrugations?": environmental effects on growth. Wear, 314 (1-2), 254-260. doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2013.11.027

"Does god play dice with corrugations?": environmental effects on growth


Journal Article

Validation of a prediction model for tangent rail roughness and noise growth

Jiang, S., Meehan, P. A., Bellette, P. A., Thompson, D. J. and Jones, C. J. C. (2013). Validation of a prediction model for tangent rail roughness and noise growth. Wear, 314 (1-2), 261-272. doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2013.11.038

Validation of a prediction model for tangent rail roughness and noise growth


Journal Article

Field statistical and finite element analysis of rail squats

Farjoo, Mohammadali, Daniel, William, Bellette, Paul and Meehan, Paul A. (2013). Field statistical and finite element analysis of rail squats. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 109, 117-129. doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2013.05.004

Field statistical and finite element analysis of rail squats


Journal Article

Efficient micro-electrode recording modeling using a filtered point process

Weegink, Kristian J., Bellette, Paul A., Varghese, John J., Silburn, Peter A., Meehan, Paul A. and Bradley, Andrew P. (2013). Efficient micro-electrode recording modeling using a filtered point process. arXiv Quantitative Biology: Neurons and Cognition, 1307 (5250), 1-22.

Efficient micro-electrode recording modeling using a filtered point process


Journal Article

Vertical wall formation and material flow control for incremental sheet forming by revisiting multistage deformation path strategies

Liu, Zhaobing, Li, Yanle and Meehan, Paul Anthony (2013). Vertical wall formation and material flow control for incremental sheet forming by revisiting multistage deformation path strategies. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 28 (5), 562-571. doi: 10.1080/10426914.2013.763964

Vertical wall formation and material flow control for incremental sheet forming by revisiting multistage deformation path strategies


Journal Article

Railway rolling noise prediction: field validation and sensitivity analysis

Jiang, S., Meehan, P. A., Thompson, D. J. and Jones, C. J.C. (2013). Railway rolling noise prediction: field validation and sensitivity analysis. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 1 (1-2), 109-127. doi: 10.1080/23248378.2013.788359

Railway rolling noise prediction: field validation and sensitivity analysis


Journal Article

Railway rolling noise prediction: field validation and sensitivity analysis

Jiang, S., Meehan, P. A., Thompson, D. J. and Jones, C. J. C. (2013). Railway rolling noise prediction: field validation and sensitivity analysis. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 1 (1-2), 110-127. doi: 10.1080/23248378.2013.788359

Railway rolling noise prediction: field validation and sensitivity analysis


Journal Article

Experimental investigation of mechanical properties, formability and force measurement for AA7075-O aluminum alloy sheets formed by incremental forming

Liu, Zhaobing, Li, Yanle and Meehan, Paul Anthony (2013). Experimental investigation of mechanical properties, formability and force measurement for AA7075-O aluminum alloy sheets formed by incremental forming. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 14 (11), 1891-1899. doi: 10.1007/s12541-013-0255-z

Experimental investigation of mechanical properties, formability and force measurement for AA7075-O aluminum alloy sheets formed by incremental forming