2014 Conference Publication Ageing and health system reforms: critical assessment of trends and innovations in low and middle income countriesMacarayan, E., Curley, M. and Western, M. (2014). Ageing and health system reforms: critical assessment of trends and innovations in low and middle income countries. Universitas 21 Graduate Research Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 30 June-4 July 2014. |
2014 Conference Publication Multidimensional Poverty Dynamics in Contemporary AustraliaMartinez, Arturo, Perales, Francisco, Western, M., Haynes, M. and Tomaszewski, Wojciech (2014). Multidimensional Poverty Dynamics in Contemporary Australia. Summer School on Advanced Poverty Research, University of Bremen, September 2014. |
2013 Conference Publication The Southeast Asian politics of natural resource use: impacts on food and health inequalitiesMacarayan, Erlyn Rachelle K., Curley, Melissa and Western, Mark (2013). The Southeast Asian politics of natural resource use: impacts on food and health inequalities. APSA 2013: Australian Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2013, Perth, WA, Australia, 30 September-1 October, 2013. Parkville, VIC Australia: Australian Political Studies Association. |
2013 Conference Publication Mainstreaming Health Insurance for the Disadvantaged ChildrenMacarayan, Erlyn, Curley, Melissa and Western, Mark (2013). Mainstreaming Health Insurance for the Disadvantaged Children. 8th Health Policy and Services Research Conference, Intercontinental Wellington, New Zealand, 2 - 4 December 2013. |
2013 Conference Publication Fiscal Decentralization, Health Expenditures, and Public Health OutcomesMacarayan, Erlyn Rachelle, Fernandez, Klein, Curley, Melissa and Western, Mark (2013). Fiscal Decentralization, Health Expenditures, and Public Health Outcomes. Rc28 Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 16 - 20 July 2013. St Lucia, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland Institute for Social Science Research. |
2013 Conference Publication Applying Progress as a Tool to Measure Well-beingMacarayan, Erlyn, Curley, Melissa and Western, Mark (2013). Applying Progress as a Tool to Measure Well-being. 2013 Perspectives on Progress Conference, The University of Queensland, 26 - 29 November 2013. St Lucia, Brisbane QLD Australia: The University of Queensland. |
2012 Conference Publication Inequalities in objective and subjective social wellbeingWestern, Mark and Tomaszewski, Wojtek (2012). Inequalities in objective and subjective social wellbeing. Spring 2012 Meeting of ISA RC28, Hong Kong, 10 - 13 May 2012. |
2012 Conference Publication Occupational aspirations account for educational aspirations: questioning the Wisconsin model of socioeconomic attainmentCoates, Rebecca L., Western, Mark C. and Skrbis, Zlatko (2012). Occupational aspirations account for educational aspirations: questioning the Wisconsin model of socioeconomic attainment. TASA 2012: The 17th Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference 2012, St. Lucia, QLD, Australia, 26-29 November, 2012. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The Australian Sociological Association. |
2012 Conference Publication Support teachers’ self-perceptions of their knowledge and pedagogical practices related to reading comprehensionvan Kraayenoord, C. E., Gillies, R., Honan, E., Moni, K., Western, M., Brereton, D. and Muspratt, S. (2012). Support teachers’ self-perceptions of their knowledge and pedagogical practices related to reading comprehension. 36th Annual International Academy for Research In Learning Disabilities Conference, Padua, Italy, 7-9 June 2012. |
2012 Conference Publication Moving to higher quality employment: an exploratory study of multiple job holders in IndonesiaMartinez, Arturo Jr., Western, Mark, Haynes, Michele and Tomaszewski, Wojtek (2012). Moving to higher quality employment: an exploratory study of multiple job holders in Indonesia. Symposium on Asian Perspectives on Social Stratification and Inequality, Sendai, Japan, 27-28 October 2012. |
2011 Conference Publication Developing teachers’ knowledge and pedagogical practices in rural and mining communitiesvan Kraayenoord, C. E., Gillies, R., Honan, E., Moni, K., Western, M. and Brereton, D. (2011). Developing teachers’ knowledge and pedagogical practices in rural and mining communities. Australian Teacher Education Association Conference, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 3-6 July 2011. |
2011 Conference Publication Class Inequality in the Australian Labor MarketWestern, Mark (2011). Class Inequality in the Australian Labor Market. Spring Meeting of the RC28, Colchester, United Kingdom, 13-16 April 2011. |
2011 Conference Publication Class and Earnings Inequality in the Australian Labor MarketWestern, Mark (2011). Class and Earnings Inequality in the Australian Labor Market. New Understandings of Social Class Conference, Canberra, Australia, 27-29 May 2011. |
2010 Conference Publication Adolescent confidence in social aspirations: the effects of social structure, peer and school characteristicsWestern, Mark C. (2010). Adolescent confidence in social aspirations: the effects of social structure, peer and school characteristics. XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology: Sociology on the Move, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-17 July 2010. Ann Arbor, MI, United States: ProQuest. |
2010 Conference Publication Getting a job in Australia: Evidence from ASSA2007 and methodological reflectionsHuang, Xianbi and Western, Mark (2010). Getting a job in Australia: Evidence from ASSA2007 and methodological reflections. ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference 2010, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 1-3 December 2010. Black Rock, VIC, Australia: Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated. |
2010 Conference Publication Meta data standards for managing and archiving longitudinal data: Achieving best practiceMcEachern, Steven, Spallek, Melanie, Haynes, Michele and Western, Mark (2010). Meta data standards for managing and archiving longitudinal data: Achieving best practice. 36th Annual Conference of the International Association for Social Science Information and Technology (IASSIST), Ithaca, New York, U.S.A, 1-4 June 2010. |
2010 Conference Publication Subjective urban quality of life in Queensland: Comparing cities, towns and rural areasMcCrea, R., Western, M. and Shyy, T. (2010). Subjective urban quality of life in Queensland: Comparing cities, towns and rural areas. Social Wellbeing in Queensland Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 15 June 2010. |
2010 Conference Publication Marital status transitions and domestic labour: A multiprocess, multilevel approachHaynes, Michele, Baxter, Janeen, Hewitt, Belinda and Western, Mark (2010). Marital status transitions and domestic labour: A multiprocess, multilevel approach. ASA Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, USA, 13-15 August 2010. Washington, DC, United States: American Sociological Association. |
2010 Conference Publication Social support networks and subjective well-being in QueenslandHuang, Xianbi and Western, Mark (2010). Social support networks and subjective well-being in Queensland. TASA Conference 2010, Sydney, Australia, 6 - 9 December 2010. |
2010 Conference Publication Social support networks and life satisfaction in QueenslandHuang, X. and Western, M. (2010). Social support networks and life satisfaction in Queensland. Social Wellbeing in Queensland Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 15 June 2010. |