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Conference Publication

Lifecourse pathways and housework time: Australia and the United Kingdom

Haynes, Michele, Baxter, Janeen, Hewitt, Belinda and Western, Mark (2009). Lifecourse pathways and housework time: Australia and the United Kingdom. The British Household Panel Study Research Conference, Essex, England, 9-11 July 2009.

Lifecourse pathways and housework time: Australia and the United Kingdom


Conference Publication

Social networks and occupational attainment in Australia

Huang, Xianbi and Western, Mark (2009). Social networks and occupational attainment in Australia. ISA RC28 2009 Annual Spring Meeting: Social Inequality and Social Change, Beijing, China, 14-16 May 2009.

Social networks and occupational attainment in Australia


Conference Publication

Young people, future trajectories and expectations: Report on Wave 1 data from a Queensland longitudinal study

Skrbis, Zlatko, Western, Mark, Tranter, Bruce and Hogan, David (2008). Young people, future trajectories and expectations: Report on Wave 1 data from a Queensland longitudinal study. The Annual Conference of The Australian Sociological Association, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, 2-5 December 2008. Sandy Bay, Tasmania: The Australian Sociological Association.

Young people, future trajectories and expectations: Report on Wave 1 data from a Queensland longitudinal study


Conference Publication

Paid and unpaid Work in Australian households: Towards an understanding of the new gender division of labour

Chesters, Jennifer, Baxter, Janeen and Western, Mark (2008). Paid and unpaid Work in Australian households: Towards an understanding of the new gender division of labour. 10th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 July 2008. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Institute of Family Studies.

Paid and unpaid Work in Australian households: Towards an understanding of the new gender division of labour


Conference Publication

Utilization of computer technology in general practice: Does attitude matter?

Khan, Asad and Western, Mark (2008). Utilization of computer technology in general practice: Does attitude matter?. 2008 GP & PHC Research Conference: Health for All?, Hobart, Tas., Australia, 4-6 June 2008.

Utilization of computer technology in general practice: Does attitude matter?


Conference Publication

Second generation Australians and their aspirations: Do gender and ethnic background matter?

Coates, Rebecca, Skrbis, Zlatko and Western, Mark (2008). Second generation Australians and their aspirations: Do gender and ethnic background matter?. The annual conference of The Australian Sociological Association, Melbourne, Vic., 2 - 5 December 2008. Melbourne, Vic.: TASA.

Second generation Australians and their aspirations: Do gender and ethnic background matter?


Conference Publication

The relationship between parental divorce and children's expectations of their future family life

Hewitt, Belinda, Skrbis, Zlatko and Western, Mark (2008). The relationship between parental divorce and children's expectations of their future family life. 6th Conference of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Oslo, Norway, 18-19 September 2008.

The relationship between parental divorce and children's expectations of their future family life


Conference Publication

Marriage, parenthood and perceived fairness: Changes over the life course

Baxter, J., Haynes, M., Hewitt, B. and Western, M. (2008). Marriage, parenthood and perceived fairness: Changes over the life course. A Decade of the Life Course, Australian National University, Canberra Australia, 29-30 September, 2008.

Marriage, parenthood and perceived fairness: Changes over the life course


Conference Publication

Analysing nominal data from a panel survey: Employment transitions of Australian women

Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark, Yu, Laurel and Spallek, Melanie (2008). Analysing nominal data from a panel survey: Employment transitions of Australian women. American Sociological Association 103rd Annual Meeting 2008: Worlds of Work, Boston, M.A. USA, 1 - 4 August 2008. not available: not available.

Analysing nominal data from a panel survey: Employment transitions of Australian women


Conference Publication

The social and demographic characteristics of cohabiters in Australia: Towards a typology of cohabiting couples

Buchler, Sandra, Baxter, Janeen, Haynes, Michele and Western, Mark (2008). The social and demographic characteristics of cohabiters in Australia: Towards a typology of cohabiting couples. 10th Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, 9 –11 July 2008. Melbourne, Vic., Australia: The Australian Institute of Family Studies.

The social and demographic characteristics of cohabiters in Australia: Towards a typology of cohabiting couples


Conference Publication

Social networks and occupational attainment in Australia: A preliminary analysis

Huang, Xianbi and Western, Mark C. (2008). Social networks and occupational attainment in Australia: A preliminary analysis. The Annual Conference of The Australian Sociological Association 2008, Melbourne, Australia, 02 - 05 December 2008. Melbourne Australia: The Australian Sociological Association.

Social networks and occupational attainment in Australia: A preliminary analysis


Conference Publication

The association between parental divorce and adolescents' expectations of divorce

Hewitt, Belinda, Skrbis, Zlatko and Western, Mark (2007). The association between parental divorce and adolescents' expectations of divorce. Australian Sociological Association & Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand Joint Conference 2007, Auckland, N.Z., 4-7 December 2007. Auckland, N.Z.: University of Auckland, New Zealand.

The association between parental divorce and adolescents' expectations of divorce


Conference Publication

Has the allocation of housework tasks changed between 1986 and 2005?

Chesters, J., Baxter, J. and Western, M. (2007). Has the allocation of housework tasks changed between 1986 and 2005?. Annual Meeting of the Australian Sociological Association, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-8 December 2007. Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland.

Has the allocation of housework tasks changed between 1986 and 2005?


Conference Publication

The gender gap in housework hours: Convergence or divergence in Australia, 1986 and 2005?

Jennifer Chesters, Baxter, Janeen H. and Western, Mark C. (2007). The gender gap in housework hours: Convergence or divergence in Australia, 1986 and 2005?. The Australian Sociological Association (TASA) and the Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (SAANZ) Joint Conference 2007, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-8 December, 2007. Hawthorn, Vic., Australia: The Sociological Association of Australia (TASA).

The gender gap in housework hours: Convergence or divergence in Australia, 1986 and 2005?


Conference Publication

Methods for Categorical Longitudinal Data Analysis: Understanding the Employment Status of Women

Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark, Spallek, M. and Yu, Laurel (2006). Methods for Categorical Longitudinal Data Analysis: Understanding the Employment Status of Women. Spring Bayes 2006, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, 27-29 September 2006.

Methods for Categorical Longitudinal Data Analysis: Understanding the Employment Status of Women


Conference Publication

Has the decline of the male breadwinner family impacted on the division of domestic labour in Australia?

Chesters, J., Baxter, J. and Western, M. (2006). Has the decline of the male breadwinner family impacted on the division of domestic labour in Australia?. The Australian Sociological Association 2006 Annual Conference, Perth, Australia, 5-7 December, 2006.

Has the decline of the male breadwinner family impacted on the division of domestic labour in Australia?


Conference Publication

Marriage dissolution and health amongst the elderly: the role of social and economic resources

Hewitt, Belinda, Turrell, Gavin, Baxter, Janeen and Western, Mark (2006). Marriage dissolution and health amongst the elderly: the role of social and economic resources. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) : 6th Annual Social Policy Research Workshop, Canberra, Australia, 27- 28th November 2006. Canberra, Australia: Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA).

Marriage dissolution and health amongst the elderly: the role of social and economic resources


Conference Publication

Neoliberalism, Gender Inequality and the Australian Labour Market

Van Gellecum, Y. R., Baxter, J. H. and Western, M. C. (2005). Neoliberalism, Gender Inequality and the Australian Labour Market. Community, Place and Change: TASA 2005 Conference - Annual Meeting of the Australian Sociological Association, Hobart, 4-8 December 2005. Tasmania: The Sociological Association of Australia.

Neoliberalism, Gender Inequality and the Australian Labour Market


Conference Publication

Neoliberalism, gender inequality and the Australian labour market

Van Gellecum, Yolanda, Baxter, Janeen and Western, Mark (2005). Neoliberalism, gender inequality and the Australian labour market. TASA 2005 Conference, Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia, 4-8 December 2005. Swinburne, Vic., Australia: The Australian Sociological Association (TASA).

Neoliberalism, gender inequality and the Australian labour market


Conference Publication

Who made the final decision?: Social characteristics and initiator status of marriage breakdown

Hewitt, Belinda, Western, Mark and Baxter, Janeen (2005). Who made the final decision?: Social characteristics and initiator status of marriage breakdown. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs: Seminar Series, Canberra, Australia, 24 August, 2005. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Government, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs: FaHCSIA.

Who made the final decision?: Social characteristics and initiator status of marriage breakdown