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Journal Article

Indigenous public history: Cherbourg’s Marching Girls

Osmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2024). Indigenous public history: Cherbourg’s Marching Girls. The International Journal of the History of Sport. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2024.2391055

Indigenous public history: Cherbourg’s Marching Girls


Journal Article

‘It’s pretty sad if I’m just betting by myself … ’: navigating shame and stigma in everyday sports betting

Irving, Rohann, Olive, Rebecca, Phillips, Murray G. and Carah, Nicholas (2024). ‘It’s pretty sad if I’m just betting by myself … ’: navigating shame and stigma in everyday sports betting. Leisure Studies, 1. doi: 10.1080/02614367.2024.2364788

‘It’s pretty sad if I’m just betting by myself … ’: navigating shame and stigma in everyday sports betting


Journal Article

Sport, identity, and self‐determination: Aboriginal rugby league in Brisbane after the Second World War

Sherwood, Catherine, Aird, Michael, Phillips, Murray G. and Osmond, Gary (2024). Sport, identity, and self‐determination: Aboriginal rugby league in Brisbane after the Second World War. Australian Journal of Politics & History, 70 (4), 683-699. doi: 10.1111/ajph.12984

Sport, identity, and self‐determination: Aboriginal rugby league in Brisbane after the Second World War


Journal Article

Nature games: traditional Indigenous games and environmental stewardship in Oceania

Fabian, Tom, Osmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2024). Nature games: traditional Indigenous games and environmental stewardship in Oceania. Sport History Review, 55 (1), 13-30. doi: 10.1123/shr.2023-0039

Nature games: traditional Indigenous games and environmental stewardship in Oceania


Journal Article

The Double Folds of Racism and History: Silences, Concussion, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Athletes

Phillips, Murray G., Wheeler, Kai W. and Osmond, Gary (2024). The Double Folds of Racism and History: Silences, Concussion, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Athletes. Journal of Sport History, 51 (2), 102-118. doi: 10.5406/21558450.51.2.09

The Double Folds of Racism and History: Silences, Concussion, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Athletes


Journal Article

Concussion’s Past: An Introduction

Townsend, Stephen, Phillips, Murray G., Osmond, Gary and Olive, Rebecca (2024). Concussion’s Past: An Introduction. Journal of Sport History, 51 (2), 2-14. doi: 10.5406/21558450.51.2.02

Concussion’s Past: An Introduction


Journal Article

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sport: sporting literacy, attenuated agency, and survivance

Phillips, Murray G., Osmond, Gary and Wheeler, Keane (2023). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sport: sporting literacy, attenuated agency, and survivance. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 40 (8), 699-718. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2023.2245765

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sport: sporting literacy, attenuated agency, and survivance


Journal Article

Vistas of the field: examining quality indicators of health and physical education journals

Sperka, Leigh and Phillips, Murray G. (2022). Vistas of the field: examining quality indicators of health and physical education journals. Sport, Education and Society, 28 (8), 990-1006. doi: 10.1080/13573322.2022.2096585

Vistas of the field: examining quality indicators of health and physical education journals


Journal Article

‘Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted’: searching for the value of metrics and altmetrics in sociology of sport journals

Olive, Rebecca, Townsend, Stephen and Phillips, Murray G. (2022). ‘Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted’: searching for the value of metrics and altmetrics in sociology of sport journals. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 58 (3) 10126902221107467, 431-454. doi: 10.1177/10126902221107467

‘Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted’: searching for the value of metrics and altmetrics in sociology of sport journals


Journal Article

Fighting colonialism: Olympic boxing and Australian race relations

Osmond, Gary, Phillips, Murray G. and Harvey, Alistair (2022). Fighting colonialism: Olympic boxing and Australian race relations. Journal of Olympic Studies, 3 (1), 72-95. doi: 10.5406/26396025.3.1.05

Fighting colonialism: Olympic boxing and Australian race relations


Journal Article

Tensions, complexities, and compromises: sharing Australian Aboriginal women’s sport history

Phillips, Murray G. and Osmond, Gary (2021). Tensions, complexities, and compromises: sharing Australian Aboriginal women’s sport history. Journal of Sport History, 48 (2), 118-134. doi: 10.5406/21558450.48.2.03

Tensions, complexities, and compromises: sharing Australian Aboriginal women’s sport history


Journal Article

Sisterhood, pleasure and marching: Indigenous women and leisure

Olive, Rebecca, Osmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2021). Sisterhood, pleasure and marching: Indigenous women and leisure. Annals of Leisure Research, 24 (1), 13-28. doi: 10.1080/11745398.2019.1624181

Sisterhood, pleasure and marching: Indigenous women and leisure


Journal Article

Sizing up sport history journals: metrics, sport humanities, and history

Phillips, Murray G. (2020). Sizing up sport history journals: metrics, sport humanities, and history. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 37 (8), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2020.1796652

Sizing up sport history journals: metrics, sport humanities, and history


Journal Article


Phillips, Murray G. (2020). Colin Tatz: POWER AND PERSUASION. Sporting Traditions, 37 (1), 34-39.



Journal Article

Aboriginality, racial discourse and football media in 20th-century Queensland

Sherwood, Catherine, Osmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2020). Aboriginality, racial discourse and football media in 20th-century Queensland. Journal of Australian Studies, 44 (1), 97-113. doi: 10.1080/14443058.2019.1668821

Aboriginality, racial discourse and football media in 20th-century Queensland


Journal Article

Yarning about sport: Indigenous research methodologies and transformative historical narratives

Osmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2019). Yarning about sport: Indigenous research methodologies and transformative historical narratives. International Journal of the History of Sport, 36 (13-14), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2019.1691532

Yarning about sport: Indigenous research methodologies and transformative historical narratives


Journal Article

Indigenous resurgence, regeneration, and decolonization through sport history

Phillips, Murray G., Field, Russell, O'Bonsawin, Christine and Forsyth, Janice (2019). Indigenous resurgence, regeneration, and decolonization through sport history. Journal of Sport History, 46 (2), 143-156. doi: 10.5406/jsporthistory.46.2.0143

Indigenous resurgence, regeneration, and decolonization through sport history


Journal Article

Clay vs. Ali: Distant Reading, Methodology, and Sport History

Townsend, Stephen, Osmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2019). Clay vs. Ali: Distant Reading, Methodology, and Sport History. Journal of Sport History, 46 (3), 380-395. doi: 10.5406/jsporthistory.46.3.0380

Clay vs. Ali: Distant Reading, Methodology, and Sport History


Journal Article

'Where Cassius Clay Ends, Muhammad Ali Begins': sportspeople, political activism, and methodology

Townsend, Stephen, Osmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2018). 'Where Cassius Clay Ends, Muhammad Ali Begins': sportspeople, political activism, and methodology. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 35 (11), 1-27. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2018.1523146

'Where Cassius Clay Ends, Muhammad Ali Begins': sportspeople, political activism, and methodology


Journal Article

Indigenous women's sporting experiences: agency, resistance and nostalgia

Osmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2018). Indigenous women's sporting experiences: agency, resistance and nostalgia. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 64 (4), 561-575. doi: 10.1111/ajph.12516

Indigenous women's sporting experiences: agency, resistance and nostalgia