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Book Chapter

'Seven young men on Hautboys': the oboe band in England, c. 1680–1740

Owens, Samantha (2020). 'Seven young men on Hautboys': the oboe band in England, c. 1680–1740. Musical exchange between Britain and Europe, 1500–1800: essays in honour of Peter Holman. (pp. 257-268) edited by John Cunnginham and Bryan White. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press.

'Seven young men on Hautboys': the oboe band in England, c. 1680–1740


Book Chapter

"A gothic cathedral in music": the performance and reception of Bach's Mass in B minor in 1920s Australia

Owens, Samantha (2018). "A gothic cathedral in music": the performance and reception of Bach's Mass in B minor in 1920s Australia. J.S. Bach in Australia: studies in reception and performance. (pp. 101-116) edited by Denis Collins, Kerry Murphy and Samantha Owens. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Lyrebird Press.

"A gothic cathedral in music": the performance and reception of Bach's Mass in B minor in 1920s Australia


Book Chapter

Appendix 1

Collins, Denis, Murphy, Kerry and Owens, Samantha (2018). Appendix 1. J.S. Bach in Australia: studies in Reception and performance. (pp. 218-221) edited by Denis Collins, Kerry Murphy and Samantha Owens. Melbourne, Australia: Lyrebird Press.

Appendix 1


Book Chapter


Collins, Denis, Murphy, Kerry and Owens, Samantha (2018). Introduction. J.S. Bach in Australia: studies in Reception and performance. (pp. 1-7) edited by Denis Collins, Kerry Murphy and Samantha Owens. Melbourne, Australia: Lyrebird Press.



Book Chapter

Theatre and stage

Owens, Samantha (2017). Theatre and stage. Early modern emotions: an introduction. (pp. 228-230) edited by Susan Broomhall. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315441368

Theatre and stage


Book Chapter

‘Er kan zum Muster dienen’: Kapellmeister Johann Sigismund Kusser and the performance materials for the opera Adonis

Owens, Samantha (2017). ‘Er kan zum Muster dienen’: Kapellmeister Johann Sigismund Kusser and the performance materials for the opera Adonis. Transformationen und Metamorphosen. Bericht über die Symposien der Internationalen Händel-Akademie Karlsruhe 2011 bis 2013. (pp. 53-69) edited by Thomas Seedorf and Christian Schaper.. Laaber, Germany: Laaber-Verlag.

‘Er kan zum Muster dienen’: Kapellmeister Johann Sigismund Kusser and the performance materials for the opera Adonis


Book Chapter

‘Schott aus Hamburg mit seinen Leuthen’: Connections between the public opera houses in Braunschweig and Hamburg, 1690–1738

Owens, Samantha (2017). ‘Schott aus Hamburg mit seinen Leuthen’: Connections between the public opera houses in Braunschweig and Hamburg, 1690–1738. Telemann und die urbanen milieus der aufklärung. (pp. 41-52) Munich, Germany: + Kritik.

‘Schott aus Hamburg mit seinen Leuthen’: Connections between the public opera houses in Braunschweig and Hamburg, 1690–1738


Book Chapter

London, Leipzig or Local? – German Musical Influence and the Establishment of a New Zealand Conservatorium of Music, 1906–8

Owens, Samantha (2017). London, Leipzig or Local? – German Musical Influence and the Establishment of a New Zealand Conservatorium of Music, 1906–8. Searches for tradition: Essays on New Zealand music, past and present. (pp. 46-58) edited by Michael Brown and Samantha Owens. Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University Press.

London, Leipzig or Local? – German Musical Influence and the Establishment of a New Zealand Conservatorium of Music, 1906–8


Book Chapter

Dalley-Scarlett, Robert

McCredie, Andrew D. and Owens, Samantha (2015). Dalley-Scarlett, Robert. Grove Music Online. (pp. x-xx) New York, NY United States: Oxford University Press.

Dalley-Scarlett, Robert


Book Chapter

Tunley, David

McCredie, Andrew D. and Owens, Samantha (2015). Tunley, David. Grove Music Online. (pp. x-xx) New York, NY United States: Oxford Univerisity Press.

Tunley, David


Book Chapter

'Serious Music': the Brisbane reception of Grainger's historical chamber music recitals (1934)

Owens, Samantha (2015). 'Serious Music': the Brisbane reception of Grainger's historical chamber music recitals (1934). Grainger the Modernist. (pp. 181-199) edited by Suzanne Robinson and Kay Dreyfus. Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate.

'Serious Music': the Brisbane reception of Grainger's historical chamber music recitals (1934)


Book Chapter

'Just as Great as Noverre’: the ballet composer Florian Johann Deller (1729–73) and music at the Wuerttemberg Court

Owens, Samantha (2014). 'Just as Great as Noverre’: the ballet composer Florian Johann Deller (1729–73) and music at the Wuerttemberg Court. The Works of Monsieur Noverre translated from the French: Noverre, his Circle and the English 'Lettres sur la Danse'. (pp. 21-36) edited by Michael Burden and Jennifer Thorpe. Hillsdale, NY, United States: Pendragon Press.

'Just as Great as Noverre’: the ballet composer Florian Johann Deller (1729–73) and music at the Wuerttemberg Court


Book Chapter

An historical perspective on creative collaboration: the composition of theatrical dance music at the early modern German Court

Owens, Samantha (2014). An historical perspective on creative collaboration: the composition of theatrical dance music at the early modern German Court. Collaborative creative thought and practice in music. (pp. 143-155) edited by Margaret S. Barrett. Burlington, VT, United States: Ashgate. doi: 10.4324/9781315572635-19

An historical perspective on creative collaboration: the composition of theatrical dance music at the early modern German Court


Book Chapter

Haydn's Creation 'Shamelessly Mangled' in Melbourne: Joseph Summers and a musical libel action against the Age (1893)

Owens, Samantha and Stockigt, Janice B. (2013). Haydn's Creation 'Shamelessly Mangled' in Melbourne: Joseph Summers and a musical libel action against the Age (1893). A Musicological Gift: Libro Homenaje for Jane Morlet Hardie. (pp. 255-282) edited by Kathleen Nelson and Mariacarmen Gómez. Lions Bay, BC, Canada: Institute of Mediaeval Music.

Haydn's Creation 'Shamelessly Mangled' in Melbourne: Joseph Summers and a musical libel action against the Age (1893)


Book Chapter

Early modern German perspectives on 'moving the affections'

Owens, Samantha (2012). Early modern German perspectives on 'moving the affections'. Grief and joy: emotions in the music of the 18th century. (pp. 23-25) edited by Rebekah Prince. Crawley, W.A., Australia: The University of Western Australia, ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions.

Early modern German perspectives on 'moving the affections'


Book Chapter

'Das gantze Corpus derer musicirenden Personen': An Introduction to German 'Hofkapellen'

Owens, Samantha and Reul, Barbara M. (2011). 'Das gantze Corpus derer musicirenden Personen': An Introduction to German 'Hofkapellen'. Music at German Courts, 1715–1760: Changing Artistic Priorities. (pp. 1-14) edited by Samantha Owens, Barbara M. Reul and Janice B. Stockigt. Woodbridge, U.K.: The Boydell Press.

'Das gantze Corpus derer musicirenden Personen': An Introduction to German 'Hofkapellen'


Book Chapter

The court of Wurttemberg-Stuttgart

Owens, Samantha (2011). The court of Wurttemberg-Stuttgart. Music at German Courts, 1715–1760: Changing Artistic Priorities. (pp. 165-196) edited by Samantha Owens, Barbara M. Reul and Janice B. Stockigt. Woodbridge, U.K.: The Boydell Press.

The court of Wurttemberg-Stuttgart


Book Chapter

On the concept of the "Kleine Cammer-Music" in early eighteenth-century German court music

Owens, Samantha K. (2007). On the concept of the "Kleine Cammer-Music" in early eighteenth-century German court music. Johann Friedrich Fasch als Instrumentalkomponist. (pp. 95-108) edited by Konstanze Musketa. Beeskow, Germany: Ortus Verlag.

On the concept of the "Kleine Cammer-Music" in early eighteenth-century German court music


Book Chapter

"....nicht so leicht in einer Protestantischen Hoff Cappell einen Catholischen Cappell Meister..." Notes on the early career of Giuseppe Antonio Brescianello (c. 1690-1758)

Owens, Samantha K. (2007). "....nicht so leicht in einer Protestantischen Hoff Cappell einen Catholischen Cappell Meister..." Notes on the early career of Giuseppe Antonio Brescianello (c. 1690-1758). Musik in Baden-Württemberg Jahrbuch. (pp. 199-214) edited by Gabriele Busch-Salmen, Walter Salmen and Markus Zepf. Munich: Strube Verlag.

"....nicht so leicht in einer Protestantischen Hoff Cappell einen Catholischen Cappell Meister..." Notes on the early career of Giuseppe Antonio Brescianello (c. 1690-1758)


Book Chapter

The rise and decline of opera at the Württemberg Court, 1698-1733

Owens, Samantha (2006). The rise and decline of opera at the Württemberg Court, 1698-1733. Italian Opera in Central Europe. (pp. 99-114) edited by Melania Bucciarelli, Norbert Dubowy and Reinhard Strohm. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag.

The rise and decline of opera at the Württemberg Court, 1698-1733