Professor Matthew Davis is a theoretical and computational physicist. His main research area is non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems, and he particularly focuses on the platform of ultracold quantum gases. He particularly enjoys connecting theory with experiment, and has published several high impact papers with several international experimental groups.
His specific research areas include:
- Non-equilibrium dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates and other quantum gases;
- Superfluidity, vortices, and quantum turbulence;
- Dynamics of phase transitions and formation of topological defects;
- Relaxation of isolated quantum systems and quantum thermodynamics;
- Computational methods for quantum systems.
He did his undergraduate studies in physics at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, before completing his PhD at the University of Oxford in 2001 under the supervision of Sir Professor Keith Burnett. He has been at the University of Queensland since 2002, and was promoted to Professor in 2013. He is currently a chief investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies.
- Professor Matthew Davis is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Bachelor (Honours) of Science, University of Otago
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Oxford
Research interests
Non-equilibrium dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates and other quantum gases
Superfluidity, vortices, and quantum turbulence
Dynamics of phase transitions and formation of topological defects
Relaxation of isolated quantum systems and quantum thermodynamics
Computational methods for quantum systems
Search Professor Matthew Davis’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Nonequilibrium transport in a superfluid josephson junction chain: is there negative differential conductivity?
Begg, Samuel E., Davis, Matthew J. and Reeves, Matthew T. (2024). Nonequilibrium transport in a superfluid josephson junction chain: is there negative differential conductivity?. Physical Review Letters, 132 (10) 103402. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.132.103402
Journal Article
Bistability and nonequilibrium condensation in a driven-dissipative Josephson array: A c-field model
Reeves, Matt and Davis, Matthew (2023). Bistability and nonequilibrium condensation in a driven-dissipative Josephson array: A c-field model. SciPost Physics, 15 (2) 068, 1-24. doi: 10.21468/scipostphys.15.2.068
Journal Article
Turbulent relaxation to equilibrium in a two-dimensional quantum vortex gas
Reeves, Matthew T., Goddard-Lee, Kwan, Gauthier, Guillaume, Stockdale, Oliver R., Salman, Hayder, Edmonds, Timothy, Yu, Xiaoquan, Bradley, Ashton S., Baker, Mark, Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Halina, Davis, Matthew J. and Neely, Tyler W. (2022). Turbulent relaxation to equilibrium in a two-dimensional quantum vortex gas. Physical Review X, 12 (1) 011031. doi: 10.1103/physrevx.12.011031
Journal Article
Coherent vortex dynamics in a strongly interacting superfluid on a silicon chip
Sachkou, Yauhen P., Baker, Christopher G., Harris, Glen I., Stockdale, Oliver R., Forstner, Stefan, Reeves, Matthew T., He, Xin, McAuslan, David L., Bradley, Ashton S., Davis, Matthew J. and Bowen, Warwick P. (2019). Coherent vortex dynamics in a strongly interacting superfluid on a silicon chip. Science, 366 (6472), 1480-1485. doi: 10.1126/science.aaw9229
Journal Article
Giant vortex clusters in a two-dimensional quantum fluid
Gauthier, Guillaume, Reeves, Matthew T., Yu, Xiaoquan, Bradley, Ashton S., Baker, Mark A., Bell, Thomas A., Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Halina, Davis, Matthew J. and Neely, Tyler W. (2019). Giant vortex clusters in a two-dimensional quantum fluid. Science, 364 (6447), 1264-1267. doi: 10.1126/science.aat5718
Journal Article
Emergence of order from turbulence in an isolated planar superfluid
Simula, Tapio, Davis, Matthew J. and Helmerson, Kristian (2014). Emergence of order from turbulence in an isolated planar superfluid. Physical Review Letters, 113 (16) 165302, 165302. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.165302
Journal Article
Spontaneous vortices in the formation of Bose-Einstein condensates
Weiler, Chad N., Neely, Tyler W., Scherer, David R., Bradley, Ashton S, Davis, Matthew J. and Anderson, Brian P. (2008). Spontaneous vortices in the formation of Bose-Einstein condensates. Nature, 455 (7215), 948-951. doi: 10.1038/nature07334
Journal Article
Dynamics and statistical mechanics of ultra-cold Bose gases using c-field techniques
Blakie, P. B., Bradley, A. S., Davis, M. J., Ballagh, R. J. and Gardiner, C. W. (2008). Dynamics and statistical mechanics of ultra-cold Bose gases using c-field techniques. Advances In Physics, 57 (5), 363-455. doi: 10.1080/00018730802564254
Journal Article
When does a Fermi puddle become a Fermi sea? Emergence of pairing in two-dimensional trapped mesoscopic Fermi gases
Laird, Emma, Mulkerin, Brendan C., Wang, Jia and Davis, Matthew J. (2024). When does a Fermi puddle become a Fermi sea? Emergence of pairing in two-dimensional trapped mesoscopic Fermi gases. SciPost Physics, 17 (6) 163. doi: 10.21468/scipostphys.17.6.163
Journal Article
Extracting work from coherence in a two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate
Williamson, Lewis, Cerisola, Federico, Anders, Janet and Davis, M J (2024). Extracting work from coherence in a two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate. Quantum Science and Technology, 10 (1) 015040, 015040. doi: 10.1088/2058-9565/ad8fc9
Journal Article
Many-body enhancement in a spin-chain quantum heat engine
Williamson, L. A. and Davis, Matthew J. (2024). Many-body enhancement in a spin-chain quantum heat engine. Physical Review B, 109 (2) 024310. doi: 10.1103/physrevb.109.024310
Journal Article
Optimizing persistent currents in a ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate using machine learning
Simjanovski, Simeon, Gauthier, Guillaume, Davis, Matthew J., Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Halina and Neely, Tyler W. (2023). Optimizing persistent currents in a ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate using machine learning. Physical Review A, 108 (6) 063306. doi: 10.1103/physreva.108.063306
Journal Article
Viability of rotation sensing using phonon interferometry in Bose-Einstein condensates
Woffinden, Charles, Groszek, Andrew J., Gauthier, Guillaume, Mommers, Bradley J., Bromley, Michael W. J., Haine, Simon A., Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Halina, Davis, Matthew J., Neely, Tyler W. and Baker, Mark (2023). Viability of rotation sensing using phonon interferometry in Bose-Einstein condensates. SciPost Physics, 15 (4) 128, 1-22. doi: 10.21468/scipostphys.15.4.128
Journal Article
Dynamics of thermalization of two tunnel-coupled one-dimensional quasicondensates
Bayocboc, F. A., Davis, M. J. and Kheruntsyan, K. V. (2022). Dynamics of thermalization of two tunnel-coupled one-dimensional quasicondensates. Physical Review A, 106 (2) 023320, 1-14. doi: 10.1103/physreva.106.023320
Journal Article
Dynamical mechanisms of vortex pinning in superfluid thin films
Stockdale, Oliver R., Reeves, Matthew T. and Davis, Matthew J. (2021). Dynamical mechanisms of vortex pinning in superfluid thin films. Physical Review Letters, 127 (25) 255302, 255302. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.255302
Journal Article
Thermalization of a quantum Newton's cradle in a one-dimensional quasicondensate
Thomas, Kieran F., Davis, Matthew J. and Kheruntsyan, Karen V. (2021). Thermalization of a quantum Newton's cradle in a one-dimensional quasicondensate. Physical Review A, 103 (2) 023315. doi: 10.1103/physreva.103.023315
Journal Article
Vortex ordering in superfluid films
Stockdale, Oliver R., Reeves, Matthew T. and Davis, Matthew J. (2021). Vortex ordering in superfluid films. Australian Physics, 58 (1), 11-17.
Conference Publication
Superfluid acoustics in a dumbbell helmholtz oscillator
Gauthier, Guillaume, Szigeti, Stuart S., Reeves, Matthew T., Baker, Mark, Bell, Thomas A., Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Halina, Davis, Matthew J. and Neely, Tyler W. (2020). Superfluid acoustics in a dumbbell helmholtz oscillator. 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2020, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 3–5 August 2020. Washington D.C., United States: OSA Publishing . doi: 10.1364/cleopr.2020.c8c_1
Journal Article
Universal dynamics in the expansion of vortex clusters in a dissipative two-dimensional superfluid
Stockdale, Oliver R., Reeves, Matthew T., Yu, Xiaoquan, Gauthier, Guillaume, Goddard-Lee, Kwan, Bowen, Warwick P., Neely, Tyler W. and Davis, Matthew J. (2020). Universal dynamics in the expansion of vortex clusters in a dissipative two-dimensional superfluid. Physical Review Research, 2 (3) 033138. doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.2.033138
Journal Article
Finite-energy accelerating beam dynamics in wavelet-based representations
Colas, David, Laussy, Fabrice P. and Davis, Matthew J. (2020). Finite-energy accelerating beam dynamics in wavelet-based representations. Physical Review Research, 2 (2) 023337. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023337
Current funding
- Professor Matthew Davis is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
Superfluidity, nonequilibrium quantum systems, quantum thermodynamics
I am happy to offer honours and PhD projects in all areas of my research interests. Please contact me for more details.
- Non-equilibrium dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates and other quantum gases;
- Superfluidity, vortices, and quantum turbulence;
- Dynamics of phase transitions and formation of topological defects;
- Relaxation of isolated quantum systems and quantum thermodynamics;
- Computational methods for quantum systems.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Master Philosophy
Finite temperature ideal gas hybrid machine
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan, Dr Lewis Williamson
Doctor Philosophy
Taming quantum turbulence in superfluid devices
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Matt Reeves
Doctor Philosophy
Superfluidity in room-temperature exciton-polariton condensates
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Angela White
Doctor Philosophy
A many-body quantum thermal machine with programmable arrays of single atoms
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Lewis Williamson
Doctor Philosophy
Spin vortices in an ultracold quantum gas
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Dr Guillaume Gauthier, Associate Professor Tyler Neely
Doctor Philosophy
Quantum thermodynamics of integrable and near-integrable atomic systems
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Doctor Philosophy
Ultracold Atomic Gases and Hydrodynamics of Quantum Fluids
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Emma Laird, Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Completed supervision
Master Philosophy
Finite temperature ideal gas hybrid machine
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan, Dr Lewis Williamson
Master Philosophy
Signatures of many-body localisation in a two-dimensional lattice of ultracold polar molecules with disordered filling
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan, Dr Andrew Groszek
Master Philosophy
Floquet analysis of superfluidity in ultracold quantum gases
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Matt Reeves
Master Philosophy
Dynamics of vortex cluster crystallisation and single-vortex pinning in two-dimensional superfluids
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Matt Reeves
Doctor Philosophy
Superfluid critical velocity in dilute gas Bose-Einstein condensates
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Joel Corney
Doctor Philosophy
Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Bose Einstein Condensates
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Doctor Philosophy
Nonequilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional Bose gas via the coordinate Bethe ansatz
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Doctor Philosophy
Coherence and Defect Formation in Finite-temperature Bose-Einstein Condensates
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Formation Dynamics and Phase Coherence of Bose-Einstein Condensates
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Doctor Philosophy
Physics of Low-Dimensional Ultracold Bose Gases
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Joel Corney
Doctor Philosophy
A study of one dimensional quantum gases
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Doctor Philosophy
Thermalisation, correlations and entanglement in Bose-Einstein condensates
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Quantum thermodynamics of integrable and near-integrable atomic systems
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Doctor Philosophy
Hydrodynamics of ultra-cold quantum gases
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Doctor Philosophy
Quench dynamics and relaxation of one-dimensional Bose gases
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Doctor Philosophy
Engineering Time-Averaged Optical Potentials for Bose-Einstein Condensates
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Tyler Neely, Professor Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop
Doctor Philosophy
Ultracold atoms for foundational tests of quantum mechanics
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Joel Corney, Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Doctor Philosophy
Continuous-variable entanglement in quantum many-body nonlinear bosonic systems
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan
Doctor Philosophy
Quantum-Atom Optics and Dynamical Simulations of Fermionic Many-Body Systems
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Karen Kheruntsyan, Dr Joel Corney
Master Philosophy
Demonstrating Superpositions in Double-Well Bose-Einstein Condensates
Associate Advisor
Contact Professor Matthew Davis directly for media enquiries about:
- Bose-Einstein condensation
- Computational physics
- Physics - absolute zero
- Physics - Bose-Einstein
- Physics - quantum
- Physics - superfluidity
- Quantum physics
- Superfluidity - physics
- Theoretical physics
- Unltra cold gases - physics
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