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Dr Yash Dang

Yash Dang




Dr Yash Dang is Principal Research Fellow at The University of Queensland possess extensive experience in soil and nutrient management. He is currently leading a national project on low cost carbon stock estimation using proximal and remote sensing. He is also leading the northern grains region in national GRDC projects to identify and manage soil constraints, conservation agriculture, strategic tillage and sustainable land management practices. While his research spans in the areas of crop production, much of his research focuses on soil constraints. He has also coordinated soil carbon and soil quality projects in Queensland cropping soils. Yash has great faith in engagement with the farmers to develop collaborative, participatory research project to address soil health issues. He also has strong interest in proximal and remote sensing to identify constraints at farm and national scales for site-specific soil and nutrient management.


Dr Yash Dang is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland

Research interests

  • Identification and management of soil constraints

    Soil salinity, sodicity, acidity, and alkalinity, elemental toxicities such as boron, chloride and aluminium and compaction are important soil constraints to agricultural sustainability in many soils of Australia. Estimating the severity of soil constraints, and their impact on plant productivity and management is a very complex issue. Several soil properties in the surface and subsoil interact with each other to determine the local environment for root growth at a given time. Rarely do the various soil stresses occur independently. Moreover, variable distribution of soil constraints, both spatially within a paddock, across the landscape and with depth in the soil profile, and the complex interactions that exist among the various physio-chemical constraints, make it difficult to determine which stress is the major limitation to crop production. Grains Research Development Corporation projects are helping growers identify soil constraints using proximal sensing and remote sensing and manage soil constraints through amelioration, crops and cultivars adaptation and/or matching inputs to the realistic potential yield in the presence of soil constraints.

  • Conservation agriculture for sustainable crop production and land management

    No-tillage (NT), stubble retention (SR) and crop rotation component of conservation farming systems offer a wide range of economic, environmental and social advantages compared to conventional tillage (CT) which involves intensive disturbance of soils prior to crop sowing. Hermitage long-term NT- SR experiment initiated in 1968 is the longest continuing trial in Australia. The project quantify the impact of continuous NT-SR and nitrogen on productivity, profitability and soil health.

  • Strategic tillage in no-till farming systems

    Adoption of no-till (NT) has progressed steadily, there are still situations and attitudes that hinder adoption of what are seen as rigid systems. These concerns have been enhanced by the emergence of five major issues in long term NT systems - (i) build-up of soil- and stubble-borne diseases; (ii) build-up of herbicide-resistant weeds; (iii) nutrient stratification in the surface soil; (iv) build-up of soil insect; and (v) environment and health concerns about the effects of herbicides on- and off-site. An occasional strategic tillage (ST) has been used as a means to manage some of the specific issues emerging in NT farming systems. However, growers who practise strict NT systems are concerned that even one-time tillage operation may undo much of the positive effect of NT farming systems on soil conditions. Those promoting ideas of strictly no soil disturbance predict irreparable damage to soil from occasional ST. The industry driven project identify (i) the need for ST in NT farming systems; (ii) strategies for the safe implementation of ST in NT systems, and (iii) the potential risks and rewards of occasional ST on agronomic outcomes, soil health and the environment.


Search Professor Yash Dang’s works on UQ eSpace

138 works between 1993 and 2024

101 - 120 of 138 works


Journal Article

Quantifying the costs of soil constraints to Australian agriculture: a case study of wheat in north-eastern Australia

Dang, Y. P. and Moody, P. W. (2016). Quantifying the costs of soil constraints to Australian agriculture: a case study of wheat in north-eastern Australia. Soil Research, 54 (6), 700-707. doi: 10.1071/SR15007

Quantifying the costs of soil constraints to Australian agriculture: a case study of wheat in north-eastern Australia


Journal Article

One-time strategic tillage does not cause major impacts on soil microbial properties in a no-till Calcisol

Liu, Hongwei, Carvalhais, Lilia C., Rincon-Florez, Vivian, Crawford, Mark, Dang, Yash P., Dennis, Paul G. and Schenk, Peer M. (2016). One-time strategic tillage does not cause major impacts on soil microbial properties in a no-till Calcisol. Soil and Tillage Research, 158, 91-99. doi: 10.1016/j.still.2015.12.007

One-time strategic tillage does not cause major impacts on soil microbial properties in a no-till Calcisol


Journal Article

Short-term impact of an occasional tillage on microbial communities in a Vertosol after 43 years of no-tillage or conventional tillage

Rincon-Florez, Vivian A., Ng, Clement, Dang, Yash P., Schenk, Peer M. and Carvalhais, Lilia C. (2016). Short-term impact of an occasional tillage on microbial communities in a Vertosol after 43 years of no-tillage or conventional tillage. European Journal of Soil Biology, 74, 32-38. doi: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2016.03.001

Short-term impact of an occasional tillage on microbial communities in a Vertosol after 43 years of no-tillage or conventional tillage


Journal Article

Strategic tillage on a Grey Vertosol after fifteen years of no-till management had no short-term impact on soil properties and agronomic productivity

Liu, Hongwei, Crawford, Mark, Carvalhais, Lilia C., Dang, Yash P., Dennis, Paul G. and Schenk, Peer M. (2016). Strategic tillage on a Grey Vertosol after fifteen years of no-till management had no short-term impact on soil properties and agronomic productivity. Geoderma, 267, 146-155. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.01.002

Strategic tillage on a Grey Vertosol after fifteen years of no-till management had no short-term impact on soil properties and agronomic productivity


Other Outputs

Does strategic tillage undo long-term improvement in soils under no-till? Final Technical Report (ERM00003)

Dang, Yash, Balzer, Anna and Bell, Mike (2016). Does strategic tillage undo long-term improvement in soils under no-till? Final Technical Report (ERM00003). Canberra, ACT, Australia: Grains Research and Development Corporation.

Does strategic tillage undo long-term improvement in soils under no-till? Final Technical Report (ERM00003)


Other Outputs

Does strategic tillage undo long-term improvement in soils under no-till?

Dang, Yash, Balzar, Anna and Bell, Mike (2016). Does strategic tillage undo long-term improvement in soils under no-till?. Canberra, ACT, Australia: GRDC.

Does strategic tillage undo long-term improvement in soils under no-till?


Journal Article

Modelling soil organic carbon 1. Performance of APSIM crop and pasture modules against long-term experimental data

O'Leary, Garry J., Liu, De Li, Ma, Yuchun, Li, Frank Yonghong, McCaskill, Malcolm, Conyers, Mark, Dalal, Ram, Reeves, Steven, Page, Kathryn, Dang, Yash P. and Robertson, Fiona (2016). Modelling soil organic carbon 1. Performance of APSIM crop and pasture modules against long-term experimental data. Geoderma, 264 (Part A), 227-237. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.11.004

Modelling soil organic carbon 1. Performance of APSIM crop and pasture modules against long-term experimental data


Book Chapter

Soil microbial community interactions under tillage systems in Australia

Rincon-Florez, Vivian A., Carvalhais, Lilia C., Dang, Yash P. and Schenk, Peer M. (2016). Soil microbial community interactions under tillage systems in Australia. Plant, Soil and Microbes: Volume 1: Implications in Crop Science. (pp. 93-102) edited by Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Mohd Sayeed Akhtar and Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-27455-3_5

Soil microbial community interactions under tillage systems in Australia


Conference Publication

Impacts of strategic tillage on soil erosion, nutrient loss in runoff and nitrous oxide emission

Melland, Alice R., Antille, Diogenes L. and Dang, Yash P. (2016). Impacts of strategic tillage on soil erosion, nutrient loss in runoff and nitrous oxide emission. 2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Orlando, FL, United States, 17 - 20 July, 2016. St. Joseph, MI, United States: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. doi: 10.13031/aim.20162461222

Impacts of strategic tillage on soil erosion, nutrient loss in runoff and nitrous oxide emission


Journal Article

Climate and soil properties limit the positive effects of land use reversion on carbon storage in Eastern Australia

Rabbi, S. M. F., Tighe, Matthew, Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel, Cowie, Annette, Robertson, Fiona, Dalal, Ram, Page, Kathryn, Crawford, Doug, Wilson, Brian R., Schwenke, Graeme, Mcleod, Malem, Badgery, Warwick, Dang, Yash P., Bell, Mike, O'Leary, Garry, Liu, De Li and Baldock, Jeff (2015). Climate and soil properties limit the positive effects of land use reversion on carbon storage in Eastern Australia. Scientific Reports, 5 (17866) 17866, 17866. doi: 10.1038/srep17866

Climate and soil properties limit the positive effects of land use reversion on carbon storage in Eastern Australia


Other Outputs

National project brings together soils research

Dalal, Ram , Dang, Yash and Clarry, Sarah (2015, 11 02). National project brings together soils research GroundCover 15-15.

National project brings together soils research


Journal Article

Occasional tillage has no effect on soil microbial biomass, activity and composition in Vertisols under long-term no-till

Rincon-Florez, Vivian A., Dang, Yash P., Crawford, Mark H., Schenk, Peer M. and Carvalhais, Lilia C. (2015). Occasional tillage has no effect on soil microbial biomass, activity and composition in Vertisols under long-term no-till. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52 (2), 191-202. doi: 10.1007/s00374-015-1066-4

Occasional tillage has no effect on soil microbial biomass, activity and composition in Vertisols under long-term no-till


Journal Article

Strategic tillage in no-till farming systems in Australia's northern grains-growing regions: II. Implications for agronomy, soil and environment

Dang, Y. P., Moody, P. W., Bell, M. J., Seymour, N. P., Dalal, R. C., Freebairn, D. M. and Walker, S. R. (2015). Strategic tillage in no-till farming systems in Australia's northern grains-growing regions: II. Implications for agronomy, soil and environment. Soil and Tillage Research, 152, 115-123. doi: 10.1016/j.still.2014.12.013

Strategic tillage in no-till farming systems in Australia's northern grains-growing regions: II. Implications for agronomy, soil and environment


Journal Article

Strategic tillage in no-till farming systems in Australia's northern grains-growing regions: I. Drivers and implementation

Dang, Y. P., Seymour, N. P., Walker, S. R., Bell, M. J. and Freebairn, D. M. (2015). Strategic tillage in no-till farming systems in Australia's northern grains-growing regions: I. Drivers and implementation. Soil and Tillage Research, 152, 104-114. doi: 10.1016/j.still.2015.03.009

Strategic tillage in no-till farming systems in Australia's northern grains-growing regions: I. Drivers and implementation


Other Outputs

Soil explorers’ journey into the deep

Dang, Yash and Thyer, Rebecca (2015, 07 29). Soil explorers’ journey into the deep GroundCover 16-17.

Soil explorers’ journey into the deep


Journal Article

Changes in the soil quality attributes of continuous no-till farming systems following a strategic tillage

Crawford, M. H., Rincon-Florez, V., Balzer, A., Dang, Y. P., Carvalhais, L. C., Liu, H. and Schenk, P. M. (2015). Changes in the soil quality attributes of continuous no-till farming systems following a strategic tillage. Soil Research, 53 (3), 263-273. doi: 10.1071/SR14216

Changes in the soil quality attributes of continuous no-till farming systems following a strategic tillage


Conference Publication

Strategic tillage impacts on biological attributes of long term no-till soils in northern grain region of Australia

Liu, Hongwei, Rincon-Florez, Vivian, Dang, Yash, Crawford, Mark, Balzer, Anna, Bell, Mike, Ram, Dalal, Costa Carvalhais, Lilia and Schenk, Peer (2014). Strategic tillage impacts on biological attributes of long term no-till soils in northern grain region of Australia. Soil Science 2014: National Soil Science Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 23-27 November, 2014. Warragul, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Soil Science.

Strategic tillage impacts on biological attributes of long term no-till soils in northern grain region of Australia


Conference Publication

Strategic tillage did not affect soil microbial bioindicators in long-term no-till farming systems in vertosols from Queensland, Australia

Rincon-Florez, Vivian A., Carvalhais, Lilia C., Liu, Hongwei, Dang, Yash, Crawford, Mark, Balzer, Anna, Bell, Mike, Ram, Dalal and Schenk, Peer (2014). Strategic tillage did not affect soil microbial bioindicators in long-term no-till farming systems in vertosols from Queensland, Australia. Soil Science 2014: National Soil Science Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 23-27 November 2014. Warragul, VIC, Australia: Australian Society of Soil Science.

Strategic tillage did not affect soil microbial bioindicators in long-term no-till farming systems in vertosols from Queensland, Australia


Journal Article

How useful are MIR predictions of total, particulate, humus, and resistant organic carbon for examining changes in soil carbon stocks in response to different crop management? A case study

Page, K. L., Dalal, R. C. and Dang, Y. P. (2013). How useful are MIR predictions of total, particulate, humus, and resistant organic carbon for examining changes in soil carbon stocks in response to different crop management? A case study. Soil Research, 51 (8), 719-725. doi: 10.1071/SR13064

How useful are MIR predictions of total, particulate, humus, and resistant organic carbon for examining changes in soil carbon stocks in response to different crop management? A case study


Other Outputs

Strategic cultivation shows on-farm profit potential

Hamilton, Rodney, Dang, Yash and Collis, Clarisa (2013, 07 01). Strategic cultivation shows on-farm profit potential GroundCover 4-5.

Strategic cultivation shows on-farm profit potential


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2026
    Understanding crop development and yield responses to mitigate high soil strength in Australian soils
    GRDC - PROC-9176764 - Understanding crop development and yield responses to mitigate high soil strength in Australian soils.
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2025
    Proximal and remote sensing for low-cost soil carbon stock estimation
    Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2027
    Analytics for the Australian Grains Industry (AAGI)
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2026
    Predicting nitrogen cycling and losses in Australian cropping systems - augmenting measurements to enhance modelling
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    Improving the drought resilience of Queensland cropping soils by removing barriers to the identification and management of soil constraints
    Future Drought Fund: Drought Resilient Soils and Landscapes Grants
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2021 - 2023
    Carbon ID: A remote sensing decision support tool to identify the impact of agricultural land management on soil carbon stock
    Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2022
    AgAsk: A machine learning generated question-answering conversational agent for data-driven growing decisions.
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2024
    CropPhen: Remote mapping of grain crop type and phenology
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2022
    Machine learning to extract maximum value from soil and crop variability (GRDC project administered by The University of Adelaide).
    University of Adelaide
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2022
    Economics of ameliorating soil constraints in the Northern Region: Program co-ordination, communication, extension and evaluation (Project D)
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2022
    Economics of ameliorating soil constraints in the Northern Region: Spatial soil constraint diagnoses in the northern region (Project A)
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2017
    Identification and management of acid soils in Southern Queensland
    Cambooya Landcare Association Incorporated
    Open grant
  • 2015 - 2017
    Costs of edaphic stress to the Australian grains industry
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2015 - 2016
    GRDC Soil Constraints Initiative - coordination and communication
    Queensland Government Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts
    Open grant
  • 2015 - 2021
    Improving wheat yields on sodic, magnesic, and dispersive soils (Grains Research and Development Corporation grant administered by the University of Adelaide)
    University of Adelaide
    Open grant
  • 2015 - 2016
    GRDC soil constraints - Management of sodic and magnesic soils
    Queensland Government Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2015
    Does strategic tillage undo long term improvement in soils under no-till?
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant



Dr Yash Dang is:
Available for supervision

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Available projects

  • Management of sodic, magnesic or dispersive soils

  • Soil-Crop Variability

  • Crop Phenotyping

  • Spatial diagnosis of soil constraints

  • Root traits for crop adaptation in soil constraints

Supervision history

Current supervision

Completed supervision



Contact Dr Yash Dang directly for media enquiries about:

  • no-tillage
  • sodicity
  • soil constraints
  • strategic tillage

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