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Professor Andrew Cresswell

Andrew Cresswell

+61 7 336 56769



Prof. Cresswell’s research interest is in the integration of neurophysiology and biomechanics (neuromechanics) to investigate the control of human movement.

Particular research interests lie within the areas of: Motoneurone, reflex and cortical excitability during lengthening and shortening muscle actions; Neuromuscular fatigue; Reflex and voluntary activation of the abdominal musculature during controlled postural tasks.


Prof Cresswell completed his medical doctorate in Neuroscience from the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, in 1993. He remained at the Karolinska Institute and University College of Physical Education and Sports until 2005 when he joined the academic staff at the University of Queensland with joint appointments in the Schools of Human Movement Studies and Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.

Prof Cresswell was the Head of the School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences (2014-2019).


Professor Andrew Cresswell is:
Available for supervision
Media expert

Fields of research


  • Bachelor of Education, Institution to be confirmed
  • Masters (Coursework) of Science, University of Western Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Karolinska Mediko Kirurgiska Institutet

Research interests

  • Neural Control of Movement

    Prof. Cresswell's research interest is in the integration of neurophysiology and biomechanics (neuromechanics) to investigate the control of human movement. Particular research interests lie within the areas of: Neural control of voluntary muscle actions; Neuromuscular fatigue; Muscle mechanics, Gait and Posture.

Research impacts



Search Professor Andrew Cresswell’s works on UQ eSpace

186 works between 1982 and 2024

41 - 60 of 186 works


Journal Article

Muscle-tendon length and force affect human tibialis anterior central aponeurosis stiffness in vivo

Raiteri, Brent James, Cresswell, Andrew Graham and Lichtwark, Glen Anthony (2018). Muscle-tendon length and force affect human tibialis anterior central aponeurosis stiffness in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (14), E3097-E3105. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1712697115

Muscle-tendon length and force affect human tibialis anterior central aponeurosis stiffness in vivo


Journal Article

The immediate effect of foot orthoses on subtalar joint mechanics and energetics

Maharaj, Jayishni N., Cresswell, Andrew G. and Lichtwark, Glen A. (2018). The immediate effect of foot orthoses on subtalar joint mechanics and energetics. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 50 (7), 1449-1456. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001591

The immediate effect of foot orthoses on subtalar joint mechanics and energetics


Journal Article

The effect of muscle-tendon unit vs fascicle analyses on vastus lateralis force generating capacity during constant power output cycling with variable cadence

Brennan, Scott Francis, Cresswell, Andrew G., Farris, Dominic James and Lichtwark, Glen A. (2018). The effect of muscle-tendon unit vs fascicle analyses on vastus lateralis force generating capacity during constant power output cycling with variable cadence. Journal of Applied Physiology, 124 (4), 993-1002. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00356.2017

The effect of muscle-tendon unit vs fascicle analyses on vastus lateralis force generating capacity during constant power output cycling with variable cadence


Conference Publication

Stand and deliver: muscle activity and mechanical energetics of the lower limb during cycling

Wilkinson, Ross D., Lichtwark, Glen A. and Cresswell, Andrew G. (2018). Stand and deliver: muscle activity and mechanical energetics of the lower limb during cycling. Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM), Minneapolis, MN, United States, 29 May - 2 June 2018. Philadelphia, PA, United States: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000536536.37611.4c

Stand and deliver: muscle activity and mechanical energetics of the lower limb during cycling


Other Outputs

Tibialis anterior muscle-tendon unit and fascicle behaviour during human walking

Maharaj, Jayishni N, Cresswell, Andrew G and Lichtwark, Glen A (2018). Tibialis anterior muscle-tendon unit and fascicle behaviour during human walking. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2018.525

Tibialis anterior muscle-tendon unit and fascicle behaviour during human walking


Journal Article

Subtalar joint pronation and energy absorption requirements during walking are related to tibialis posterior tendinous tissue strain

Maharaj, Jayishni N., Cresswell, Andrew G. and Lichtwark, Glen A. (2017). Subtalar joint pronation and energy absorption requirements during walking are related to tibialis posterior tendinous tissue strain. Scientific Reports, 7 (1) 17958, 17958. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-17771-7

Subtalar joint pronation and energy absorption requirements during walking are related to tibialis posterior tendinous tissue strain


Conference Publication

Effect of foot orthoses on the mechanical energetics of the subtalar joint during walking

Maharaj, J., Cresswell, A. and Lichtwark, G. (2017). Effect of foot orthoses on the mechanical energetics of the subtalar joint during walking. 2017 ASICS Sports Medicine Australia Conference, Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia, 25 - 28 October 2017. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier Australia. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2017.09.367

Effect of foot orthoses on the mechanical energetics of the subtalar joint during walking


Journal Article

Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation improves adaptive postural control

Poortvliet, Peter, Hsieh, Billie, Cresswell, Andy, Au, Jacky and Meinzer, Marcus (2017). Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation improves adaptive postural control. Clinical Neurophysiology, 129 (1), 33-41. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2017.09.118

Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation improves adaptive postural control


Journal Article

In vivo fascicle length measurements via B-mode ultrasound imaging with single vs dual transducer arrangements

Brennan, Scott F., Cresswell, Andrew G., Farris, Dominic J. and Lichtwark, Glen A. (2017). In vivo fascicle length measurements via B-mode ultrasound imaging with single vs dual transducer arrangements. Journal of Biomechanics, 64, 240-244. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.09.019

In vivo fascicle length measurements via B-mode ultrasound imaging with single vs dual transducer arrangements


Journal Article

The influence of foot-strike technique on the neuromechanical function of the foot

Kelly, Luke A., Farris, Dominic J., Lichtwark, Glen A. and Cresswell, Andrew G. (2017). The influence of foot-strike technique on the neuromechanical function of the foot. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 50 (1), 98-108. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001420

The influence of foot-strike technique on the neuromechanical function of the foot


Journal Article

Foot structure is significantly associated to subtalar joint kinetics and mechanical energetics

Maharaj, Jayishni N., Cresswell, Andrew G. and Lichtwark, Glen A. (2017). Foot structure is significantly associated to subtalar joint kinetics and mechanical energetics. Gait and Posture, 58, 159-165. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.07.108

Foot structure is significantly associated to subtalar joint kinetics and mechanical energetics


Journal Article

The effect of cadence on the muscle-tendon mechanics of the gastrocnemius muscle during walking

Brennan, S. F., Cresswell, A. G., Farris, D. J. and Lichtwark, G. A. (2017). The effect of cadence on the muscle-tendon mechanics of the gastrocnemius muscle during walking. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 27 (3), 289-298. doi: 10.1111/sms.12656

The effect of cadence on the muscle-tendon mechanics of the gastrocnemius muscle during walking


Journal Article

Muscle spindles in human tibialis anterior encode muscle fascicle length changes

Day, James, Bent, Leah R., Birznieks, Ingvars, Macefield, Vaughan G. and Cresswell, Andrew G. (2017). Muscle spindles in human tibialis anterior encode muscle fascicle length changes. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117 (4), 1489-1498. doi: 10.1152/jn.00374.2016

Muscle spindles in human tibialis anterior encode muscle fascicle length changes


Other Outputs

Tibialis Posterior and Subtalar Joint mechanics during walking

Maharaj, Jayishni, Cresswell, Andrew and Lichtwark, Glen (2017). Tibialis Posterior and Subtalar Joint mechanics during walking. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2017.698

Tibialis Posterior and Subtalar Joint mechanics during walking


Journal Article

The mechanical function of the tibialis posterior muscle and its tendon during locomotion

Maharaj, Jayishni N., Cresswell, Andrew G. and Lichtwark, Glen A. (2016). The mechanical function of the tibialis posterior muscle and its tendon during locomotion. Journal of Biomechanics, 49 (14), 3238-3243. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.08.006

The mechanical function of the tibialis posterior muscle and its tendon during locomotion


Journal Article

Effects of series elastic compliance on muscle force summation and the rate of force rise

Mayfield, Dean L., Cresswell, Andrew G. and Lichtwark, Glen A. (2016). Effects of series elastic compliance on muscle force summation and the rate of force rise. Journal of Experimental Biology, 219 (20), 3261-3270. doi: 10.1242/jeb.142604

Effects of series elastic compliance on muscle force summation and the rate of force rise


Journal Article

Protection from muscle damage in the absence of changes in muscle mechanical behavior

Hoffman, Ben W., Cresswell, Andrew G., Carroll, Timothy J. and Lichtwark, Glen A. (2016). Protection from muscle damage in the absence of changes in muscle mechanical behavior. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 48 (8), 1495-1505. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000920

Protection from muscle damage in the absence of changes in muscle mechanical behavior


Journal Article

Three-dimensional geometrical changes of the human tibialis anterior muscle and its central aponeurosis measured with three-dimensional ultrasound during isometric contractions

Raiteri, Brent J., Cresswell, Andrew G. and Lichtwark, Glen A. (2016). Three-dimensional geometrical changes of the human tibialis anterior muscle and its central aponeurosis measured with three-dimensional ultrasound during isometric contractions. PeerJ, 4 (7) e2260, e2260. doi: 10.7717/peerj.2260

Three-dimensional geometrical changes of the human tibialis anterior muscle and its central aponeurosis measured with three-dimensional ultrasound during isometric contractions


Journal Article

Deconstructing the power resistance relationship for squats: a joint-level analysis

Farris, D. J., Lichtwark, G. A., Brown, N. A. T. and Cresswell, A. G. (2016). Deconstructing the power resistance relationship for squats: a joint-level analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 26 (7), 774-781. doi: 10.1111/sms.12508

Deconstructing the power resistance relationship for squats: a joint-level analysis


Journal Article

Shoes alter the spring-like function of the human foot during running

Kelly, Luke, Lichtwark, Glen, Farris, Dominic and Cresswell, Andrew (2016). Shoes alter the spring-like function of the human foot during running. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 13 (119) 20160174, 1-9. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2016.0174

Shoes alter the spring-like function of the human foot during running


Past funding

  • 2017 - 2022
    Optimising the spring in your step to enhance footwear design
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2019
    Can muscles tune foot stiffness to enhance efficiency of human locomotion?
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2015 - 2020
    The role of muscle and tendon mechanics in human muscle damage
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2015
    Foot-arch deformation and its relationship to load and shoe design
    UQ Collaboration and Industry Engagement Fund - Seed Research Grant
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2015
    2015-2016 Biomechanics Services and Research Agreement - UQ - Cricket Australia
    Cricket Australia
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2015
    Undertake a pilot research study into the biomechanical efficiencies of the ASICS 'Natural' shoe
    Asics Oceania Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2014
    Quantification of muscle mechanical properties by an innovative shear wave elastographic technique for basic and clinical science.
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2014
    Biomechanics Services and Research Agreement Cricket Australia
    Cricket Australia
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2016
    Post Doctoral Position in Strength and Power (Muscle Mechanics)
    Australian Sports Commission
    Open grant
  • 2012
    An instrumented treadmill for understanding the forces responsible for walking and running under different conditions in both normal and clinical populations.
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2011
    A metabolic testing suite for clinical exercise physiology, sports science and sports nutrition research
    NHMRC Equipment Grant
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2013
    A virtual environment for the study of multisensory learning, adaptation and control
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2010
    An ultrasound imaging suite for investigating musculoskeletal and cardiovascular function in health and disease
    UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure
    Open grant
  • 2009
    A transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) suite for investigating brain function in movement, speech and cognition
    UQ School/Centre Co-Funding
    Open grant
  • 2009 - 2012
    Reconsideration of the motor adaptation to pain
    NHMRC Project Grant
    Open grant
  • 2008
    State of the art wireless electromyography system for clinical research
    NHMRC Equipment Grant
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2013
    The efficacy of novel, non-robotic devices to train reaching post stroke
    NHMRC Project Grant
    Open grant
  • 2007 - 2012
    CCRE in Spinal Pain, Injury and Health
    NHMRC Centres of Clinical Research Excellence
    Open grant
  • 2006 - 2008
    An inverse control approach to resolving the neural basis of spatial and muscular dependencies in coordinated multi-limb movements
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2005 - 2007
    Cortical Mechanisms Mediating Bilateral Interactions Between the Upper Limbs
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant
  • 2005
    NHMRC_Equipment Grant = A high-accuracy, active marker, motion analysis system for recording and analysing human movement, Phoenix Technologies Inc., Visualeyez
    NHMRC Equipment Grant
    Open grant



Professor Andrew Cresswell is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The impact of fatigue on how running performance and economy

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Luke Kelly

  • Master Philosophy

    Investigating Peak Periods of Physical Demand in Elite Female Netball Players

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Luke Kelly

  • Master Philosophy

    Player load of professional netball players

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Luke Kelly

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The principal advisor has reviewed the student's thesis submission and approved it for review. The submission can now be approved for examination or changes can be requested.

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Luke Kelly

Completed supervision



Contact Professor Andrew Cresswell directly for media enquiries about:

  • Biomechanics
  • Exercise
  • Forensic biomechanics
  • Human movement studies
  • Motor control
  • Neuromechanics
  • Neurophysiology
  • Sports medicine

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