Malcolm has applied fundamental comminution research to design and process improvement on over 70 mines worldwide during 40 years at Mintek, UCT, Professor of comminution at the JKMRC in Australia, and through private research companies. His work is published in over 240 papers and has been presented in as many conferences worldwide. Malcolm collaborates extensively, with close compatriots on 5 continents forming the Global Comminution Collaborative (GCC) – providing an expert research and consulting base covering the full comminution process chain. Malcolm provides on-site experiential training and site reviews to empower mine staff to upgrade the productivity and their skills. This is supplemented with formal training workshops on liner design, comminution and Advanced Mine to Mill. Malcolm’s research vision is of integrated total process simulation as a tool for innovation – linking geology, mining, energy and size reduction, gangue rejection and recovery into flexible process design and process optimisation.
Malcolm supervises research students and runs three companies dedicated to advancing cutting edge technology into the mining industry. These focus around operation-relevant training; advanced mill liner design using DEM modelling; mechanistic mill modelling; introducing the latest tools into daily process control; operationalising advanced mine-to-mill implementation; and development of step-change reduction in comminution energy.
- Emeritus Professor Malcolm Powell is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Science, University of Kwazulu Natal
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cape Town
Research interests
Flexible circuits
“FlexiCircuits leverage ore variability to maximise resource utilisation”. The focus of flexible circuits is to investigate processing options that provide extra capacity through sophistication rather than scale. This requires a combination of smart ore characterisation, economic modelling and innovative processing plant design. Flexible mineral processing circuits can respond to variations in feed characteristics (competence, size distribution, grade and deleterious components) and processing requirements by varying the processing route in order to maximise recovery within energy usage limitations. The application is via utilising today’s equipment while enabling the uptake of tomorrows technology.
Applying fundamental research to applied outputs
Applied outputs are based on the development of mechanistically correct but practical and robust process models. Interests cover: mill liner design; SAG mill modelling and control; the unified comminution model (UCM); ore characterisation for multi-component modelling; applied comminution process review, modelling and improvement.
Research impacts
An H index 27 with about 150 article downloads per week.
Malcolm places a strong emphasis on presenting at conferences, as a pathway to connecting research outcomes to other researchers, and importantly to encourage industry uptake of the latest technology arising from research.
Recent process reviews: In 2019 demonstrated and provided the technical pathway to increase production by between 10 and 20% on three mines (Las Bambas, Peru; New gold and Voisey’s bay, Canada). At Barrick Cortez demonstrated a 16% increase in mill throughput capacity (Powell et al. AusIMM mill operators conference 2018 and SAG conference 2019), and again in 2020 for a new ore body. Anglo American Platinum Mogalakwena crushing circuit: capacity increased by 20% based on recommendations of a GCC review and simulations, worth about $100M per annum (Powell et al, SAG conference 2011). Increased mill throughput at Cadia of 10% over a period of liner life, translating to 3% over liner life, a value of over $20M per annum (Bird et al., SAG conference, 2011). Navachab Ball scats removal: a step change of 9% in mill throughput (Powell and Smit, SAG conference 2001), which drove an industry-wide upgrade to grinding ball quality in Southern Africa.
Liner design: Increases in liner life of over 50% on many mills, worth $0.3-1.5M per annum on single mills. Liner redesign Pustynnoye mine, Kahzakstahn: increased liner life by 50% and mill throughput by 20% (Powell et al, AusIMM.MillOps, 2018).
MillTraj liner design software: with over 200 licences with half the world liner suppliers the use of this software has propagated liner life and mill performance improvement worldwide.
Search Professor Malcolm Powell’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Human factors in control room operations in mineral processing: Elevating control from reactive to proactive
Li, Xilin, Powell, Malcolm and Horberry, Tim (2012). Human factors in control room operations in mineral processing: Elevating control from reactive to proactive. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 6 (1), 88-111. doi: 10.1177/1555343411432340
Conference Publication
Step change - a staircase rather than a giant leap
Powell, M. S. and Mainza, A. N. (2012). Step change - a staircase rather than a giant leap. XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress - IMPC 2012, New Delhi, India, 24-28 September 2012. New Delhi, India: International Mineral Processing Congress.
Conference Publication
Adapting mill control to account for liner wear on the Cadia 40ft mill.
Bird, Matt, Powell, Malcolm, Robertson, Jason, Hilden, Marko and Franke, Jochen (2011). Adapting mill control to account for liner wear on the Cadia 40ft mill.. International Autogenous Grinding, Semiautogenous Grinding and High Pressure Grinding Rolls Technology 2011, Vancouver BC, Canada, 25-28 September, 2011. Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Conference Publication
Integrating liner profile evolution and mill performance with 3D DEM modelling
Weerasekara, Nirmal, Powell, Malcolm, Franke, J. and Favier, J. (2011). Integrating liner profile evolution and mill performance with 3D DEM modelling. International Autogenous Grinding, Semiautogenous Grinding and High Pressure Grinding Rolls Technology 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 25-28 September, 2011. Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Conference Publication
The strengths of SAG and HPGR in flexible circuit designs
Powell, Malcolm, Benzer, Hakan and Mainza, Aubrey (2011). The strengths of SAG and HPGR in flexible circuit designs. International Autogenous Grinding, Semiautogenous Grinding and High Pressure Grinding Rolls Technology 2011, Vancouver BC, Canada, 25-28 September, 2011. Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Conference Publication
Exploring the breakage environment in mills with discrete element methods
Weerasekara, Nirmal and Powell, Malcolm (2010). Exploring the breakage environment in mills with discrete element methods. International Mineral Processing Congress 2010, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 6-10 September, 2010. Carlton, VIC, Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Conference Publication
Beyond mine-to-mill: Circuit design for energy efficient resource utilisation.
Powell, M. and Bye, A. (2009). Beyond mine-to-mill: Circuit design for energy efficient resource utilisation.. Tenth Mill Operators' Conference, Adelaide, SA, 12-14 October, 2009. Carlton, VIC: AusIMM.
Journal Article
Applying grinding curves to mill operation and optimisation
Powell, M. S., van der Westhuizen, A. P. and Mainza, A. N. (2009). Applying grinding curves to mill operation and optimisation. Minerals Engineering, 22 (7-8), 625-632. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2009.01.008
Journal Article
The future of comminution modelling
Powell, M. S. and Morrison, R. D. (2007). The future of comminution modelling. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 84 (1-4), 228-239. doi: 10.1016/j.minpro.2006.08.003
Conference Publication
Slurry pooling and transport issues in SAG mills
Powell, M. S. and Valery, W. (2006). Slurry pooling and transport issues in SAG mills. International autogenous and semiautogenous grinding technology, Vancouver, Canada, 24-27 September, 2006. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia, Dept. of Mining Engineering.
Journal Article
Improved experimental tracking techniques for validating discrete element method simulations of tumbling mills
Govender, I., McBride, A. T. and Powell, M. S. (2004). Improved experimental tracking techniques for validating discrete element method simulations of tumbling mills. Experimental Mechanics, 44 (6), 593-607. doi: 10.1177/0014485104048333
Journal Article
Energy-based modelling of single-particle breakage by slow compression
Campos, Túlio M., Andersson, Caroline, Evertsson, Magnus, Powell, Malcolm and Tavares, Luís Marcelo (2024). Energy-based modelling of single-particle breakage by slow compression. Minerals Engineering, 208 108585. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108585
Journal Article
Novel size segregation indices for multi-sized particle stockpiles
Ye, Z., Yahyaei, M., Hilden, M. and Powell, M.S. (2023). Novel size segregation indices for multi-sized particle stockpiles. Minerals Engineering, 201 108165, 108165. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2023.108165
Journal Article
Comminution and Classification as Important Process Steps for the Circular Production of Lithium Batteries
Kwade, Arno, Möller, Marcel, Müller, Jannes, Hesselbach, Jutta, Zellmer, Sabrina, Doose, Stefan, Mayer, Julian, Michalowski, Peter, Powell, Malcolm and Breitung-Faes, Sandra (2023). Comminution and Classification as Important Process Steps for the Circular Production of Lithium Batteries. KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 2023 (40) 2023006, 50-73. doi: 10.14356/kona.2023006
Conference Publication
A standardised method for the precise quantification of practical minimum comminution energy
Ali, S., Powell, M. S., Yahyaei, M., Weatherley, D. K. and Ballantyne, G. R. (2022). A standardised method for the precise quantification of practical minimum comminution energy. IMPC Asia-Pacific Conference 2022, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 22–24 August 2022. Carlton, VIC Australia: AusIMM.
Journal Article
Trialling one-part geopolymer production including iron ore tailings as fillers
Mazzinghy, Douglas B., Figueiredo, Ricardo A.M., Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Yahyaei, Mohsen, Vaughan, James and Powell, Malcolm S. (2022). Trialling one-part geopolymer production including iron ore tailings as fillers. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 36 (5), 1-12. doi: 10.1080/17480930.2022.2047271
Journal Article
A consolidated summary on the evolution of a dynamic tumbling mill model
Yu, P., Xie, W., Liu, L. X., Hilden, M. and Powell, M. S. (2021). A consolidated summary on the evolution of a dynamic tumbling mill model. Powder Technology, 391, 173-183. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2021.06.017
Journal Article
The effect of screen versus cyclone classification on the mineral liberation properties of a polymetallic ore
Frausto, J.J., Ballantyne, G.R., Runge, K., Powell, M.S., Wightman, E.M., Evans, C.L., Gonzalez, P. and Gomez, S. (2021). The effect of screen versus cyclone classification on the mineral liberation properties of a polymetallic ore. Minerals Engineering, 169 106930, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2021.106930
Journal Article
The double wheel breakage test
Bueno, Marcos, Torvela, Janne, Chandramohan, Rajiv, Chavez Matus, Tabatha, Liedes, Toni and Powell, Malcolm (2021). The double wheel breakage test. Minerals Engineering, 168 106905. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2021.106905
Journal Article
Comparing strategies for grinding itabirite iron ores in autogenous and semi-autogenous pilot-scale mills
Rodrigues, Armando F.d.V., Delboni, Homero, Powell, Malcolm S. and Tavares, Luis Marcelo (2021). Comparing strategies for grinding itabirite iron ores in autogenous and semi-autogenous pilot-scale mills. Minerals Engineering, 163 106780. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2021.106780
Past funding
- Emeritus Professor Malcolm Powell is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
Mechanistic mill modelling
Steppping modelling of mineral processing into the digita era, by utilising high-end computing to enable dynamic process simulation in real time.
The models are built on a foundation of sund physics including: rock fracture for a continuum of ore strength properties adn matching the modes found in comminution devices, material transport, diffusive flow in a packed bed of particles, collision energy spectra, pulp and solids discharge functions. Computational tools of CFD and DEM are used to study the internal grinding enviroment adn provide the 'experimental' data upon which to claibrate analytic solutions that can be solved in real-time with numerical techniques. These are calibrated to pilot tests and ultimately large-scale production equipment.
The outcome will be a dynamic, mechanistic model, that can be used for desiogn, optimisaton studies, and to support on-line control. Such an outcome will be trasnformative to the mining industry in terms of advaning the processing efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of mining while ensuring its continued viability in providing essential resources to society.
An applicant should be inspired by science being applied to industry, be strong in applied mathematical modelling and computing, and willing to develop a comprehensive set of new skills.
Supervision history
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Development of a novel ore characterisation method for the precise measurement of practical minimum comminution energy
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Dion Weatherley, Professor Mohsen Yahyaei
Doctor Philosophy
Modelling and simulation approaches for exploiting multi-component characteristics of ores in mineral processing circuits
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Marko Hilden
Doctor Philosophy
Development of a correlation between mineralogy, rock strength measures, and breakage of Copper Porphyries
Principal Advisor
Master Philosophy
Grinding of Itabirite Iron Ore in Autogenous and Semi-Autogenous Mills.
Principal Advisor
Master Philosophy
Quantifying the Influence of Liner Wear on SAG Mill Performance
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Marko Hilden
Doctor Philosophy
Techno-Economic Multicomponent Analysis of Comminution Using Minerals Processing Simulators
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Mohsen Yahyaei
Doctor Philosophy
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Marko Hilden, Professor Mohsen Yahyaei
Doctor Philosophy
The impact of classification efficiency on comminution performance and flotation recovery
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Kym Runge
Master Philosophy
Development of a standard methodology for energy efficiency measurement in comminution processes
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
New Approach for Characterising a Breakage Event as a Multi-stage Process
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Mohsen Yahyaei
Master Philosophy
The effects of high voltage pulse treatment on ore characteristics and separation performances of a porphyry copper ore
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Marko Hilden
Doctor Philosophy
Process Modelling of Gravity Induced Stirred Mills
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Marko Hilden
Master Philosophy
Application of the grindcurve methodology to AG/SAG mill control
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Marko Hilden
Master Philosophy
Developing an abrasion characterisation test for measuring superficial breakage in comminution
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Mohsen Yahyaei
Doctor Philosophy
A structured approach for integrating sustainable development principles into the decision-making processes at minerals processing operations
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Development of a Multi-Component Model Structure for Autogenous and Semi-Autogenous Mills
Associate Advisor
Contact Emeritus Professor Malcolm Powell directly for media enquiries about:
- Comminution in mining
- DEM modelling
- Mill grinding equipment
- Mill liners
- Mineral processing
- Mining
- Mining equipment
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