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Dr Anne-Sophie Bergot

Anne-Sophie Bergot




After receiving a PhD on immune regulation from La Sorbonne Universitas in France, Anne-Sophie joined Prof. Ian Frazer’s lab in Australia where she led a highly successful and independent research program on the mechanisms of immune tolerance in human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated lesions in mice. She then joined the field of autoimmune diseases with Prof. Ranjeny Thomas. In Type 1 Diabetes, her pre-clinical data showed the feasibility of an antigen-specific liposome targeted immunotherapy in pre-diabetic mice and led to the first-in-human clinical trial using liposome nanoparticles. In Spondyloarthropathy, her interest is focused on deciphering the link between the gut microbiome, the immune system and the development of arthritic inflammation.


Dr Anne-Sophie Bergot is:
Available for supervision


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Pierre and Marie Curie University

Research interests

  • Bugs in the gut and arthritis in SkG mice and in SpA patients

    IL-23 dependent spondylitis, arthritis and ileitis recapitulate human spondyloarthropathy (SpA) in 1,3-beta-glucan (curdlan)-treated SKG mice. Human SpA patients and SKG mice have fecal dysbiosis, with increased gram-negative Bacteroidaceae and Porphyromonadaceae. In SKG mice, anti-IL-23 therapy supports homeostatic bacteria and gut integrity and is sufficient to prevent the development of arthritis. So I'm interested to know how pathobionts and commensals impact the development of SpA using the SKG mouse model. My current interest is also to confirm my findings in human patients with SpA who have simultaneous gut inflammation or not. Cool tools = germ-free mice, bacteria (anaerobic, aerobic) cultures, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), confocal imaging, FACS analysis, genomic work Questions = -How do the bacteria get to the inflamed joint? -Is this a cause of inflammation or are they attracted there as a consequence of in situ inflammation? -Are gut bacteria cargo-ed from one site to another and which cell can do that? -Is this part of a defective clearance mechanism ? -Are bacteria or cargo-ed bacteria circulating through blood vessels? -How can this be prevented?


Search Professor Anne-Sophie Bergot’s works on UQ eSpace

38 works between 2005 and 2024

21 - 38 of 38 works


Journal Article

TLR3 drives IRF6-dependent IL-23p19 expression and p19/EBI3 heterodimer formation in keratinocytes

Ramnath, Divya, Tunny, Kathryn, Hohenhaus, Daniel M., Pitts, Claire M., Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Hogarth, P. Mark, Hamilton, John A., Kapetanovic, Ronan, Sturm, Richard A., Scholz, Glen M. and Sweet, Matthew J. (2015). TLR3 drives IRF6-dependent IL-23p19 expression and p19/EBI3 heterodimer formation in keratinocytes. Immunology and Cell Biology, 93 (9), 771-779. doi: 10.1038/icb.2015.77

TLR3 drives IRF6-dependent IL-23p19 expression and p19/EBI3 heterodimer formation in keratinocytes


Journal Article

TCR sequences and tissue distribution discriminate the subsets of naïve and activated/memory Treg cells in mice

Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Chaara, Wahiba, Ruggiero, Eliana, Mariotti-Ferrandiz, Encarnita, Dulauroy, Sophie, Schmidt, Manfred, von Kalle, Christof, Six, Adrien and Klatzmann, David (2015). TCR sequences and tissue distribution discriminate the subsets of naïve and activated/memory Treg cells in mice. European Journal of Immunology, 45 (5), 1524-1534. doi: 10.1002/eji.201445269

TCR sequences and tissue distribution discriminate the subsets of naïve and activated/memory Treg cells in mice


Journal Article

Recent progress in vaccination against human papillomavirus-mediated cervical cancer

McKee, Sara J., Bergot, Anne-Sophie and Leggatt, Graham R. (2015). Recent progress in vaccination against human papillomavirus-mediated cervical cancer. Reviews in Medical Virology, 25 (S1), 54-71. doi: 10.1002/rmv.1824

Recent progress in vaccination against human papillomavirus-mediated cervical cancer


Journal Article

HPV16 E7 expression in skin induces TSLP secretion, type 2 ILC infiltration and atopic dermatitis-like lesions

Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Monnet, Nastasia, Tran, Son Le, Mittal, Deepak, Al-Kouba, Jane, Steptoe, Raymond J., Grimbaldeston, Michele A., Frazer, Ian H. and Wells, James W. (2015). HPV16 E7 expression in skin induces TSLP secretion, type 2 ILC infiltration and atopic dermatitis-like lesions. Immunology and Cell Biology, 93 (6), 540-547. doi: 10.1038/icb.2014.123

HPV16 E7 expression in skin induces TSLP secretion, type 2 ILC infiltration and atopic dermatitis-like lesions


Journal Article

HPV16-E7 expression in squamous epithelium creates a local immune suppressive environment via CCL2- and CCL5- mediated recruitment of mast cells

Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Ford, Neill, Leggatt, Graham R., Wells, James W., Frazer, Ian H. and Grimbaldeston, Michele A. (2014). HPV16-E7 expression in squamous epithelium creates a local immune suppressive environment via CCL2- and CCL5- mediated recruitment of mast cells. PLoS Pathogens, 10 (10) ARTN e1004466, 1-11. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004466

HPV16-E7 expression in squamous epithelium creates a local immune suppressive environment via CCL2- and CCL5- mediated recruitment of mast cells


Journal Article

Human papillomavirus E7 oncoprotein transgenic skin develops an enhanced inflammatory response to 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene by an arginase-1-dependent mechanism

Tran, Le Son, Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Mattarollo, Stephen R., Mittal, Deepak and Frazer, Ian H. (2014). Human papillomavirus E7 oncoprotein transgenic skin develops an enhanced inflammatory response to 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene by an arginase-1-dependent mechanism. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 134 (9), 2438-2446. doi: 10.1038/jid.2014.186

Human papillomavirus E7 oncoprotein transgenic skin develops an enhanced inflammatory response to 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene by an arginase-1-dependent mechanism


Journal Article

Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity contributes to local immune suppression in the skin expressing human papillomavirus oncoprotein E7

Mittal, Deepak, Kassianos, Andrew. J, Tran, Lee S., Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Gosmann, Christina, Hofmann, Janin, Blumenthal, Antje, Leggatt, Graham R. and Frazer, Ian H. (2013). Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity contributes to local immune suppression in the skin expressing human papillomavirus oncoprotein E7. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 133 (12), 2686-2694. doi: 10.1038/jid.2013.222

Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity contributes to local immune suppression in the skin expressing human papillomavirus oncoprotein E7


Journal Article

Self-specific memory regulatory T cells protect embryos at implantation in mice

Chen, Ting, Darrasse-Jeze, Guillaume, Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Courau, Tristan, Churlaud, Guillaume, Valdivia, Karina, Strominger, Jack L., Ruocco, Maria Grazia, Chaouat, Gerard and Klatzmann, David (2013). Self-specific memory regulatory T cells protect embryos at implantation in mice. The Journal of Immunology, 191 (5), 2273-2281. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1202413

Self-specific memory regulatory T cells protect embryos at implantation in mice


Journal Article

Intrathymic injection of lentiviral vector curtails the immune response in the periphery of normal mice

Gottrand, Gaëlle, Taleb. Kahina, Ragon, Isabelle, Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Goldstein, Jeremie D. and Marodon, Gilles (2012). Intrathymic injection of lentiviral vector curtails the immune response in the periphery of normal mice. Journal of Gene Medicine, 14 (2), 90-99. doi: 10.1002/jgm.1650

Intrathymic injection of lentiviral vector curtails the immune response in the periphery of normal mice


Conference Publication

Expression of HPV16-E7 oncoprotein in skin exacerbates the contact hypersensitivity response to DNCB

Bergot, A. S., Le Tran, S., Mittal, D., Grimbaldeston, M. A. and Frazer, I. H. (2012). Expression of HPV16-E7 oncoprotein in skin exacerbates the contact hypersensitivity response to DNCB. European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow Scotland, 5-8 September 2012. West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/imm.12002

Expression of HPV16-E7 oncoprotein in skin exacerbates the contact hypersensitivity response to DNCB


Journal Article

New approaches to immunotherapy for HPV associated cancer

Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Kassianos, Andrew, Frazer, Ian H. and Mittal, Deepak (2011). New approaches to immunotherapy for HPV associated cancer. Cancers, 3 (3), 3461-3495. doi: 10.3390/cancers3033461

New approaches to immunotherapy for HPV associated cancer


Journal Article

Antigen quality determines the efficiency of antitumor immune responses generated in the absence of regulatory T cells

Bergot, A-S., Durgeau, A., Levacher, B., Colombo, B. M., Cohen, J. L. and Klatzmann, D. (2010). Antigen quality determines the efficiency of antitumor immune responses generated in the absence of regulatory T cells. Cancer Gene Therapy, 17 (9), 645-654. doi: 10.1038/cgt.2010.21

Antigen quality determines the efficiency of antitumor immune responses generated in the absence of regulatory T cells


Journal Article

Adoptive Transfer of T Lymphocytes Sensitized against the Prion Protein Attenuates Prion Invasion in Scrapie-Infected Mice

Gourdain, Pauline, Gregoire, Sylvie, Iken, Saci, Bachy, Veronique, Dorban, Gauthier, Chaigneau, Thomas, Debiec, Hanna, Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Renault, Isabelle, Aucouturier, Pierre and Carnaud, Claude (2009). Adoptive Transfer of T Lymphocytes Sensitized against the Prion Protein Attenuates Prion Invasion in Scrapie-Infected Mice. Journal of Immunology, 183 (10), 6619-6628. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.0804385

Adoptive Transfer of T Lymphocytes Sensitized against the Prion Protein Attenuates Prion Invasion in Scrapie-Infected Mice


Journal Article

Tumor emergence is sensed by self-specific CD44(hi) memory Tregs that create a dominant tolerogenic environment for tumors in mice

Darrasse-Jeze, Guillaume, Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Durgeau, Aurelie, Billiard, Fabienne, Salomon, Benoit L., Cohen, Jose L., Bellier, Bertrand, Podsypanina, Katrina and Klatzmann, David (2009). Tumor emergence is sensed by self-specific CD44(hi) memory Tregs that create a dominant tolerogenic environment for tumors in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 119 (9), 2648-2662. doi: 10.1172/JCI36628

Tumor emergence is sensed by self-specific CD44(hi) memory Tregs that create a dominant tolerogenic environment for tumors in mice


Conference Publication

Regulatory T cells and cancer immunotherapy: Revision of the immunosurveillance of cancer paradigm and therapeutic consequences

Klatzmann, David, Maury, Sebastien, Darrasse-Jeze, Guillame, Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Podsypanina, Katrina, Lemoine, Francois and Cohen, Jose L. (2009). Regulatory T cells and cancer immunotherapy: Revision of the immunosurveillance of cancer paradigm and therapeutic consequences. Combined Meeting of the 17th European-Society-of-Gene-and-Cell-Therapy/16th German-Society-for-Gene-Therapy/4th German-Society-for-Stem-Cell-Research, Hannover Germany, Nov 21-25, 2009. MARY ANN LIEBERT INC.

Regulatory T cells and cancer immunotherapy: Revision of the immunosurveillance of cancer paradigm and therapeutic consequences


Journal Article

Contribution of antibody and T cell-specific responses to the progression of 139A-scrapie in C57BL/6 mice immunized with prion protein peptides

Sacquin, Antoine, Bergot, Anne Sophie, Aucouturier, Pierre and Bruley-Rosset, Martine (2008). Contribution of antibody and T cell-specific responses to the progression of 139A-scrapie in C57BL/6 mice immunized with prion protein peptides. Journal of Immunology, 181 (1), 768-775. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.181.1.768

Contribution of antibody and T cell-specific responses to the progression of 139A-scrapie in C57BL/6 mice immunized with prion protein peptides


Journal Article

Regulatory T cells prevent CD8 T cell maturation by inhibiting CD4 th cells at tumor sites

Chaput, Nathalie, Darrasse-Jeze, Guillaume, Bergot, Anne-Sophie, Cordier, Corinne, Ngo-Abdalla, Stacie, Klatzmann, David and Azogui, Orly (2007). Regulatory T cells prevent CD8 T cell maturation by inhibiting CD4 th cells at tumor sites. Journal of Immunology, 179 (8), 4969-4978. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.179.8.4969

Regulatory T cells prevent CD8 T cell maturation by inhibiting CD4 th cells at tumor sites


Journal Article

The murine B cell repertoire is severely selected against endogenous cellular prion protein

Gregoire, S, Bergot, AS, Feraudet, C, Carnaud, C, Aucouturier, P and Rosset, MB (2005). The murine B cell repertoire is severely selected against endogenous cellular prion protein. Journal of Immunology, 175 (10), 6443-6449. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.175.10.6443

The murine B cell repertoire is severely selected against endogenous cellular prion protein


Past funding

  • 2022
    Linking the presence of live Ileal-derived bacteria in the joint as a triggering factor for the development of Spondyloarthropathy.
    Arthritis Foundation of Australia
    Open grant
  • 2017 - 2018
    Dr Anne-Sophie Bergot - Maternity Funding (Advance Queensland Women's Academic Fund).
    Queensland Government Advance Queensland Women's Academic Fund
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2013
    ResTeach Funding 2012 0.1 FTE School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
    UQ ResTeach
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2013
    Skin immune sentinels: roles and functions of immunoregulatory T cells in HPV16 skin infection in mice
    UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
    Open grant



Dr Anne-Sophie Bergot is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

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Completed supervision



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