Associate Professor Ryan Turner is the Director of the Reef Catchments Science Partnership at the University of Queensland (a partnership with the Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation). Ryan was previously the Department's Principal Scientist for Water Quality and Investigations and held an Adjunct Associate Professor role at Queensland University of Technology in the Managing for Resilient Landscapes, Institute for Future Environments. For 14 years, Ryan managed multimillion-dollar water quality monitoring programs assessing the impacts of sediments, nutrients, and pesticides in numerous catchments along the Queensland coast discharging to the Great Barrier Reef and Moreton Bay. Ryan has been on several steering committees and technical advisory panels, such as the Great Barrier Reef Foundations Technical Advisory Panel. He has published extensively (>80 papers and reports) and led several Queensland Government – Academic collaborative research projects. Ryan previously supervised analytical chemistry and microbiology laboratories in the private and public sectors. Ryan has developed numerous methodologies and standard operating procedures for analytical and monitoring techniques (water quality, sediments and soils). Ryan’s passion for the future of water security is what keeps him striving forward.
- Dr Ryan Turner is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
Search Professor Ryan Turner’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Aquatic hazard and risk posed by four pesticides detected in waterways discharging to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia: Part 2. Hazard and risk assessment
Mitchell, Hannah C., Warne, Michael St. J., Mann, Reinier M., Neelamraju, Catherine A. and Turner, Ryan D. R. (2024). Aquatic hazard and risk posed by four pesticides detected in waterways discharging to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia: Part 2. Hazard and risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 955 177040, 177040. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177040
Other Outputs
Expansion of the Pesticide Decision Support Tool: pesticide active ingredients used on bananas and mixed horticultural crops
Mitchell, Hannah C., Neale, Peta A., St. J. Warne, Michael, Sluggett, Rob, Mann, Reinier M. and Turner, Ryan D. R. (2024). Expansion of the Pesticide Decision Support Tool: pesticide active ingredients used on bananas and mixed horticultural crops. Pesticide Decision Support Tool Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/ae76bfd
Journal Article
Offset integrity reduces environmental risk: Using lessons from biodiversity and carbon offsetting to inform water quality offsetting in the catchments of the Great Barrier Reef
McMahon, J.M., Turner, R.D.R., Smart, J.C.R., Shortle, J.S., Ramsay, I., Correa, D.F., Chamberlain, D., Mao, Y. and Warne, M.St.J. (2024). Offset integrity reduces environmental risk: Using lessons from biodiversity and carbon offsetting to inform water quality offsetting in the catchments of the Great Barrier Reef. Science of the Total Environment, 951 175786, 175786. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175786
Journal Article
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Spatio‐Temporal Stream Network Sensor Data
Santos‐Fernandez, Edgar, Ver Hoef, Jay M., Peterson, Erin E., McGree, James, Villa, Cesar A., Leigh, Catherine, Turner, Ryan, Roberts, Cameron and Mengersen, Kerrie (2024). Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Spatio‐Temporal Stream Network Sensor Data. Water Resources Research, 60 (11) e2023WR035707. doi: 10.1029/2023wr035707
Journal Article
Predicting ground cover with deep learning models—an application of spatio-temporal prediction methods to satellite-derived ground cover maps in the great barrier reef catchments
Mao, Yongjing, Turner, Ryan D. R., McMahon, Joseph M., Correa, Diego F., Chamberlain, Debbie A. and Warne, Michael St. J. (2024). Predicting ground cover with deep learning models—an application of spatio-temporal prediction methods to satellite-derived ground cover maps in the great barrier reef catchments. Remote Sensing, 16 (17) 3193, 3193. doi: 10.3390/rs16173193
Conference Publication
Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring Program: Digital Products and Commitment to the FAIR — Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability — Data Principles
Wilson, E., Turner, R. D. R., Clech-Goods, C., Roberts, C., Villa, A., Kaminski, H., Welk, K., Huggins, R., Ferguson, B., Marsh, A., Orr, D. N., Neelamraju, C., Warne, M. St.J. and Mann, R. M. (2024). Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring Program: Digital Products and Commitment to the FAIR — Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability — Data Principles. 11th Australian Stream Management Conference, Victor Harbor, SA Australia, 11-14 August 2024. Melbourne, VIC Australia: River Basin Management Society.
Journal Article
Ecotoxicity threshold values for 4-hydroxychlorothalonil, carbendazim, dimethoate and methoxyfenozide in fresh and marine waters: Part 1. Derivation of threshold values
Mitchell, Hannah C., Warne, Michael St J., Mann, Reinier M., King, Olivia C. and Turner, Ryan D. R. (2024). Ecotoxicity threshold values for 4-hydroxychlorothalonil, carbendazim, dimethoate and methoxyfenozide in fresh and marine waters: Part 1. Derivation of threshold values. Science of the Total Environment, 948 174578, 174578. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174578
Other Outputs
Fine scale water quality monitoring in the Herbert catchment: communications report
Roberts, C., Skelton, M., Glen, J., Souza Dias, F., Turner, R.D.R., Neelamraju, C., Ferguson, B., Fisher, S., Sinclair, M., Houseman, B., Goddard, G., Keenan, D., Gardiner, R., Marsh, A.P., Wilson, E. and Mann, R.M. (2024). Fine scale water quality monitoring in the Herbert catchment: communications report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government.
Book Chapter
Sediment and nutrient flux from land
Lewis, Stephen, McCloskey, Gillian, Bainbridge, Zoe, Davis, Aaron, Bartley, Rebecca and Turner, Ryan (2024). Sediment and nutrient flux from land. Oceanographic processes of coral reefs: physical and biological links in the Great Barrier Reef. (pp. 126-142) edited by Eric Wolanski and Michael J. Kingsford. Boca Raton, FL, United States: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/9781003320425-10
Other Outputs
A guide to building informed trust in environmental models
O'Brien, Katherine R., Vilas, Maria P., Egger, Felix, Langsdorf, Hayley, Weber, Tony, Turner, Ryan, McCloskey, Gillian, Di Bella, Lawrence, Baird, Mark, Burford, Michele, Dean, Angela, Hamilton, David, Maier, Holger, Maxwell, Paul, O'Neill, Andrew, Shaw, Melanie and Adams, Matthew (2024). A guide to building informed trust in environmental models. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland, School of Chemical Engineering. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.26925841.v1
Journal Article
Estimating the aquatic risk from exposure to up to twenty-two pesticide active ingredients in waterways discharging to the Great Barrier Reef
Warne, M.St.J., Neelamraju, C., Strauss, J., Turner, R. D.R., Smith, R. A. and Mann, R. M. (2023). Estimating the aquatic risk from exposure to up to twenty-two pesticide active ingredients in waterways discharging to the Great Barrier Reef. Science of the Total Environment, 892 164632, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164632
Journal Article
Combining optical and acoustic backscatter measurements for monitoring of fine suspended‐sediment concentration under changes in particle size and density
Livsey, D. L., Turner, R. D. R and Grace, P. R. (2023). Combining optical and acoustic backscatter measurements for monitoring of fine suspended‐sediment concentration under changes in particle size and density. Water Resources Research, 59 (8) e2022WR033982. doi: 10.1029/2022wr033982
Other Outputs
McMahon et al (2023) Estimating demand for water quality offsets from STPs in the GBR catchments by 2050 - Supplementary materials
McMahon, Joseph M., Turner, Ryan D. R. and Warne, Michael St. J. (2023). McMahon et al (2023) Estimating demand for water quality offsets from STPs in the GBR catchments by 2050 - Supplementary materials. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/429da4f
Other Outputs
Estimates of demand for water quality offsets from sewage treatment plants in the Great Barrier Reef catchments by 2050
McMahon, Joseph, Turner, Ryan and Warne, Michael (2023). Estimates of demand for water quality offsets from sewage treatment plants in the Great Barrier Reef catchments by 2050. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/5867b37
Journal Article
Flocculation of riverine sediment draining to the Great Barrier Reef, implications for monitoring and modelling of sediment dispersal across continental shelves
Livsey, D. L., Crosswell, J. R., Turner, R. D. R, Steven, A. D. L. and Grace, P. R. (2022). Flocculation of riverine sediment draining to the Great Barrier Reef, implications for monitoring and modelling of sediment dispersal across continental shelves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127 (7) e2021JC017988, 1-21. doi: 10.1029/2021jc017988
Journal Article
Temporal variation of imidacloprid concentration and risk in waterways discharging to the Great Barrier Reef and potential causes
Warne, Michael St.J., Turner, Ryan D.R., Davis, Aaron.M., Smith, Rachael and Huang, A. (2022). Temporal variation of imidacloprid concentration and risk in waterways discharging to the Great Barrier Reef and potential causes. Science of the Total Environment, 823 153556, 153556. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153556
Journal Article
Connecting targets for catchment sediment loads to ecological outcomes for seagrass using multiple lines of evidence
Lambert, Victoria, Bainbridge, Zoe T., Collier, Catherine, Lewis, Stephen E., Adams, Matthew P., Carter, Alex, Saunders, Megan I., Brodie, Jon, Turner, Ryan D.R., Rasheed, Michael A. and O'Brien, Katherine R. (2021). Connecting targets for catchment sediment loads to ecological outcomes for seagrass using multiple lines of evidence. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 169 112494, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112494
Journal Article
Coastal bays and coral cays: multi-element study of Chelonia mydas forage in the Great Barrier Reef (2015–2017)
Thomas, Colette R., Bennett, William W., Garcia, Clement, Simmonds, Andrew, Honchin, Carol, Turner, Ryan, Madden Hof, Christine A. and Bell, Ian (2020). Coastal bays and coral cays: multi-element study of Chelonia mydas forage in the Great Barrier Reef (2015–2017). Science of The Total Environment, 740 140042, 140042. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140042
Journal Article
Analysis of pesticide mixtures discharged to the lagoon of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Warne, M. St.J., Smith, R. A. and Turner, R. D.R. (2020). Analysis of pesticide mixtures discharged to the lagoon of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Environmental Pollution, 265 (Pt A) 114088, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114088
Journal Article
Greywater irrigation as a source of organic micro-pollutants to shallow groundwater and nearby surface water
Turner, Ryan D.R., Warne, Michael St.J., Dawes, Les A., Thompson, Kristie and Will, Geoffrey D. (2019). Greywater irrigation as a source of organic micro-pollutants to shallow groundwater and nearby surface water. Science of the Total Environment, 669, 570-578. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.073
- Dr Ryan Turner is:
- Available for supervision
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Available projects
Risk and hazard based projects
Assessing the hazard and risk posed by nitrate in GBR freshwaters.
Nutrient concentration data from the Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring Program between 2006 and 2023 will be compared to appropriate water quality guidelines for ecosystem protection to assess the hazard and risk they pose to aquatic ecosystems.
Hazard and risk assessment of metals in waters of the Burdekin river and estuary.
Two-years of metal concentration data (July 2014 to June 2016) from samples collected in the Burdekin River and Barratta Creek estuaries were collected and a preliminary hazard assessment was conducted as part of a World Wildlife Fund sponsored project on turtles. This project will use that metal data and conduct hazard assessment using the newest water quality guidelines and conduct a probabilistic risk assessment for the individual metals and for metal mixtures to aquatic ecosystems.
Analysing temporal trends in data projects
The Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring Program has been collecting pesticide concentration data between 2009 and 2021 and nutrient concentration data since 2006. To date, temporal trends have been estimated using very complex source catchment models. But with so much monitoring data it is possible to use this data to determine if concentrations have changed over time. To date, analysis for changes in concentration over time (temporal trend analysis) has only been conducted for using monitoring data for four pesticides (imidacloprid, diuron, imazapic and hexazinone) while over 90 are routinely monitored for. No trend analyses have been conducted on the nutrient monitoring data. These trend analysis projects will determine if the efforts/investments of the Australian and Queensland governments to improve land management practices and hence water quality have been successful. There are four priority projects on temporal trend analysis. These projects will be conducted in collaboration with staff from the Queensland Department of Environment and Science and the UQ School of Mathematics and Physics.
- Statistical analysis of temporal trends in nitrate loads in rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef (A priority project)
- Statistical analysis of temporal trends in pesticide concentrations in rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef (A priority project)
- Statistical analysis of temporal trends in sediment loads non-PSII herbicides in rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef (A priority project)
- Statistical analysis of temporal trends in the toxicity of pesticide mixtures in rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef (A priority project)
GIS-based projects - pesticides
Using GIS techniques to predict the toxicity of pesticide mixtures for every one-kilometre reach of rivers that drain to the GBR (A priority project)
The Partnership and the Qld Department of Environment and Science have developed relationships that use percent land use data to predict the toxicity of pesticide mixtures. Two waterways that drain to the GBR will be selected and divided into one-kilometre reaches. At the bottom of each reach, digital elevation maps will be used to determine the upstream catchment and combine that with land use maps to estimate the percent landuse upstream of each reach in the selected waterways. The percent land use data will then be used to estimate the toxicity of pesticide mixtures for each one-kilometre reach of the selected waterways.
Using GIS systems to develop risk maps for pesticides
This project will develop two GIS layers related to pesticide pollution. The first layer will combine land use data with information on the pesticides that can be applied to various agricultural practices and crops. This will identify the pesticides that could be expected to occur in the waterways. The second layer will present the spatial distribution of pesticides that have been detected in waterways that discharge to the GBR. These layers will help design pesticide monitoring programs and guide other research into the occurrence and risk posed by pesticides.
Using GIS systems to develop maps for the potential occurrence of pesticides (based on land use and registered uses of pesticides)
This project will use land-use maps (from the Queensland Department of Environment and Science, DES)) and the PubCris database (of pesticides registered for agricultural crops and systems by the APVMA) to determine the pesticides that are applied to agricultural land and therefore the pesticides that will potentially be present in the waterways that drain the catchments. This project will be conducted in collaboration with staff from the Partnership and DES and potentially the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. It will provide information on what pesticides might occur in waterways and thus guide pesticide monitoring programs.
Using GIS techniques to predict the toxicity of pesticide mixtures for any point on rivers that drain to the GBR
This is like the previous project, except that the aim is to be able to predict the toxicity at any point in a waterway that discharges to the GBR. The project will use the relationships that use percent land use data to predict the toxicity of pesticide mixtures. In this project you will use digital elevation maps to determine the upstream catchment and combine that with land use maps to estimate the percent landuse upstream of any point in a selected waterway. This data will then be used to estimate the toxicity of pesticide mixtures at any point in the selected waterway. The outcomes of this project will provide the foundation to enable the calculation of the toxicity of pesticide mixtures at any point in any waterway that discharges to the GBR.
GIS-based projects - sediment
Riparian vegetation and catchment sediment generation
There are catchment-based targets in the Reef Water Quality Improvement Plan for improving catchment riparian conditions as well as water quality improvements. This project will look for correlations between earth observation measurements of riparian extent, riparian connectivity and water quality measured concentrations and loads of total suspended solids.
Gully density and catchment sediment generation
There are catchment-based targets in the Reef Water Quality Improvement Plan for improving catchment conditions as well as water quality improvements. This project will look for correlations between earth observation measurements of basin gully density and water quality measured concentrations and loads of total suspended solids.
Pesticide mixtures projects
Calculating the pesticide mixture toxicity using historical pesticide monitoring data from the GBR lagoon and assessing the hazard they pose
Between 2010 and 2020 the Reef Marine Monitoring Program has conducted pesticide analysis using passive samplers. But only two-years’ worth (2017/18 and 2018/19) of data had the toxicity of pesticide mixtures calculated using the multi-substance potentially affected fraction (msPAF) method that is now used to determine the risk posed by pesticide mixtures. This project will calculate the other years and then assess the risk that pesticide mixtures pose. Temporal analysis of the msPAF values will also be conducted.
Analysis and write up of the 2+ years of orbitrap data collected by the GBRCLMP, including a statistical analysis of land-use relationships.
The Queensland Department of Environment and Science has conducted non-targeted organic chemical analysis of rivers that discharge to the GBR for two years. This project will collate that data to determine what chemicals are present, how frequently each is detected, summary concentration statistics and determine if there are relationships between their occurrence and land-use. This project will help determine what chemicals are included in future chemical analysis of GBR waterways.
Maximising the value of real-time water quality monitoring projects
Fingerprinting Water: Using Real-Time Spectra to Predict the Concentrations of Pesticides (A priority project)
This project will attempt to use the spectra generated by TriOS OPUS probes (which currently provides real-time measurements on nitrate-nitrogen and total suspended solids) to predict concentrations of three pesticides (atrazine, diuron and imidacloprid) in a number of different rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef. Finding such relationships could enable real-time water quality monitoring of waterways for water quality parameters and would enable quicker and cheaper method of monitoring waterways within the Great Barrier Reef catchments.
Miscellaneous projects
An analysis of the effect of holding time and temperature on nutrient sample preservation.
Many of the sites sampled by the Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring Program are in remote locations and getting the water samples to the laboratories and analysed within the holding times for nutrients can be problematic. This study would work with the staff from the Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services (chemical laboratories) to determine the effect that prolonged holding times (prior to filtration and freezing) has on the accuracy of nutrient analysis and calculate correction factors or determine new holding times.
Calculating real-time loads for nitrate and total suspended solids
This project will look into the variability of real-time loads and tradition loads monitoring with discreet sampling.
Risk and hazard based projects
Assessing the hazard and risk posed by nitrate in GBR freshwaters.
Nutrient concentration data from the Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring Program between 2006 and 2023 will be compared to appropriate water quality guidelines for ecosystem protection to assess the hazard and risk they pose to aquatic ecosystems.
Hazard and risk assessment of metals in waters of the Burdekin river and estuary.
Two-years of metal concentration data (July 2014 to June 2016) from samples collected in the Burdekin River and Barratta Creek estuaries were collected and a preliminary hazard assessment was conducted as part of a World Wildlife Fund sponsored project on turtles. This project will use that metal data and conduct hazard assessment using the newest water quality guidelines and conduct a probabilistic risk assessment for the individual metals and for metal mixtures to aquatic ecosystems.
Analysing temporal trends in data projects
The Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring Program has been collecting pesticide concentration data between 2009 and 2021 and nutrient concentration data since 2006. To date, temporal trends have been estimated using very complex source catchment models. But with so much monitoring data it is possible to use this data to determine if concentrations have changed over time. To date, analysis for changes in concentration over time (temporal trend analysis) has only been conducted for using monitoring data for four pesticides (imidacloprid, diuron, imazapic and hexazinone) while over 90 are routinely monitored for. No trend analyses have been conducted on the nutrient monitoring data. These trend analysis projects will determine if the efforts/investments of the Australian and Queensland governments to improve land management practices and hence water quality have been successful. There are four priority projects on temporal trend analysis. These projects will be conducted in collaboration with staff from the Queensland Department of Environment and Science and the UQ School of Mathematics and Physics.
- Statistical analysis of temporal trends in nitrate loads in rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef (A priority project)
- Statistical analysis of temporal trends in pesticide concentrations in rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef (A priority project)
- Statistical analysis of temporal trends in sediment loads non-PSII herbicides in rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef (A priority project)
- Statistical analysis of temporal trends in the toxicity of pesticide mixtures in rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef (A priority project)
GIS-based projects - pesticides
Using GIS techniques to predict the toxicity of pesticide mixtures for every one-kilometre reach of rivers that drain to the GBR (A priority project)
The Partnership and the Qld Department of Environment and Science have developed relationships that use percent land use data to predict the toxicity of pesticide mixtures. Two waterways that drain to the GBR will be selected and divided into one-kilometre reaches. At the bottom of each reach, digital elevation maps will be used to determine the upstream catchment and combine that with land use maps to estimate the percent landuse upstream of each reach in the selected waterways. The percent land use data will then be used to estimate the toxicity of pesticide mixtures for each one-kilometre reach of the selected waterways.
Using GIS systems to develop risk maps for pesticides
This project will develop two GIS layers related to pesticide pollution. The first layer will combine land use data with information on the pesticides that can be applied to various agricultural practices and crops. This will identify the pesticides that could be expected to occur in the waterways. The second layer will present the spatial distribution of pesticides that have been detected in waterways that discharge to the GBR. These layers will help design pesticide monitoring programs and guide other research into the occurrence and risk posed by pesticides.
Using GIS systems to develop maps for the potential occurrence of pesticides (based on land use and registered uses of pesticides)
This project will use land-use maps (from the Queensland Department of Environment and Science, DES)) and the PubCris database (of pesticides registered for agricultural crops and systems by the APVMA) to determine the pesticides that are applied to agricultural land and therefore the pesticides that will potentially be present in the waterways that drain the catchments. This project will be conducted in collaboration with staff from the Partnership and DES and potentially the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. It will provide information on what pesticides might occur in waterways and thus guide pesticide monitoring programs.
Using GIS techniques to predict the toxicity of pesticide mixtures for any point on rivers that drain to the GBR
This is like the previous project, except that the aim is to be able to predict the toxicity at any point in a waterway that discharges to the GBR. The project will use the relationships that use percent land use data to predict the toxicity of pesticide mixtures. In this project you will use digital elevation maps to determine the upstream catchment and combine that with land use maps to estimate the percent landuse upstream of any point in a selected waterway. This data will then be used to estimate the toxicity of pesticide mixtures at any point in the selected waterway. The outcomes of this project will provide the foundation to enable the calculation of the toxicity of pesticide mixtures at any point in any waterway that discharges to the GBR.
GIS-based projects - sediment
Riparian vegetation and catchment sediment generation
There are catchment-based targets in the Reef Water Quality Improvement Plan for improving catchment riparian conditions as well as water quality improvements. This project will look for correlations between earth observation measurements of riparian extent, riparian connectivity and water quality measured concentrations and loads of total suspended solids.
Gully density and catchment sediment generation
There are catchment-based targets in the Reef Water Quality Improvement Plan for improving catchment conditions as well as water quality improvements. This project will look for correlations between earth observation measurements of basin gully density and water quality measured concentrations and loads of total suspended solids.
Pesticide mixtures projects
Calculating the pesticide mixture toxicity using historical pesticide monitoring data from the GBR lagoon and assessing the hazard they pose
Between 2010 and 2020 the Reef Marine Monitoring Program has conducted pesticide analysis using passive samplers. But only two-years’ worth (2017/18 and 2018/19) of data had the toxicity of pesticide mixtures calculated using the multi-substance potentially affected fraction (msPAF) method that is now used to determine the risk posed by pesticide mixtures. This project will calculate the other years and then assess the risk that pesticide mixtures pose. Temporal analysis of the msPAF values will also be conducted.
Analysis and write up of the 2+ years of orbitrap data collected by the GBRCLMP, including a statistical analysis of land-use relationships.
The Queensland Department of Environment and Science has conducted non-targeted organic chemical analysis of rivers that discharge to the GBR for two years. This project will collate that data to determine what chemicals are present, how frequently each is detected, summary concentration statistics and determine if there are relationships between their occurrence and land-use. This project will help determine what chemicals are included in future chemical analysis of GBR waterways.
Maximising the value of real-time water quality monitoring projects
Fingerprinting Water: Using Real-Time Spectra to Predict the Concentrations of Pesticides (A priority project)
This project will attempt to use the spectra generated by TriOS OPUS probes (which currently provides real-time measurements on nitrate-nitrogen and total suspended solids) to predict concentrations of three pesticides (atrazine, diuron and imidacloprid) in a number of different rivers that discharge to the Great Barrier Reef. Finding such relationships could enable real-time water quality monitoring of waterways for water quality parameters and would enable quicker and cheaper method of monitoring waterways within the Great Barrier Reef catchments.
Miscellaneous projects
An analysis of the effect of holding time and temperature on nutrient sample preservation.
Many of the sites sampled by the Great Barrier Reef Catchment Loads Monitoring Program are in remote locations and getting the water samples to the laboratories and analysed within the holding times for nutrients can be problematic. This study would work with the staff from the Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services (chemical laboratories) to determine the effect that prolonged holding times (prior to filtration and freezing) has on the accuracy of nutrient analysis and calculate correction factors or determine new holding times.
Calculating real-time loads for nitrate and total suspended solids
This project will look into the variability of real-time loads and tradition loads monitoring with discreet sampling.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Pesticide mixture toxicity at multiple spatial scales
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Land use change effects on sediment and nutrient dynamics: Fitzroy River catchment, Australia
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Stuart Phinn
Doctor Philosophy
eDNA citizen science in Great Barrier Reef (GBR) catchments
Principal Advisor
Contact Dr Ryan Turner directly for media enquiries about:
- Water quality
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