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Modulation of the Gastrointestinal Microbiome with probiotics and subsequent Methane production as a novel approach to treat constipation: A Proof of Principle Study (TRI Sport Grant led by PAH) (2020-2024)


Professor Mark Morrison

Chair & Group Leader Metagenomics
Frazer Institute
Faculty of Medicine
Affiliate Professor
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Mark Morrison
Mark Morrison

Professor Gerald Holtmann

Director of Clinical Innovation(Sec
Faculty of Medicine
Gerald Holtmann
Gerald Holtmann

Professor Craig Williams

School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Craig Williams
Craig Williams

Professor Paul Burn

UQ Laureate Fellow
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Paul Burn
Paul Burn

Dr Ayesha Shah

ATH - Senior Lecturer
Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
Faculty of Medicine
Ayesha Shah