2016 Journal Article The impact of vehicle movement on exploitation parameters of roads and runways: a short review of the special issueDell'Acqua, Gianluca, De Luca, Mario, Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Prentkovskis, Olegas and Junevicius, Raimundas (2016). The impact of vehicle movement on exploitation parameters of roads and runways: a short review of the special issue. Transport, 31 (2), 127-132. doi: 10.3846/16484142.2016.1201912 |
2015 Journal Article Profiling drunk driving recidivists in DenmarkMoller, Mette, Haustein, Sonja and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2015). Profiling drunk driving recidivists in Denmark. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 83, 125-131. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.07.015 |
2015 Journal Article Influence of the built environment on pedestrian route choices of adolescent girlsRodriguez, Daniel A., Merlin, Louis, Prato, Carlo G., Conway, Terry L., Cohen, Deborah, Elder, John P., Evenson, Kelly R., McKenzie, Thomas L., Pickrel, Julie L. and Veblen-Mortenson, Sara (2015). Influence of the built environment on pedestrian route choices of adolescent girls. Environment and Behavior, 47 (4), 359-394. doi: 10.1177/0013916513520004 |
2015 Journal Article Parents' and peers' contribution to risky driving of male teen driversTaubman - Ben-Ari, Orit, Kaplan, Sigal, Lotan, Tsippy and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2015). Parents' and peers' contribution to risky driving of male teen drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 78, 81-86. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.02.020 |
2015 Journal Article How uncertainty in socio-economic variables affects large-scale transport model forecastsManzo, Stefano, Nielsen, Otto Anker and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2015). How uncertainty in socio-economic variables affects large-scale transport model forecasts. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 15 (3), 304-316. doi: 10.18757/ejtir.2015.15.3.3080 |
2015 Journal Article Intentions to use bike-sharing for holiday cycling: an application of the Theory of Planned BehaviorKaplan, Sigal, Manca, Francesco, Nielsen, Thomas Alexander Sick and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2015). Intentions to use bike-sharing for holiday cycling: an application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Tourism Management, 47, 34-46. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2014.08.017 |
2015 Journal Article How uncertainty in input and parameters influences transport model: output A four-stage model case-studyManzo, Stefano, Nielsen, Otto Anker and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2015). How uncertainty in input and parameters influences transport model: output A four-stage model case-study. Transport Policy, 38, 64-72. doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2014.12.004 |
2015 Journal Article Observed and unobserved correlation between crash avoidance manoeuvers and crash severityKaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2015). Observed and unobserved correlation between crash avoidance manoeuvers and crash severity. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 23 (4), 413-426. doi: 10.1080/17457300.2015.1056806 |
2015 Journal Article Estimating route choice models from stochastically generated choice sets on large-scale networks correcting for unequal sampling probabilityVacca, Alessandro, Prato, Carlo Giacomo and Meloni, Italo (2015). Estimating route choice models from stochastically generated choice sets on large-scale networks correcting for unequal sampling probability. Transportation Research Record, 2493 (2493), 11-18. doi: 10.3141/2493-02 |
2015 Journal Article Fatal and serious road crashes involving young New Zealand drivers: a latent class clustering approachWeiss, Harold B., Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2015). Fatal and serious road crashes involving young New Zealand drivers: a latent class clustering approach. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 23 (4), 427-443. doi: 10.1080/17457300.2015.1056807 |
2015 Journal Article Dynamic queuing transmission model for dynamic network loadingRaovic, Nevena, Nielsen, Otto Anker and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2015). Dynamic queuing transmission model for dynamic network loading. Transport, 32 (2), 146-159. doi: 10.3846/16484142.2015.1062417 |
2015 Journal Article Role of social climate in habitual transit use by young adults to work and leisure activities evidence from Colombia and MexicoSalva, Julian R., Sierra, Miguel, Alanis, Ana K. J., Kaplan, Sigel and Prato, Carlo G. (2015). Role of social climate in habitual transit use by young adults to work and leisure activities evidence from Colombia and Mexico. Transportation Research Record, 2512 (2512), 22-30. doi: 10.3141/2512-03 |
2015 Journal Article A Spatial Analysis of Land Use and Network Effects on Frequency and Severity of Cyclist–Motorist Crashes in the Copenhagen RegionKaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2015). A Spatial Analysis of Land Use and Network Effects on Frequency and Severity of Cyclist–Motorist Crashes in the Copenhagen Region. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16 (7), 724-731. doi: 10.1080/15389588.2014.1003818 |
2014 Journal Article Efficiency of choice set generation techniques for bicycle routesHalldórsdóttir, Katrin, Rieser-Schüssler, Nadine, Axhausen, Kay W., Nielsen, Otto A. and Prato, Carlo G. (2014). Efficiency of choice set generation techniques for bicycle routes. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 14 (4), 332-348. |
2014 Journal Article User perspectives in public transport timetable optimisationParbo, Jens, Nielsen, Otto Anker and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2014). User perspectives in public transport timetable optimisation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 48, 269-284. doi: 10.1016/j.trc.2014.09.005 |
2014 Journal Article The new science of citiesPrato, Carlo Giacomo (2014). The new science of cities. Transport Reviews, 34 (5), 668-670. doi: 10.1080/01441647.2014.931332 |
2014 Journal Article Aggravating and mitigating factors associated with cyclist injury severity in DenmarkKaplan, Sigal, Vavatsoulas, Konstantinos and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2014). Aggravating and mitigating factors associated with cyclist injury severity in Denmark. Journal of Safety Research, 50, 75-82. doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2014.03.012 |
2014 Journal Article Assessing the relationship between the driver behavior questionnaire and the driver skill inventory: revealing sub-groups of driversMartinussen, Laila M., Moller, Mette and Prato, Carlo G. (2014). Assessing the relationship between the driver behavior questionnaire and the driver skill inventory: revealing sub-groups of drivers. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 26 (PART A), 82-91. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2014.06.008 |
2014 Journal Article Using connectivity for measuring equity in transit provisionKaplan, Sigal, Popoks, Dmitrijs, Prato, Carlo Giacomo and Ceder, Avishai (Avi) (2014). Using connectivity for measuring equity in transit provision. Journal of Transport Geography, 37, 82-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.04.016 |
2014 Journal Article Safety perceptions and reported behavior related to cycling in mixed traffic: a comparison between Brisbane and CopenhagenChataway, Elijah Steven, Kaplan, Sigal, Nielsen, Thomas Alexander Sick and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2014). Safety perceptions and reported behavior related to cycling in mixed traffic: a comparison between Brisbane and Copenhagen. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 23, 32-43. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2013.12.021 |