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Journal Article

Safety perceptions and reported behavior related to cycling in mixed traffic: a comparison between Brisbane and Copenhagen

Chataway, Elijah Steven, Kaplan, Sigal, Nielsen, Thomas Alexander Sick and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2014). Safety perceptions and reported behavior related to cycling in mixed traffic: a comparison between Brisbane and Copenhagen. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 23, 32-43. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2013.12.021

Safety perceptions and reported behavior related to cycling in mixed traffic: a comparison between Brisbane and Copenhagen


Journal Article

Analysis of factors associated with injury severity in crashes involving young New Zealand drivers

Weiss, Harold B., Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo G. (2014). Analysis of factors associated with injury severity in crashes involving young New Zealand drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 65, 142-155. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.12.020

Analysis of factors associated with injury severity in crashes involving young New Zealand drivers


Journal Article

Effects of uncertainty in speed-flow curve parameters on a large-scale model: case study of the Danish national model

Manzo, Stefano, Nielsen, Otto Anker and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2014). Effects of uncertainty in speed-flow curve parameters on a large-scale model: case study of the Danish national model. Transportation Research Record, 2429 (2429), 30-37. doi: 10.3141/2429-04

Effects of uncertainty in speed-flow curve parameters on a large-scale model: case study of the Danish national model


Journal Article

Estimating value of congestion and of reliability from observation of route choice behavior of car drivers

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Rasmussen, Thomas Kjaer and Nielsen, Otto Anker (2014). Estimating value of congestion and of reliability from observation of route choice behavior of car drivers. Transportation Research Record, 2412 (2412), 20-27. doi: 10.3141/2412-03

Estimating value of congestion and of reliability from observation of route choice behavior of car drivers


Journal Article

Risk factors associated with crash severity on low-volume rural roads in Denmark

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Rasmussen, Thomas Kjaer and Kaplan, Sigal (2014). Risk factors associated with crash severity on low-volume rural roads in Denmark. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 6 (1), 1-20. doi: 10.1080/19439962.2013.796027

Risk factors associated with crash severity on low-volume rural roads in Denmark


Journal Article

Estimation of multimodal public transport route choice models of transport passengers in the Greater Copenhagen Area

Anderson, Marie K., Nielsen, Otto A. and Prato, Carlo G. (2014). Estimation of multimodal public transport route choice models of transport passengers in the Greater Copenhagen Area. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 6 (3), 221-245. doi: 10.1007/s13676-014-0063-3

Estimation of multimodal public transport route choice models of transport passengers in the Greater Copenhagen Area


Journal Article

Analyzing the relationship between car generation and severity of motor-vehicle crashes in Denmark

Rich, Jeppe, Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Hels, Tove, Lyckegaard, Allan and Kristensen, Niels Buus (2013). Analyzing the relationship between car generation and severity of motor-vehicle crashes in Denmark. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 54, 81-89. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.02.016

Analyzing the relationship between car generation and severity of motor-vehicle crashes in Denmark


Journal Article

Cyclist-motorist crash patterns in Denmark: a latent class clustering approach.

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2013). Cyclist-motorist crash patterns in Denmark: a latent class clustering approach.. Traffic injury prevention, 14 (7), 725-733. doi: 10.1080/15389588.2012.759654

Cyclist-motorist crash patterns in Denmark: a latent class clustering approach.


Journal Article

The application of the random regret minimization model to drivers' choice of crash avoidance maneuvers

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). The application of the random regret minimization model to drivers' choice of crash avoidance maneuvers. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15 (6), 699-709. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2012.06.005

The application of the random regret minimization model to drivers' choice of crash avoidance maneuvers


Journal Article

Meta-analysis of choice set generation effects on route choice model estimates and predictions

Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Meta-analysis of choice set generation effects on route choice model estimates and predictions. Transport, 27 (3), 286-298. doi: 10.3846/16484142.2012.719840

Meta-analysis of choice set generation effects on route choice model estimates and predictions


Journal Article

Risk factors associated with bus accident severity in the United States: a generalized ordered logit model

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Risk factors associated with bus accident severity in the United States: a generalized ordered logit model. Journal of Safety Research, 43 (3), 171-180. doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2012.05.003

Risk factors associated with bus accident severity in the United States: a generalized ordered logit model


Journal Article

Latent variables and route choice behavior

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Bekhor, Shlomo and Pronello, Cristina (2012). Latent variables and route choice behavior. Transportation, 39 (2), 299-319. doi: 10.1007/s11116-011-9344-y

Latent variables and route choice behavior


Journal Article

Braking News Link Between Crash Severity and Crash Avoidance Maneuvers

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Braking News Link Between Crash Severity and Crash Avoidance Maneuvers. Transportation Research Record, 2280 (2280), 75-88. doi: 10.3141/2280-09

Braking News Link Between Crash Severity and Crash Avoidance Maneuvers


Journal Article

Associating crash avoidance maneuvers with driver attributes and accident characteristics: a mixed logit model approach

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Associating crash avoidance maneuvers with driver attributes and accident characteristics: a mixed logit model approach. Traffic Injury Prevention, 13 (3), 315-326. doi: 10.1080/15389588.2011.654015

Associating crash avoidance maneuvers with driver attributes and accident characteristics: a mixed logit model approach


Journal Article

Closing the gap between behavior and models in route choice: the role of spatiotemporal constraints and latent traits in choice set formation

Kaplan, Sigal and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2012). Closing the gap between behavior and models in route choice: the role of spatiotemporal constraints and latent traits in choice set formation. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15 (1), 9-24. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2011.11.001

Closing the gap between behavior and models in route choice: the role of spatiotemporal constraints and latent traits in choice set formation


Journal Article

Mapping patterns of pedestrian fatal accidents in Israel

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Gitelman, Victoria and Bekhor, Shlomo (2012). Mapping patterns of pedestrian fatal accidents in Israel. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 44 (1), 56-62. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2010.12.022

Mapping patterns of pedestrian fatal accidents in Israel


Journal Article

Pattern recognition and classification of fatal traffic accidents in Israel: a neural network approach

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Gitelman, Victoria and Bekhor, Shlomo (2011). Pattern recognition and classification of fatal traffic accidents in Israel: a neural network approach. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 3 (4), 304-323. doi: 10.1080/19439962.2011.624291

Pattern recognition and classification of fatal traffic accidents in Israel: a neural network approach


Journal Article

Modeling the behavior of novice young drivers during the first year after licensure

Prato, Carlo Giacomo, Toledo, Tomer, Lotan, Tsippy and Taubman - Ben-Ari, Orit (2010). Modeling the behavior of novice young drivers during the first year after licensure. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42 (2), 480-486. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2009.09.011

Modeling the behavior of novice young drivers during the first year after licensure


Journal Article

Methodological transferability in route choice modeling

Bekhor, Shlomo and Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2009). Methodological transferability in route choice modeling. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 43 (4), 422-437. doi: 10.1016/j.trb.2008.08.003

Methodological transferability in route choice modeling


Journal Article

Route choice modeling: past, present and future research directions

Prato, Carlo Giacomo (2009). Route choice modeling: past, present and future research directions. Journal of Choice Modelling, 2 (1), 65-100. doi: 10.1016/S1755-5345(13)70005-8

Route choice modeling: past, present and future research directions