2012 Journal Article Australia's child sex tourism offencesSchloenhardt, Andreas and McNicol, Jim (2012). Australia's child sex tourism offences. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 23 (3), 369-392. doi: 10.1080/10345329.2012.12035930 |
2012 Journal Article McIvor and Tanuchit: A truly 'heinous' case of sexual slaverySchloenhardt, Andreas and Lynch, Laura-Rose (2012). McIvor and Tanuchit: A truly 'heinous' case of sexual slavery. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 35 (1), 177-202. |
2012 Journal Article Be careful what you pay for: awareness raising about trafficking in personsSchloenhardt, Andreas, Astill-Torchia, Paris and Jolly, Jarrod (2012). Be careful what you pay for: awareness raising about trafficking in persons. Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 11 (2), 415-436. |
2012 Journal Article Hadi Ahmadi - and the Myth of the 'People Smugglers' Business Model'Schloenhardt, Andreas and Ezzy, Linley (2012). Hadi Ahmadi - and the Myth of the 'People Smugglers' Business Model'. Monash University Law Review, 38 (3), 120-147. |
2012 Journal Article Fighting organized crime in the Asia Pacific region: New weapons, lost warsSchloenhardt, Andreas (2012). Fighting organized crime in the Asia Pacific region: New weapons, lost wars. Asian Journal of International Law, 2 (1), 137-167. doi: 10.1017/S2044251311000075 |
2012 Journal Article Trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal: International Law and Australian PracticeSchloenhardt, Andreas and Garbutt, Samantha (2012). Trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal: International Law and Australian Practice. Criminal Law Journal, 36 (3), 145-158. |
2012 Journal Article Twelve years on: Revisiting the UN protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and airSchloenhardt, Andreas and Dale, Jessica E. (2012). Twelve years on: Revisiting the UN protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air. Zeitschrift fuer Oeffentliches Recht, 67 (1), 129-156. doi: 10.1007/s00708-012-0126-6 |
2012 Journal Article Punishing trafficking in persons: international standards and Australian experiencesSchloenhardt, Andreas and Cameron, Matthew (2012). Punishing trafficking in persons: international standards and Australian experiences. Bond Law Review, 24 (1), 1-29. |
2011 Journal Article Return and reintegration of human trafficking victims from AustraliaSchloenhardt, Andreas and Loong, Mark (2011). Return and reintegration of human trafficking victims from Australia. International Journal of Refugee Law, 23 (2), 143-173. doi: 10.1093/ijrl/eer003 |
2011 Journal Article Trafficking in persons and victim health in AustraliaSchloenhardt, Andreas and Klug, Benjamin (2011). Trafficking in persons and victim health in Australia. Journal of Law and Medicine, 19 (2), 397-414. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2045342 |
2011 Journal Article Banning the bikies: Queensland's Criminal Organisation Act 2009Schloenhardt, Andreas (2011). Banning the bikies: Queensland's Criminal Organisation Act 2009. Queensland Lawyer, 31 (Part 2), 100-113. |
2011 Journal Article To ratify or not to ratify? Exploring the barriers to wider ratification of the trafficking in persons protocolSchloenhardt, Andreas and Bevan, Ellen (2011). To ratify or not to ratify? Exploring the barriers to wider ratification of the trafficking in persons protocol. New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, 9, 161-184. |
2010 Journal Article Honeymoon from hell: Human trafficking and domestic servitude in AustraliaSchloenhardt, Andreas and Jolly, Jarrod (2010). Honeymoon from hell: Human trafficking and domestic servitude in Australia. Sydney Law Review, 32 (4), 671-692. |
2010 Journal Article Palermo in the Pacific: Organized Crime Offenses in the Asia Pacific RegionSchloenhardt, Andreas (2010). Palermo in the Pacific: Organized Crime Offenses in the Asia Pacific Region. Global Consortium on Security Transformation Working Papers, Working Paper No 8, 37-37. |
2010 Journal Article Reflections on R v DobieSchloenhardt, Andreas and O'Shea, Joseph (2010). Reflections on R v Dobie. Criminal Law Journal, 34 (6), 400-407. |
2010 Journal Article Mission unaccomplished: Japan’s anti-Bôryoku-Dan lawSchloenhardt, Andreas (2010). Mission unaccomplished: Japan’s anti-Bôryoku-Dan law. Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht, 15 (29), 123-136. |
2009 Journal Article Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 (NSW)Schloenhardt, Andreas (2009). Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2009 (NSW). Criminal Law Journal, 33 (4), 281-286. |
2009 Journal Article Trafficking in persons in Australia: Myths and realitiesSchloenhardt, Andreas (2009). Trafficking in persons in Australia: Myths and realities. Global Crime, 10 (3), 224-247. doi: 10.1080/17440570903079931 |
2009 Journal Article Taming the Triads: Organised crime offences in PR China, Hong Kong and MacauSchloenhardt, Andreas (2009). Taming the Triads: Organised crime offences in PR China, Hong Kong and Macau. Hong Kong Law Journal, 38 (3), 645-685. |
2009 Journal Article Human trafficking and sexual servitude in AustraliaSchloenhardt, Andreas, Beirne, Genevieve and Corsbie, Toby (2009). Human trafficking and sexual servitude in Australia. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 32 (1), 27-49. |