2023 Book Chapter Interpretation for children: turning horror and hurt into healing and hopeBallantyne, Roy, Packer, Jan, Hughes, Karen and Broughton, Tobias (2023). Interpretation for children: turning horror and hurt into healing and hope. Children, young people and dark tourism. (pp. 101-113) edited by Mary Margaret Kerr, Philip R. Stone and Rebecca H. Price. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003032199-10 |
2019 Book Chapter Shopping on the edge: identifying factors contributing to tourist retail development in heritage villagesMoscardo, Gianna, Murphy, Laurie, Hughes, Karen and Benckendorff, Pierre (2019). Shopping on the edge: identifying factors contributing to tourist retail development in heritage villages. The future past of tourism: historical perspectives and future evolutions. (pp. 188-200) Bristol, United Kingdom: Channel View Publications. |
2017 Book Chapter Enhancing tourism graduates' soft skills: the importance of teaching reflective practiceHughes, Karen, Mylonas, Aliisa and Ballantyne, Roy (2017). Enhancing tourism graduates' soft skills: the importance of teaching reflective practice. Handbook of teaching and learning in tourism. (pp. 95-106) edited by Pierre Benckendorff and Anita Zehrer. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781784714802.00014 |
2016 Book Chapter Interpreting Australian landscapes for Chinese touristsHughes, Karen (2016). Interpreting Australian landscapes for Chinese tourists. The world meets Asian tourists. (pp. 231-246) edited by Philip Pearce and Mao-Ying Wu. London, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing. doi: 10.1108/S2042-144320160000007014 |
2013 Book Chapter Winning hearts and minds through interpreting ecotoursim experiences: walking the talkHughes, Karen and Ballantyne, Roy (2013). Winning hearts and minds through interpreting ecotoursim experiences: walking the talk. International handbook on ecotourism. (pp. 322-335) edited by Roy Ballantyne and Jan Packer. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. |
2013 Book Chapter Integrating education and entertainment in archaeological tourism: complementary concepts or opposite ends of the spectrum?Hughes, Karen, Little, Barbara J. and Ballantyne, Roy (2013). Integrating education and entertainment in archaeological tourism: complementary concepts or opposite ends of the spectrum?. Tourism and archaeology: sustainable meeting grounds. (pp. 65-90) edited by Cameron Walker and Neil Carr. Walnut Creek, CA, United States: Left Coast Press. doi: 10.4324/9781315416618-9 |
2011 Book Chapter Environmental interpretation and visitor education: a review of Australian and Chinese literatureHughes, Karen, Ballantyne, Roy, Packer, Jan and Zhu, Xuan (2011). Environmental interpretation and visitor education: a review of Australian and Chinese literature. Sino-Australia comparative study on tourism development. (pp. 111-142) edited by Jun Gao, Noel Scott, Roy Ballantyne and Peiyi Ding. Shanghai, China: China Travel & Tourism Press. |
2010 Book Chapter Interpretation rocks! Designing signs for geotourism sitesHughes, Karen and Ballantyne, Roy (2010). Interpretation rocks! Designing signs for geotourism sites. Geotourism: The tourism of geology and landscape. (pp. 184-199) edited by David Newsome and Ross Dowling. Oxford, England: Goodfellow Publishers. doi: 10.23912/978-1-906884-09-3-1065 |