2021 Conference Publication Interpreting landscapes and landscape interpretation Insights from Chinese visitors’ encounters with UluruYe, Isabella Qing, Hughes, Karen, Walters, Gabby and Mkono, Mucha (2021). Interpreting landscapes and landscape interpretation Insights from Chinese visitors’ encounters with Uluru. CAUTHE2021, Virtual, 9-12 Feb 2021. Australia: Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education. |
2021 Conference Publication Thinking outside the [escape] box Using game-based learning to test and reinforce students’ learningHughes, Karen, Macionis, Niki and Ye, Isabella (2021). Thinking outside the [escape] box Using game-based learning to test and reinforce students’ learning. CAUTHE2021, Virtual, 9-12 Feb 2021. Australia: Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education. |
2014 Conference Publication Place attachment, festival attachment, and behavioural intentions as predictors of on-site environmentally responsible behaviours at music eventsAlonso-Vazquez, Marisol, Packer, Jan and Hughes, Karen (2014). Place attachment, festival attachment, and behavioural intentions as predictors of on-site environmentally responsible behaviours at music events. CAUTHE Conference 2014, Brisbane, Australia, 10-13 February 2014. Brisbane, Australia: School of Tourism, The University of Queensland. |
2013 Conference Publication Thunder down under? Chinese students' preferences for Australia's tourism experiencesHughes, Karen, Wang, Jie and Shu, Lavender (2013). Thunder down under? Chinese students' preferences for Australia's tourism experiences. CAUTHE 2013: Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Annual Conference, Canterbury, NZ, 11-14 February, 2013. Christchurch, NZ: CAUTHE (Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education). |
2003 Conference Publication Interpretive signs - talking to visitors through textMoscardo, G., Ballantyne, R. and Hughes, K. (2003). Interpretive signs - talking to visitors through text. Current research - future strategies, bridging uncertainty : Asia Pacific Tourism Association 9th Annual Conference, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 6-9 July, 2003. Sydney: University of Technology Sydney. |