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Journal Article

Toward a process theory of making sustainability strategies legitimate in action

Hengst, Iris-Ariane, Jarzabkowski, Paula, Hoegl, Martin and Muethel, Miriam (2020). Toward a process theory of making sustainability strategies legitimate in action. Academy of Management Journal, 63 (1) amj.2016.0960, 246-271. doi: 10.5465/amj.2016.0960

Toward a process theory of making sustainability strategies legitimate in action


Journal Article

The social practice of co-evolving strategy and structure to realize mandated radical change

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Lê, Jane Kirsten and Balogun, Julia (2019). The social practice of co-evolving strategy and structure to realize mandated radical change. Academy of Management Journal, 62 (3), 850-882. doi: 10.5465/amj.2016.0689

The social practice of co-evolving strategy and structure to realize mandated radical change


Journal Article

Toward a social practice theory of relational competing

Jarzabkowski, Paula and Bednarek, Rebecca (2018). Toward a social practice theory of relational competing. Strategic Management Journal, 39 (3), 794-829. doi: 10.1002/smj.2724

Toward a social practice theory of relational competing


Journal Article

Agreeing on what? Creating joint accounts of strategic change

Spee, Paul and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2017). Agreeing on what? Creating joint accounts of strategic change. Organization Science, 28 (1), 152-176. doi: 10.1287/orsc.2016.1105

Agreeing on what? Creating joint accounts of strategic change


Journal Article

Reinsurance Trading in Lloyd's of London: balancing conflicting-yet-complementary logics in practice

Smets, Michael, Jarzabkowski, Paula, Burke, Gary T. and Spee, Paul (2015). Reinsurance Trading in Lloyd's of London: balancing conflicting-yet-complementary logics in practice. Academy of Management Journal, 58 (3), 932-970. doi: 10.5465/amj.2012.0638

Reinsurance Trading in Lloyd's of London: balancing conflicting-yet-complementary logics in practice


Journal Article

Routine formation as a layered process

Spee, Paul, Kho, Joanna, Jenkins, Anna and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2024). Routine formation as a layered process. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 88, 203-220. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x20240000088010

Routine formation as a layered process


Journal Article

Sensing the Room: The Role of Atmosphere in Collective Sensemaking

Knight, Eric, Lok, Jaco, Jarzabkowski, Paula and Wenzel, Matthias (2024). Sensing the Room: The Role of Atmosphere in Collective Sensemaking. Academy of Management Journal. doi: 10.5465/amj.2021.1389

Sensing the Room: The Role of Atmosphere in Collective Sensemaking


Journal Article

Valuing what you risk and risking what you value: Advancing a research agenda for risk studies

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Unger, Corinne J. and Meissner, Katie (2024). Valuing what you risk and risking what you value: Advancing a research agenda for risk studies. Organization Studies. doi: 10.1177/01708406241290038

Valuing what you risk and risking what you value: Advancing a research agenda for risk studies


Journal Article

Two decades of revolutionizing strategy research: How strategy-as-practice illuminates the complex, dynamic and consequential ways of doing strategy

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Lê, Jane, Seidl, David and Vaara, Eero (2024). Two decades of revolutionizing strategy research: How strategy-as-practice illuminates the complex, dynamic and consequential ways of doing strategy. Academy of Management Collections.

Two decades of revolutionizing strategy research: How strategy-as-practice illuminates the complex, dynamic and consequential ways of doing strategy


Journal Article

Practicing impact and impacting practice? Creating impact through practice-based scholarship

Hamdali, Yanis, Skade, Lorenzo, Jarzabkowski, Paula, Nicolini, Davide, Reinecke, Juliane, Vaara, Eero and Zietsma, Charlene (2023). Practicing impact and impacting practice? Creating impact through practice-based scholarship. Journal of Management Inquiry, 33 (3), 230-243. doi: 10.1177/10564926231219621

Practicing impact and impacting practice? Creating impact through practice-based scholarship


Journal Article

Triggers, traps, and disconnect: how governance obstacles hinder progress on grand challenges

Couture, Fannie, Jarzabkowski, Paula and Lê, Jane Kirsten (2023). Triggers, traps, and disconnect: how governance obstacles hinder progress on grand challenges. Academy of Management Journal, 66 (6), 1651-1680. doi: 10.5465/amj.2020.1716

Triggers, traps, and disconnect: how governance obstacles hinder progress on grand challenges


Journal Article

EXPRESS: Translating, co-creating, and performing: reflections on a 15-year journey for impact into the grand challenge of disaster insurance

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Bednarek, Rebecca, Chalkias, Konstantinos, Cacciatori, Eugenia, Kavas, Mustafa, Krull, Elisabeth and Gallagher-Rodgers, Rhianna (2023). EXPRESS: Translating, co-creating, and performing: reflections on a 15-year journey for impact into the grand challenge of disaster insurance. Strategic Organization. doi: 10.1177/14761270231218094

EXPRESS: Translating, co-creating, and performing: reflections on a 15-year journey for impact into the grand challenge of disaster insurance


Journal Article

Delivering impact via the ebb-and-flow of a research team: Reflection on a long-term program of research into a global societal challenge*

Bednarek, Rebecca, Cacciatori, Eugenia, Chalkias, Konstantinos, Gallagher Rodgers, Rhianna, Jarzabkowski, Paula, Kavas, Mustafa and Krull, Elisabeth (2023). Delivering impact via the ebb-and-flow of a research team: Reflection on a long-term program of research into a global societal challenge*. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 60 (1), 194-214. doi: 10.1177/00218863231207873

Delivering impact via the ebb-and-flow of a research team: Reflection on a long-term program of research into a global societal challenge*


Journal Article

The buzzing, blooming, (potentially) confusing field of theory development in entrepreneurship research

Alexy, Oliver, Berchicci, Luca and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2023). The buzzing, blooming, (potentially) confusing field of theory development in entrepreneurship research. Strategic Organization, 21 (2), 400-402. doi: 10.1177/14761270231167005

The buzzing, blooming, (potentially) confusing field of theory development in entrepreneurship research


Journal Article

Organizing long duration interdependence in Lloyd’s of London: persistence in a part-whole paradox of organizing

Kilminster, Wendy, Jarzabkowski, Paula and Giudici, Alessandro (2023). Organizing long duration interdependence in Lloyd’s of London: persistence in a part-whole paradox of organizing. Business History. doi: 10.1080/00076791.2023.2289580

Organizing long duration interdependence in Lloyd’s of London: persistence in a part-whole paradox of organizing


Journal Article

Australia’s new Cyclone Reinsurance Pool: Implications for insurance in a climate changed future

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Meissner, Katie and Unger, Corinne (2022). Australia’s new Cyclone Reinsurance Pool: Implications for insurance in a climate changed future. Australian Environment Review, 37 (3), 43-45.

Australia’s new Cyclone Reinsurance Pool: Implications for insurance in a climate changed future


Journal Article

SO! Far, SO! Good: Strategic Organization at 20

Alexy, Oliver, Berchicci, Luca, Dowell, Glen, Jarzabkowski, Paula, Langley, Ann, Moschieri, Caterina and Nigam, Amit (2022). SO! Far, SO! Good: Strategic Organization at 20. Strategic Organization, 20 (4), 677-682. doi: 10.1177/14761270221137160

SO! Far, SO! Good: Strategic Organization at 20


Journal Article

Enabling rapid financial response to disasters: knotting and reknotting multiple paradoxes in interorganizational systems

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Bednarek, Rebecca, Chalkias, Konstantinos and Cacciatori, Eugenia (2022). Enabling rapid financial response to disasters: knotting and reknotting multiple paradoxes in interorganizational systems. Academy of Management Journal, 65 (5), 1477-1506. doi: 10.5465/amj.2019.0745

Enabling rapid financial response to disasters: knotting and reknotting multiple paradoxes in interorganizational systems


Journal Article

Presenting as a chief strategy officer: a discourse-analytical study of elite subjectivities and vulnerabilities

Knight, Eric and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2022). Presenting as a chief strategy officer: a discourse-analytical study of elite subjectivities and vulnerabilities. Human Relations, 76 (9), 001872672210997-1440. doi: 10.1177/00187267221099773

Presenting as a chief strategy officer: a discourse-analytical study of elite subjectivities and vulnerabilities


Journal Article

From germination to propagation: two decades of Strategy-as-Practice research and potential future directions

Jarzabkowski, Paula, Seidl, David and Balogun, Julia (2022). From germination to propagation: two decades of Strategy-as-Practice research and potential future directions. Human Relations, 75 (8), 1533-1559. doi: 10.1177/00187267221089473

From germination to propagation: two decades of Strategy-as-Practice research and potential future directions