2024 Book Chapter FriendshipsTheobald, Maryanne, Danby, Susan, Thompson, Catherine and Thorpe, Karen (2024). Friendships. Health and Wellbeing in Childhood. (pp. 224-238) Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781009339506.015 |
2023 Book Chapter Crystallising the everyday emotional work of women working in childcare during Covid-19Cooke, Emma, Coles, Laetitia, Thorpe, Karen and Houen, Sandy (2023). Crystallising the everyday emotional work of women working in childcare during Covid-19. Departing radically in academic writing: alternative approaches to writing and methods in qualitative research. (pp. 15-25) edited by Elizabeth Mackinlay and Karen Madden. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003360766-2 |
2021 Book Chapter Researching men’s career trajectories in ECEC: a cross-cultural inter-researcher approachXu, Yuwei, Warin, Jo, Thorpe, Karen and Rohrmann, Tim (2021). Researching men’s career trajectories in ECEC: a cross-cultural inter-researcher approach. Exploring Career Trajectories of Men in the Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce: Why They Leave and Why They Stay. (pp. 43-56) edited by David L. Brody, Kari Emilsen, Tim Rohrmann and Jo Warin. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003048473-6 |
2021 Book Chapter Experiences of workplace relationships as factors precipitating or preventing dropout of male educators in ECECSullivan, Victoria, Sak, Ramazan and Thorpe, Karen (2021). Experiences of workplace relationships as factors precipitating or preventing dropout of male educators in ECEC. Exploring Career Trajectories of Men in the Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce: Why They Leave and Why They Stay. (pp. 83-97) edited by David L. Brody, Kari Emilsen, Tim Rohrmann and Jo Warin. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom : Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003048473-9 |
2020 Book Chapter FriendshipsTheobald, Maryanne, Danby, Susan, Thompson, Catherine and Thorpe, Karen (2020). Friendships. Health and Wellbeing in Childhood. (pp. 235-256) edited by Susanne Garvis and Donna Pendergast. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108658874.015 |
2020 Book Chapter ‘It’s much more than getting ready to go to school’: thinking about young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children learning literacySarmardin, Dixie, Leske, Rachel, Woods, Annette and Thorpe, Karen (2020). ‘It’s much more than getting ready to go to school’: thinking about young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children learning literacy. Literacies in early childhood: foundations for equity and quality. (pp. 100-111) edited by Annette Woods and Beryl Exley. Docklands, VIC Australia: Oxford University Press. |
2020 Book Chapter Twins and other multiplesThorpe, Karen, Staton, Sally and Bekkhus, Mona (2020). Twins and other multiples. Encyclopaedia of child and adolescent development. (pp. 1-15) edited by Stephen Hupp and Jeremy D Jewell. New York, United States: John Wiley and Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781119171492.wecad219 |
2020 Book Chapter Methodology for a 12 country studyBrody, D., Xu, Y., Thorpe, K. and Rohrmann, T. (2020). Methodology for a 12 country study. Men in childcare: factors affecting entry and exit of a career in ECEC. (pp. ---) edited by Brody, D., Rohrmann, T., Emilsen, K. and Warin, J.. -: Routledge. |
2019 Book Chapter Cultural security in Australian classrooms: entanglements with mainstream education as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children transition to schoolMiller, M., Dawson-Sinclair, K., Eivers, A. and Thorpe, K. (2019). Cultural security in Australian classrooms: entanglements with mainstream education as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children transition to school. Culture in education, education in culture: tensioned dialogues and creative constructions. (pp. 57-77) edited by Pernille Hviid and Mariann Martsin. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28412-1 |
2018 Book Chapter Producing contexts for young children’s digital technology use: web searching during adult-child interactions at home and preschoolDavidson, Christina, Danby, Susan J., Given, Lisa M. and Thorpe, Karen (2018). Producing contexts for young children’s digital technology use: web searching during adult-child interactions at home and preschool. Digital childhoods: technologies and children’s everyday lives. (pp. 65-82) edited by Susan J. Danby, Marilyn Fleer , Christina Davidson and Maria Hatzigianni. Singapore, Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-6484-5_5 |
2017 Book Chapter Web searching as a context to build on young children’s displayed knowledgeHouen, Sandra, Danby, Susan, Farrell, Ann and Thorpe, Karen (2017). Web searching as a context to build on young children’s displayed knowledge. Children's knowledge-in-interaction: studies in conversation analysis. (pp. 57-72) edited by Amanda Bateman and Amelia Church. Singapore: Springer . doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-1703-2_4 |
2017 Book Chapter FriendshipsTheobald, M., Danby, S., Thorpe, K. and Thompson, C. (2017). Friendships. Health and wellbeing in the early years. (pp. 141-160) edited by Susanne Garvis and Donna Pendergast. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781316780107.011 |
2017 Book Chapter Assessment, early identifi cation and individualised learningMitchell, Sue and Thorpe, Karen (2017). Assessment, early identifi cation and individualised learning. Disability and Inclusion in Early Years Education. (pp. 26-56) Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781315637877-3 |
2017 Book Chapter Pretend play and technology: Young children making sense of their everyday social worldsDanby, Susan, Davidson, Christina, Theobald, Maryanne, Houen, Sandra and Thorpe, Karen (2017). Pretend play and technology: Young children making sense of their everyday social worlds. Multidisciplinary perspectives on play from birth and beyond. (pp. 231-245) edited by Sandra Lynch, Deborah Pike and Cynthia à Beckett. Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-2643-0_14 |
2017 Book Chapter "Uh Oh": Multimodal meaning making during viewing of YouTube videos in preschoolDavidson, Christina, Danby, Susan J. and Thorpe, Karen (2017). "Uh Oh": Multimodal meaning making during viewing of YouTube videos in preschool. Multimodal perspectives of language, literacy, and learning in early childhood: the creative and critical "art" of making meaning. (pp. 233-255) edited by Marilyn J. Narey. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44297-6_12 |
2016 Book Chapter Working it out: balancing work and care after the birth of a first childBoyd, Wendy, Millear, Prudence M. , Thorpe, Karen and Walker, Sue (2016). Working it out: balancing work and care after the birth of a first child. Exploring resources, life-balance and well-being of women who work in a global context. (pp. 145-159) edited by Roxane L Gervais and Prudence M. Millear. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-31736-6_9 |
2016 Book Chapter Composing an email: social interaction in a preschool classroomDanby, Susan, Davidson, Christina, Given, Lisa M. and Thorpe, Karen (2016). Composing an email: social interaction in a preschool classroom. Understanding digital technologies and young children: an international perspective. (pp. 5-17) edited by Susanne Garvis and Narelle Lemon. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315753027 |
2014 Book Chapter FriendshipsTheobald, Maryanne, Danby, Susan, Thompson, Catherine and Thorpe, Karen (2014). Friendships. Health and wellbeing in childhood. (pp. 114-132) edited by Susanne Garvis and Donna Pendergast. Port Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Cambridge University Press. |
2014 Book Chapter Language development in twinsThorpe, K. (2014). Language development in twins. Encyclopedia of language development. (pp. Unknown-Unknown) edited by Patricia J. Brooks and Vera Kempe. New York, United States: Sage. |
2010 Book Chapter Rethinking early childhood education and care: Implications for research and evaluationThorpe, K., Cloney, D. and Tayler, C. (2010). Rethinking early childhood education and care: Implications for research and evaluation. International Encyclopedia of Education. (pp. 144-150) Elsevier Ltd. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-044894-7.01201-X |