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Conference Publication

Integration intrapreneurship: implementing innovation in a public healthcare organization

Moss, Perrin, Hartley, Nicole and Russell, Trevor (2023). Integration intrapreneurship: implementing innovation in a public healthcare organization. MetaECHO Global Conference, Albuquerque, NM United States, 18-21 September 2023. Albuquerque, NM United States: ECHO Institute.

Integration intrapreneurship: implementing innovation in a public healthcare organization


Conference Publication

Executive decision-making: piloting Project ECHO® to integrate care in Queensland

Moss, Perrin, Hartley, Nicole, Ziviani, Jenny, Newcomb, Dana and Russell, Trevor (2023). Executive decision-making: piloting Project ECHO® to integrate care in Queensland. MetaECHO Global Conference, Albuquerque, NM United States, 18-21 September 2023. Albuquerque, NM United States: ECHO Institute.

Executive decision-making: piloting Project ECHO® to integrate care in Queensland


Conference Publication

Measuring the Success of a Project ECHO Implementation: Results from an International e-Delphi Study

Moss, Perrin, Hartley, Nicole, Newcomb, Dana and Russell, Trevor (2023). Measuring the Success of a Project ECHO Implementation: Results from an International e-Delphi Study. MetaECHO Global Conference, Albuquerque, NM United States, 18-21 September 2023. ECHO Institute.

Measuring the Success of a Project ECHO Implementation: Results from an International e-Delphi Study


Conference Publication

The effect of social media complaint management on the perceptions and behavioural intentions of virtually present others (VPOs)

Tee, Yu Yhee, Hartley, Nicole, Brown, Mark and Wallin, Ann (2022). The effect of social media complaint management on the perceptions and behavioural intentions of virtually present others (VPOs). ANZMAC 2022, Perth, WA Australia, 5-7 December 2022. Perth, WA Australia: ANZMAC.

The effect of social media complaint management on the perceptions and behavioural intentions of virtually present others (VPOs)


Conference Publication

Integration intrapreneurship: strategies and tactics to implement innovation in a public healthcare organisation

Moss, Perrin, Hartley, Nicole and Russell, Trevor (2022). Integration intrapreneurship: strategies and tactics to implement innovation in a public healthcare organisation. 22nd Successes and Failures in Telehealth Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 9-11 November 2022. Australian Telehealth Society.

Integration intrapreneurship: strategies and tactics to implement innovation in a public healthcare organisation


Conference Publication

Measuring implementation success of a telementoring innovation: results from an international e-Delphi study

Moss, Perrin, Hartley, Nicole, Newcomb, Dana and Russell, Trevor (2022). Measuring implementation success of a telementoring innovation: results from an international e-Delphi study. 22nd Successes and Failures in Telehealth Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 9-11 November 2022. Australian Telehealth Society.

Measuring implementation success of a telementoring innovation: results from an international e-Delphi study


Conference Publication

Executive Decision-Making: Piloting Project ECHO® to Integrate Care in Queensland

Moss, Perrin, Hartley, Nicole, Ziviani, Jenny, Newcomb, Dana and Russell, Trevor (2022). Executive Decision-Making: Piloting Project ECHO® to Integrate Care in Queensland. 22nd Successes and Failures in Telehealth Conference, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 9-11 November 2022. Australian Telehealth Society.

Executive Decision-Making: Piloting Project ECHO® to Integrate Care in Queensland


Conference Publication

Perceived risk triggers the effects of trace-back information on consumer trust

Lam, Tri, Heales, Jon and Hartley, Nicole (2022). Perceived risk triggers the effects of trace-back information on consumer trust. Twenty-eighth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 10-14 August 2022. Atlanta, GA, United States: Association for Information Systems.

Perceived risk triggers the effects of trace-back information on consumer trust


Conference Publication

The impact of taste on credence services: an abstract

Wong, Sabrina, Hartley, Nicole and Wallin, Ann (2022). The impact of taste on credence services: an abstract. 2021 AMS Virtual Annual Conference and World Marketing Congress, Virtual, 1-4 June 2021. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-95346-1_194

The impact of taste on credence services: an abstract


Conference Publication

Social Service Robots: What do we Know and Where do we Go Next? An Abstract

Berg, Daniela, Hartley, Nicole and Alkire, Linda (2020). Social Service Robots: What do we Know and Where do we Go Next? An Abstract. 2019 AMS World Marketing Congress (WMC), Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-12 July 2019. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-42545-6_15

Social Service Robots: What do we Know and Where do we Go Next? An Abstract


Conference Publication

Information transparency matters in relation to consumer trust in food safety

Lam, Tri, Heales, Jon, Hartley, Nicole and Hodkinson, Chris (2018). Information transparency matters in relation to consumer trust in food safety. Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Sydney, Australia, 3-5 December 2018. Sydney, Australia: doi: 10.5130/

Information transparency matters in relation to consumer trust in food safety


Conference Publication

Innovation to implementation for telehealth (i2i4Telehealth). A practical guide for knowledge translation in telehealth

Theodoros, Deborah, Hill, Anne, Hartley, Nicole, Martin-Khan, Melinda, Bird, Dominique, Russell, Trevor, Goodenough, Belinda and Gillespie, Nicole (2016). Innovation to implementation for telehealth (i2i4Telehealth). A practical guide for knowledge translation in telehealth. Successes and Failures in Telehealth - 7th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Telehealth Society, Auckland, New Zealand, 31 October - 3 November 2016.

Innovation to implementation for telehealth (i2i4Telehealth). A practical guide for knowledge translation in telehealth


Conference Publication

An exploration of motives for attending Australian eco-tourism locations and their influence on future intentions

Hartley, Nicole and Harrison, Paul (2011). An exploration of motives for attending Australian eco-tourism locations and their influence on future intentions. EMAC 2011 Conference, Ljubljana, 24-27 May 2011.

An exploration of motives for attending Australian eco-tourism locations and their influence on future intentions


Conference Publication

Customer service excellence : A multi-skilled domain

Hartley, Nicole (2010). Customer service excellence : A multi-skilled domain. AMA SERVSIG 2010, Porto, Portugal, 17-19 June 2010.

Customer service excellence : A multi-skilled domain


Conference Publication

An exploration of motives for attending Australian ecotourism locations and their influence on future intentions

Hartley, Nicole and Harrison, Paul (2009). An exploration of motives for attending Australian ecotourism locations and their influence on future intentions. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC, 2009), Melbourne, Australia, 30 November-2 December 2009. Canning Bridge, WA, Australia: Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC).

An exploration of motives for attending Australian ecotourism locations and their influence on future intentions


Conference Publication

Don't rain on my parade: Barriers to ecological tourism

Hartley, Nicole and Harrison, Paul (2007). Don't rain on my parade: Barriers to ecological tourism. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC, 2007), Dunedin, New Zealand, 3-5 December 2007. Dunedin, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC).

Don't rain on my parade: Barriers to ecological tourism