2025 Journal Article The Student Equity in Higher Education Evaluation Framework (SEHEEF) and its relevance in the context of the Australian Universities AccordRobinson, Mark, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Johnstone, Melissa, Clague, Denise, Zając, Tomasz, Povey, Jenny and Salom, Caroline (2025). The Student Equity in Higher Education Evaluation Framework (SEHEEF) and its relevance in the context of the Australian Universities Accord. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-10. doi: 10.1080/1360080x.2025.2461802 |
2025 Journal Article Gender pay gaps across STEM fields of studyZając, Tomasz, Magda, Iga, Bożykowski, Marek, Chłoń-Domińczak, Agnieszka and Jasiński, Mikołaj (2025). Gender pay gaps across STEM fields of study. Studies in Higher Education, 50 (1), 126-139. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2024.2330667 |
2024 Journal Article Retaining Permanent and Temporary Immigrants in Rural Australia: Place‐Based and Individual DeterminantsArgent, Neil, Bernard, Aude, Laukova, Dagmara, Wilson, Tom, Zajac, Tomasz and Kimpton, Anthony (2024). Retaining Permanent and Temporary Immigrants in Rural Australia: Place‐Based and Individual Determinants. Population, Space and Place, 31 (1) e2865, 1-18. doi: 10.1002/psp.2865 |
2024 Journal Article The pitfalls and benefits of using administrative data for internal migration research: an evaluation of Australia’s Person Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA)Bernard, Aude, Wu, Jing, Wilson, Tom, Argent, Neil, Zając, Tomasz and Kimpton, Anthony (2024). The pitfalls and benefits of using administrative data for internal migration research: an evaluation of Australia’s Person Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA). Demographic Research, 51, 687-722. doi: 10.4054/demres.2024.51.22 |
2024 Journal Article Parenting, child maltreatment, and social disadvantage: a population-based implementation and evaluation of the Triple P system of evidence-based parenting supportSanders, Matthew R., Clague, Denise, Zając, Tomasz, Baxter, Janeen, Western, Mark, Chainey, Carys, Morawska, Alina, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Prinz, Ronald J. and Burke, Kylie (2024). Parenting, child maltreatment, and social disadvantage: a population-based implementation and evaluation of the Triple P system of evidence-based parenting support. Child Maltreatment, 30 (1), 10775595241259994-191. doi: 10.1177/10775595241259994 |
2023 Journal Article Diverging labour‐market trajectories of Australian graduates from advantaged and disadvantaged social backgrounds: a longitudinal analysis of population‐wide linked administrative dataZajac, Tomasz, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Perales, Francisco and Xiang, Ning (2023). Diverging labour‐market trajectories of Australian graduates from advantaged and disadvantaged social backgrounds: a longitudinal analysis of population‐wide linked administrative data. International Labour Review, 162 (4), 561-585. doi: 10.1111/ilr.12391 |
2023 Journal Article Trayectorias laborales divergentes de los graduados australianos socialmente favorecidos y desfavorecidos. Análisis longitudinalZając, Tomasz, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Perales, Francisco and Xiang, Ning (2023). Trayectorias laborales divergentes de los graduados australianos socialmente favorecidos y desfavorecidos. Análisis longitudinal. Revista Internacional del Trabajo, 142 (4), 611-638. doi: 10.1111/ilrs.12291 |
2023 Journal Article Disparité des trajectoires professionnelles des diplômés australiens en fonction de leur origine sociale: étude longitudinale à partir de données administratives couplées couvrant l'ensemble de la populationZając, Tomasz, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Perales, Francisco and Xiang, Ning (2023). Disparité des trajectoires professionnelles des diplômés australiens en fonction de leur origine sociale: étude longitudinale à partir de données administratives couplées couvrant l'ensemble de la population. Revue internationale du Travail, 162 (4), 615-643. doi: 10.1111/ilrf.12290 |
2023 Journal Article Gender Pay Gaps Across Stem Fields of StudyZając, Tomasz, Magda, Iga, Bożykowski, M., Chłoń-Domińczak, Agnieszka and Jasiński, M. (2023). Gender Pay Gaps Across Stem Fields of Study. SSRN Electronic Journal, 1-33. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4639525 |
2023 Journal Article Towards a better understanding of self-selection to teacher training programmes: A case study of a renowned public university in PolandHerbst, Mikołaj and Zając, Tomasz (2023). Towards a better understanding of self-selection to teacher training programmes: A case study of a renowned public university in Poland. Central European Economic Journal, 10 (57), 371-390. doi: 10.2478/ceej-2023-0021 |
2023 Journal Article All that glitters is not gold—Mixed early labour market outcomes of STEM graduates in PolandZając, Tomasz Z., Żółtak, Tomasz, Bożykowski, Marek and Jasiński, Mikołaj (2023). All that glitters is not gold—Mixed early labour market outcomes of STEM graduates in Poland. European Journal of Education, 58 (3), 477-497. doi: 10.1111/ejed.12564 |
2023 Journal Article Student mental health and dropout from higher education: an analysis of Australian administrative dataZając, Tomasz, Perales, Francisco, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Xiang, Ning and Zubrick, Stephen R. (2023). Student mental health and dropout from higher education: an analysis of Australian administrative data. Higher Education, 87 (2), 325-343. doi: 10.1007/s10734-023-01009-9 |
2022 Journal Article Uneven impacts of COVID ‐19 on the attendance rates of secondary school students from different socioeconomic backgrounds in Australia: A quasi‐experimental analysis of administrative dataTomaszewski, Wojtek, Zajac, Tomasz, Rudling, Emily, Riele, Kitty, McDaid, Lisa and Western, Mark (2022). Uneven impacts of COVID ‐19 on the attendance rates of secondary school students from different socioeconomic backgrounds in Australia: A quasi‐experimental analysis of administrative data. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 00 (1), 111-130. doi: 10.1002/ajs4.219 |
2019 Journal Article Przejście między studiami I i II stopnia. Wybory edukacyjne absolwentów studiów I stopnia nauk ekonomicznychZając, Tomasz, Jasiński, Mikołaj and Bożykowski, Marek (2019). Przejście między studiami I i II stopnia. Wybory edukacyjne absolwentów studiów I stopnia nauk ekonomicznych. e-mentor, 2019 (1(78)), 11-17. doi: 10.15219/em78.1395 |
2019 Journal Article Premeditated, dismissed and disenchanted: higher education dropouts in PolandZając, Tomasz Zbigniew and Komendant-Brodowska, Agata (2019). Premeditated, dismissed and disenchanted: higher education dropouts in Poland. Tertiary Education and Management, 25 (1), 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s11233-018-09010-z |
2018 Journal Article Wskaźniki względne w badaniach losów absolwentów uczelniBożykowski, Marek, Jasiński, Mikołaj, Zając, Tomasz and Żółtak, Mateusz (2018). Wskaźniki względne w badaniach losów absolwentów uczelni. Edukacja, 145 (2), 64-74. doi: 10.24131/3724.180204 |
2018 Journal Article Early careers of tertiary graduates in Poland: employability, earnings, and differences between public and private higher educationZajac, Tomasz, Jasiński, Mikołaj and Bozykowski, Marek (2018). Early careers of tertiary graduates in Poland: employability, earnings, and differences between public and private higher education. Polish Sociological Review, 202 (2), 187-208. doi: 10.26412/psr202.03 |
2017 Journal Article Who gets a job after graduation? Factors affecting the early career employment chances of higher education graduates in PolandJasiński, Mikołaj, Bożykowski, Marek, Chłoń-Domińczak, Agnieszka, Zając, Tomasz and Żołtak, Mateusz (2017). Who gets a job after graduation? Factors affecting the early career employment chances of higher education graduates in Poland. Edukacja, 143 (4). doi: 10.24131/3724.170402 |
2016 Journal Article Wartość prognostyczna wyników rekrutacyjnych dla powodzenia w studiowaniuTomasz Zając (2016). Wartość prognostyczna wyników rekrutacyjnych dla powodzenia w studiowaniu. Edukacja, 1, 114-128. |
2016 Journal Article Wszędzie dobrze, ale w domu najlepiej. Analiza decyzji dotyczących kontynuacji nauki na studiach drugiego stopnia na podstawie danych rejestrowych Uniwersytetu WarszawskiegoZając, Tomasz and Komendant-Brodowska, Agata (2016). Wszędzie dobrze, ale w domu najlepiej. Analiza decyzji dotyczących kontynuacji nauki na studiach drugiego stopnia na podstawie danych rejestrowych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Studia Edukacyjne (42), 309-332. doi: 10.14746/se.2016.42.19 |