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Journal Article

Mechanisms involved in acquisition of blaNDM genes by IncA/C2 and IncFIIY plasmids

Wailan, Alexander M., Sidjabat, Hanna E., Yam, Wan Keat, Alikhan, Nabil-Fareed, Petty, Nicola K., Sartor, Anna L., Williamson, Deborah A., Forde, Brian M., Schembri, Mark A., Beatson, Scott A., Paterson, David L., Walsh, Timothy R. and Partridge, Sally R. (2016). Mechanisms involved in acquisition of blaNDM genes by IncA/C2 and IncFIIY plasmids. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 60 (7), 4082-4088. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00368-16

Mechanisms involved in acquisition of blaNDM genes by IncA/C2 and IncFIIY plasmids


Conference Publication

Multi-hospital spread of a pan-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae clone with an ISEcp1-directed blaOXA-181 insertion into the mgrB gene in the AE

Pal, Tibor , Sonnevend, Agnes Maria , Ghazawi, Akela , Haidermota, Aliashgher , Girgis, Safinaz , Alfaresi, Mubarak , Omar, Mohammed , Paterson, David L. , Beatson, Scott , Forde, Brian and Zowawi, Hosam M. (2016). Multi-hospital spread of a pan-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae clone with an ISEcp1-directed blaOXA-181 insertion into the mgrB gene in the AE. The 26th European Congress on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 9-12 April 2016.

Multi-hospital spread of a pan-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae clone with an ISEcp1-directed blaOXA-181 insertion into the mgrB gene in the AE


Journal Article

Lineage-specific methyltransferases define the methylome of the globally disseminated Escherichia coli ST131 clone

Forde, Brian M., Phan, Minh-Duy, Gawthorne, Jayde A., Ashcroft, Melinda M., Stanton-Cook, Mitchell, Sarkar, Sohinee, Peters, Kate M., Chan, Kok-Gan, Chong, Teik Min, Yin, Wai-Fong, Upton, Mathew, Schembri, Mark A. and Beatson, Scott A. (2015). Lineage-specific methyltransferases define the methylome of the globally disseminated Escherichia coli ST131 clone. MBio, 6 (6) e01602-15, e01602-15. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01602-15

Lineage-specific methyltransferases define the methylome of the globally disseminated Escherichia coli ST131 clone


Journal Article

Transfer of scarlet fever-associated elements into the group A Streptococcus M1T1 clone

Ben Zakour, Nouri L., Davies, Mark R., You, Yuanhai, Chen, Jonathan H. K., Forde, Brian M., Stanton-Cook, Mitchell, Yang, Ruifu, Cui, Yujun, Barnett, Timothy C., Venturini, Carola, Ong, Cheryl-lynn Y., Tse, Herman, Dougan, Gordon, Zhang, Jianzhong, Yuen, Kwok-Yung, Beatson, Scott A. and Walker MJ (2015). Transfer of scarlet fever-associated elements into the group A Streptococcus M1T1 clone. Scientific Reports, 5 (1) 15877, 15877.1-15877.7. doi: 10.1038/srep15877

Transfer of scarlet fever-associated elements into the group A Streptococcus M1T1 clone


Journal Article

Stepwise evolution of pandrug-resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Zowawi, Hosam M., Forde, Brian M., Alfaresi, Mubarak, Alzarouni, Abdulqadir, Farahat, Yasser, Chong, Teik-Min, Yin, Wai-Fong, Chan, Kok-Gan, Li, Jian, Schembri, Mark A., Beatson, Scott A. and Paterson, David L. (2015). Stepwise evolution of pandrug-resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae.. Scientific Reports, 5 (Art No.: 15082) 15082, 15082. doi: 10.1038/srep15082

Stepwise evolution of pandrug-resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae.


Journal Article

Molecular characterization of the multidrug resistant escherichia coli ST131 clone

Schembri, Mark A., Ben Zakour, Nouri L., Minh-Duy Phan, Forde, Brian M., Stanton-Cook, Mitchell and Beatson, Scott A. (2015). Molecular characterization of the multidrug resistant escherichia coli ST131 clone. Pathogens, 4 (3), 422-430. doi: 10.3390/pathogens4030422

Molecular characterization of the multidrug resistant escherichia coli ST131 clone


Journal Article

Molecular analysis of asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli strain VR50 reveals adaptation to the urinary tract by gene acquisition

Beatson, Scott A., Ben Zakour, Nouri L., Totsika, Makrina, Forde, Brian M., Watts, Rebecca E., Mabbett, Amanda N., Szubert, Jan M., Sarkar, Sohinee, Phan, Minh-Duy, Peters, Kate M., Petty, Nicola K., Alikhan, Nabil-Fareed, Sullivan, Mitchell J., Gawthorne, Jayde A., Stanton-Cook, Mitchell, Nguyen Thi Khanh Nhu, Chong, Teik Min, Yin, Wai-Fong, Chan, Kok-Gan, Hancock, Viktoria, Ussery, David W., Ulett, Glen C. and Schembri, Mark A. (2015). Molecular analysis of asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli strain VR50 reveals adaptation to the urinary tract by gene acquisition. Infection and Immunity, 83 (5), 1749-1764. doi: 10.1128/IAI.02810-14

Molecular analysis of asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli strain VR50 reveals adaptation to the urinary tract by gene acquisition


Journal Article

Molecular Characterization of a Multidrug Resistance IncF Plasmid from the Globally Disseminated Escherichia coli ST131 Clone.

Phan, Minh Duy, Forde, Brian M., Peters, Kate M., Sarkar, Sohinee, Hancock, Steven, Stanton-Cook, Mitchell, Zakour, Nouri L. Ben, Upton, Mathew, Beatson, Scott A. and Schembri, Mark A. (2015). Molecular Characterization of a Multidrug Resistance IncF Plasmid from the Globally Disseminated Escherichia coli ST131 Clone.. PLoS One, 10 (4) e0122369, e0122369-e0122369. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122369

Molecular Characterization of a Multidrug Resistance IncF Plasmid from the Globally Disseminated Escherichia coli ST131 Clone.


Journal Article

Third-generation cephalosporin resistance conferred by a chromosomally encoded blaCMY-23 gene in the Escherichia coli ST131 reference strain EC958

Phan, Minh-Duy, Peters, Kate M., Sarkar, Sohinee, Forde, Brian M., Lo, Alvin W., Stanton-Cook, Mitchell, Roberts, Leah W., Upton, Mathew, Beatson, Scott A. and Schembri, Mark A. (2015). Third-generation cephalosporin resistance conferred by a chromosomally encoded blaCMY-23 gene in the Escherichia coli ST131 reference strain EC958. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 70 (7) dkv066, 1969-1972. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkv066

Third-generation cephalosporin resistance conferred by a chromosomally encoded blaCMY-23 gene in the Escherichia coli ST131 reference strain EC958


Journal Article

Unusual genome complexity in Lactobacillus salivarius JCM1046

Raftis, Emma J., Forde, Brian M., Claesson, Marcus J. and O'Toole, Paul W. (2014). Unusual genome complexity in Lactobacillus salivarius JCM1046. BMC Genomics, 15 (1) 771, 771. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-771

Unusual genome complexity in Lactobacillus salivarius JCM1046


Journal Article

The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli EC958: a high quality reference sequence for the globally disseminated multidrug resistant E. coli O25b:H4-ST131 clone

Forde, Brian M., Ben Zakour, Nouri L., Stanton-Cook, Mitchell, Phan, Minh-Duy, Totsika, Makrina, Peters, Kate M., Chan, Kok Gan, Schembri, Mark A., Upton, Mathew and Beatson, Scott A. (2014). The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli EC958: a high quality reference sequence for the globally disseminated multidrug resistant E. coli O25b:H4-ST131 clone. PLoS One, 9 (8) e104400, e104400.1-e104400.13. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104400

The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli EC958: a high quality reference sequence for the globally disseminated multidrug resistant E. coli O25b:H4-ST131 clone


Journal Article

Global dissemination of a multidrug resistant Escherichia coli clone

Petty, Nicola K., Ben Zakour, Nouri L., Stanton-Cook, Mitchell, Skippington, Elizabeth, Totsika, Makrina, Forde, Brian M., Phan, Minh-Duy, Gomes Moriel, Danilo, Peters, Kate M., Davies, Mark, Rogers, Benjamin A., Dougan, Gordon, Rodriguez-Baño, Jesús, Pascual, Alvaro, Pitout, Johann D., Upton, Mathew, Paterson, David L., Walsh, Timothy R., Schembri, Mark A. and Beatson, Scott A. (2014). Global dissemination of a multidrug resistant Escherichia coli clone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (15), 5694-5699. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1322678111

Global dissemination of a multidrug resistant Escherichia coli clone


Journal Article

Next-generation sequencing technologies and their impact on microbial genomics

Forde, Brian M. and O'Toole, Paul W. (2013). Next-generation sequencing technologies and their impact on microbial genomics. Briefings in Functional Genomics, 12 (5), 440-453. doi: 10.1093/bfgp/els062

Next-generation sequencing technologies and their impact on microbial genomics


Journal Article

Characterization of pro-inflammatory flagellin proteins produced by Lactobacillus ruminis and related motile Lactobacilli

Neville, B. Anne, Forde, Brian M., Claesson, Marcus J., Darby, Trevor, Coghlan, Avril, Nally, Kenneth, Ross, R. Paul and O'Toole, Paul W. (2012). Characterization of pro-inflammatory flagellin proteins produced by Lactobacillus ruminis and related motile Lactobacilli. PLoS One, 7 (7) e40592, e40592. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040592

Characterization of pro-inflammatory flagellin proteins produced by Lactobacillus ruminis and related motile Lactobacilli


Journal Article

Draft Genome Sequences of Helicobacter pylori Strains 17874 and P79

Clancy, Ceara D., Forde, Brian M., Moore, Stanley A. and O'Toole, Paul W. (2012). Draft Genome Sequences of Helicobacter pylori Strains 17874 and P79. Journal of Bacteriology, 194 (9), 2402-2402. doi: 10.1128/JB.00230-12

Draft Genome Sequences of Helicobacter pylori Strains 17874 and P79


Journal Article

Effect of Lactobacillus salivarius bacteriocin Abp118 on the mouse and pig intestinal microbiota

Riboulet-Bisson, Eliette, Sturme, Mark H. J., Jeffery, Ian B., O'Donnell, Michelle M., Neville, B. Anne, Forde, Brian M., Claesson, Marcus J., Harris, Hugh, Gardiner, Gillian E., Casey, Patrick G., Lawlor, Peadar G., O'Toole, Paul W. and Ross, R. Paul (2012). Effect of Lactobacillus salivarius bacteriocin Abp118 on the mouse and pig intestinal microbiota. PLoS One, 7 (2) e31113, e31113. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031113

Effect of Lactobacillus salivarius bacteriocin Abp118 on the mouse and pig intestinal microbiota


Conference Publication

Carbohydrate catabolic flexibility in the mammalian intestinal commensal Lactobacillus ruminis revealed by fermentation studies aligned to genome annotations

Donnell, Michelle M. O', Forde, Brian M., Neville, B., Ross, Paul R. and Toole, Paul W. O' (2011). Carbohydrate catabolic flexibility in the mammalian intestinal commensal Lactobacillus ruminis revealed by fermentation studies aligned to genome annotations. 10th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacterium, The Netherlands, 28 August - 1 September 2011. London, United Kingdom: BioMed Central. doi: 10.1186/1475-2859-10-S1-S12

Carbohydrate catabolic flexibility in the mammalian intestinal commensal Lactobacillus ruminis revealed by fermentation studies aligned to genome annotations


Conference Publication

Genome sequences and comparative genomics of two Lactobacillus ruminis strains from the bovine and human intestinal tracts

Forde, Brian M., Neville, B. Anne, O'Donnell, Michelle M. , Riboulet-Bisson, E., Claesson, M. J., Coghlan, Avril, Ross, R. Paul and O'Toole, Paul W. (2011). Genome sequences and comparative genomics of two Lactobacillus ruminis strains from the bovine and human intestinal tracts. 10th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacterium (LAB), Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands, 28 August-1 September 2011. London, United Kingdom: BioMed Central. doi: 10.1186/1475-2859-10-S1-S13

Genome sequences and comparative genomics of two Lactobacillus ruminis strains from the bovine and human intestinal tracts


Journal Article

Comparative genomics and proteomics of Helicobacter mustelae, an ulcerogenic and carcinogenic gastric pathogen

O'Toole, Paul W., Snelling, William J., Canchaya, Carlos, Forde, Brian M., Hardie, Kim R., Josenhans, Christine, Graham, Robert L. J., McMullan, Geoff, Parkhill, Julian, Belda, Eugenio and Bentley, Stephen D. (2010). Comparative genomics and proteomics of Helicobacter mustelae, an ulcerogenic and carcinogenic gastric pathogen. BMC Genomics, 11 (1) 164, 164. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-164

Comparative genomics and proteomics of Helicobacter mustelae, an ulcerogenic and carcinogenic gastric pathogen