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Conference Publication

Digital Value Co-Creation: Mental Wellness Apps' Sociomateriality

Casper Ferm, Lars-Erik, Weerawardena, Jay, Ranjan, Kumar Rakesh and Thaichon, Park (2024). Digital Value Co-Creation: Mental Wellness Apps' Sociomateriality. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Hobart, TAS Australia, 2-4 December 2024.

Digital Value Co-Creation: Mental Wellness Apps' Sociomateriality


Journal Article

Context-dependence of dynamic capabilities in small, entrepreneurial firm internationalization

Hagen, Birgit, Tarantino, Barbara, Liesch, Peter W., Zucchella, Antonella and Weerawardena, Jay (2024). Context-dependence of dynamic capabilities in small, entrepreneurial firm internationalization. International Business Review, 33 (5) 102304, 102304. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2024.102304

Context-dependence of dynamic capabilities in small, entrepreneurial firm internationalization


Journal Article

Strategic use of social media in new product development in B2B firms: The role of absorptive capacity

Tian, Qingfeng, Cao, Guangming and Weerawardena, Jay (2024). Strategic use of social media in new product development in B2B firms: The role of absorptive capacity. Industrial Marketing Management, 120, 132-145. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2024.05.012

Strategic use of social media in new product development in B2B firms: The role of absorptive capacity


Conference Publication

Embracing brand vulnerability: systematic literature review and conceptualisation

France, Cassandra, Previte, Josephine, Weerawardena, Jay, Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter, Brodie, Roderick and Lin, Jinling (2024). Embracing brand vulnerability: systematic literature review and conceptualisation. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1 - 3 December 2023.

Embracing brand vulnerability: systematic literature review and conceptualisation


Conference Publication

Proactive marketing analytics for increased competitiveness

Algewatthage, Lakma, Weerawardena, Jay and Rakesh, Ranjan Kumar (2023). Proactive marketing analytics for increased competitiveness. Annual Conference of Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, Dunedin, New Zealand, 4-6 December 2023.

Proactive marketing analytics for increased competitiveness


Journal Article

Examining the role of big data and marketing analytics in SMEs innovation and competitive advantage: A knowledge integration perspective

Cadden, Trevor, Weerawardena, Jay, Cao, Guangming, Duan, Yanqing and McIvor, Ronan (2023). Examining the role of big data and marketing analytics in SMEs innovation and competitive advantage: A knowledge integration perspective. Journal of Business Research, 168 114225, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114225

Examining the role of big data and marketing analytics in SMEs innovation and competitive advantage: A knowledge integration perspective


Journal Article

Business model–dynamic capabilities and open innovation initiatives in research-intensive organisations: A case of Australia's national science agency

Kriz, Alexandra, Tresidder, Julia, Dowd, Anne-Maree, Weerawardena, Jay, Witell, Lars, Snyder, Hannah and de Pallant, Rohan (2023). Business model–dynamic capabilities and open innovation initiatives in research-intensive organisations: A case of Australia's national science agency. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 82 (3), 400-404. doi: 10.1111/1467-8500.12570

Business model–dynamic capabilities and open innovation initiatives in research-intensive organisations: A case of Australia's national science agency


Journal Article

Examining the role of market learning in innovation-based dual performance in social purpose organizations (SPOs)

Jayawardhana, Kumudu, Weerawardena, Jay and Previte, Josephine (2023). Examining the role of market learning in innovation-based dual performance in social purpose organizations (SPOs). Journal of Strategic Marketing, 32 (4), 491-515. doi: 10.1080/0965254X.2023.2251496

Examining the role of market learning in innovation-based dual performance in social purpose organizations (SPOs)


Journal Article

Strategic use of social media in marketing and financial performance: the B2B SME context

Cao, Guangming and Weerawardena, Jay (2023). Strategic use of social media in marketing and financial performance: the B2B SME context. Industrial Marketing Management, 111, 41-54. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.03.007

Strategic use of social media in marketing and financial performance: the B2B SME context


Conference Publication

Embracing brand vulnerability: systematic literature review and conceptualisation

France, Cassandra, Previte, Josephine, Weerawardena, Jay, Popkowski-Leszczyc, Peter, Brodie, Roderick and Lin, Jinling (2023). Embracing brand vulnerability: systematic literature review and conceptualisation. ANZMAC 2023: Marketing for good, Dunedin, New Zealand, 4 - 6 December 2023. Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago.

Embracing brand vulnerability: systematic literature review and conceptualisation


Journal Article

Advancing Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Morphological Analysis and Future Research Agenda

Bhardwaj, Rohit, Weerawardena, Jay and Srivastava, Saurabh (2023). Advancing Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Morphological Analysis and Future Research Agenda. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-35. doi: 10.1080/19420676.2023.2199748

Advancing Social Entrepreneurship Research: A Morphological Analysis and Future Research Agenda


Conference Publication

A Study on Interactional Value Co-creation In A Digital Context

Casper Ferm, Lars-Erik, Weerawardena, Jay, Ranjan, Kumar Rakesh and Thaichon, Park (2022). A Study on Interactional Value Co-creation In A Digital Context. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Perth, WA Australia, 5-7 December 2022.

A Study on Interactional Value Co-creation In A Digital Context


Conference Publication

A study on interactional value co-creation in a digital context

Casper Ferm, Lars-Erik, Weerawardena, Jay, Ranjan, Kumar Rakesh and Thaichon, Park (2022). A study on interactional value co-creation in a digital context. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC) Doctoral Colloquium, Perth, WA Australia, 2-4 December 2022.

A study on interactional value co-creation in a digital context


Conference Publication

Conceptualising marketing analytics and innovation based competitive advantage

Algewatthage, Lakma, Weerawardena, Jay and Ranjan, Kumar Rakesh (2021). Conceptualising marketing analytics and innovation based competitive advantage. Annual Conference of Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 29 November - 1 December 2021.

Conceptualising marketing analytics and innovation based competitive advantage


Journal Article

Pitching at the Fuzzy Front-End: Authentically Assessing New Product Development

Green, Teegan and Weerawardena, Jay (2021). Pitching at the Fuzzy Front-End: Authentically Assessing New Product Development. Australasian Marketing Journal, 29 (1), 54-65. doi: 10.1177/1839334921998538

Pitching at the Fuzzy Front-End: Authentically Assessing New Product Development


Journal Article

Editorial and research agenda: JBR special issue on business model innovation in social purpose organizations

Weerawardena, Jay, Sullivan Mort, Gillian, Salunke, Sandeep and Haigh, Nardia (2020). Editorial and research agenda: JBR special issue on business model innovation in social purpose organizations. Journal of Business Research, 125, 592-596. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.07.032

Editorial and research agenda: JBR special issue on business model innovation in social purpose organizations


Journal Article

Buyer-seller relational engagement and seller brand equity

Dwivedi, Abhishek, Miles, Morgan, Oczkowski, Eddie, Weerawardena, Jay, Johnson, Lester W. and Wilkie, Dean (2019). Buyer-seller relational engagement and seller brand equity. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1311-1322. doi: 10.1108/JBIM-01-2019-0062

Buyer-seller relational engagement and seller brand equity


Journal Article

Business model innovation in social purpose organizations: Conceptualizing dual social-economic value creation

Weerawardena, Jay, Salunke, Sandeep, Haigh, Nardia and Sullivan Mort, Gillian (2019). Business model innovation in social purpose organizations: Conceptualizing dual social-economic value creation. Journal of Business Research, 125, 762-771. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.10.016

Business model innovation in social purpose organizations: Conceptualizing dual social-economic value creation


Journal Article

The learning subsystem interplay in service innovation in born global service firm internationalization

Weerawardena, Jay, Salunke, Sandeep, Knight, Gary, Mort, Gillian Sullivan and Liesch, Peter W. (2019). The learning subsystem interplay in service innovation in born global service firm internationalization. Industrial Marketing Management, 89, 181-195. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2019.05.012

The learning subsystem interplay in service innovation in born global service firm internationalization


Journal Article

Entrepreneurial behaviour: a new perspective on the role of the HR professional

Amarakoon, Upamali, Weerawardena, Jay, Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Teicher, Julian (2019). Entrepreneurial behaviour: a new perspective on the role of the HR professional. Personnel Review, 48 (7), 1809-1829. doi: 10.1108/PR-03-2018-0087

Entrepreneurial behaviour: a new perspective on the role of the HR professional