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Journal Article

The role of marketing capability in innovation-based competitive strategy

Weerawardena, J. (2003). The role of marketing capability in innovation-based competitive strategy. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11 (1), 15-35. doi: 10.1080/0965254032000096766

The role of marketing capability in innovation-based competitive strategy


Journal Article

Social entrepreneurship: Towards conceptualisation

Sullivan Mort, G., Weerawardena, J. and Carnegie, K. (2003). Social entrepreneurship: Towards conceptualisation. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 8 (1), 76-88. doi: 10.1002/nvsm.202

Social entrepreneurship: Towards conceptualisation


Journal Article

Exploring the role of market learning capability in competitive strategy

Weerawardena, Jay (2003). Exploring the role of market learning capability in competitive strategy. European Journal of Marketing, 37 (3/4), 407-429. doi: 10.1108/03090560310459023

Exploring the role of market learning capability in competitive strategy


Conference Publication

Social entrepreneurship: Towards conceptualization and measurement

Sullivan Mort, G., Weerawardena, J. and Carnegie, K. (2002). Social entrepreneurship: Towards conceptualization and measurement. 2002 AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference, San Diego, 3-6 August, 2002. Chicago, Illinois: American Marketing Association.

Social entrepreneurship: Towards conceptualization and measurement


Journal Article

New service development and competitive advantage: A conceptual model

Weerawardena, J. and McColl-Kennedy, J. R. (2002). New service development and competitive advantage: A conceptual model. Australasian Marketing Journal, 10 (1), 13-23.

New service development and competitive advantage: A conceptual model


Conference Publication

Measuring organisational learning capability

Weerawardena, J. and Coote, L. V. (2002). Measuring organisational learning capability. 2002 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Denver, Colorado, 9-14 August, 2002. Denver, Colorado: Academy of Management.

Measuring organisational learning capability


Conference Publication

Market learning capability and sustained competitive advantage

Weerawardena, J. (2002). Market learning capability and sustained competitive advantage. ANZMAC, Melbourne, 2-4 December, 2002. Melbourne: Deakin University.

Market learning capability and sustained competitive advantage


Journal Article

An empirical investigation into entrepreneurship and organizational innovation-based competitive strategy

Weerawardena, Jay and Coote, Leonard (2001). An empirical investigation into entrepreneurship and organizational innovation-based competitive strategy. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 3 (1), 51-70. doi: 10.1108/14715200180001477

An empirical investigation into entrepreneurship and organizational innovation-based competitive strategy


Conference Publication

The role of marketing capability in innovation-based competitive strategy

Weerawardena, J. (2001). The role of marketing capability in innovation-based competitive strategy. AMA Summer Educators' Conference, Washinton, DC,USA, 11-14 August 2001. Chicago, Illinois, USA: American Marketing Association.

The role of marketing capability in innovation-based competitive strategy


Conference Publication

An investigation into functioning of strategic alliances in small freight forwarding firms

Ratten, V. and Weerawardena, J. (2001). An investigation into functioning of strategic alliances in small freight forwarding firms. Creating Innovative Growth Companies, Wellington,N.Z., 12-15th September,2001. Wellington, NZ: N.Z. Centre for SME research.

An investigation into functioning of strategic alliances in small freight forwarding firms


Journal Article

Learning, innovation and competitive advantage in not-for-profit aged care marketing: a conceptual model and research propositions

Weerawardena, J. and Sullivan Mort, G. (2001). Learning, innovation and competitive advantage in not-for-profit aged care marketing: a conceptual model and research propositions. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 9 (3), 53-73. doi: 10.1300/J054v09n03_04

Learning, innovation and competitive advantage in not-for-profit aged care marketing: a conceptual model and research propositions


Conference Publication

Organizational innovation and sustained competitive advantage: A conceptual model and research propositions

Weerawardena, J., Coote, L. V. and Henderson, K. V. (2000). Organizational innovation and sustained competitive advantage: A conceptual model and research propositions. Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Toronto, Canada, 04-09 August 2000. Toronto, Canada: Academy of Management.

Organizational innovation and sustained competitive advantage: A conceptual model and research propositions


Conference Publication

Learning, innovation and competitive advantage in not-for-profit aged care marketing: A conceptual model and research propositions

Weerawardena, J. and Mort, G. (2000). Learning, innovation and competitive advantage in not-for-profit aged care marketing: A conceptual model and research propositions. Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academics Conference ANMZAC 2000, Gold Coast, Queensland, 28 Nov - 1 Dec, 2000. Golad Coast, Queensland: Griffith University.

Learning, innovation and competitive advantage in not-for-profit aged care marketing: A conceptual model and research propositions


Conference Publication

Small firm competitive strategy: A conceptual model and research propositions

Weerawardena, J. (2000). Small firm competitive strategy: A conceptual model and research propositions. ICSB World Coference 2000, Brisbane Convention Centre, Brisbane, 07-10 June, 2000. Brisbane: Orator Corp.

Small firm competitive strategy: A conceptual model and research propositions


Conference Publication

The role of distinctive capabilities in organizational innovation and sustainable competitive advantage

Weerawardena, J., Coote, L. V. and Henderson, K. V. (1999). The role of distinctive capabilities in organizational innovation and sustainable competitive advantage. ANZMAC'99: Marketing in the New Millennium, Univ. of NSW, Sydney, November 28 - December 1, 1999. Sydney: School of Marketing, University of NSW.

The role of distinctive capabilities in organizational innovation and sustainable competitive advantage


Conference Publication

A capability-based model of service innovation and sustained competitive advantage

Weerawardena, J. (1999). A capability-based model of service innovation and sustained competitive advantage. International Services Marketing Conference '99, Univ.of Qld, April 5-7, 1999. Brisbane: Graduate Sch. of Management.

A capability-based model of service innovation and sustained competitive advantage


Conference Publication

Strategic planning practices in small enterprises in Queensland

Glen, W. and Weerawardena, J. (1996). Strategic planning practices in small enterprises in Queensland. Joint SEAANZ and IIE Small Enterprise Conference - Changing Business Relationships: Small Business Growth and Other Challenges, Fremantle, Australia, September 1996. Newcastle NSW, Australia: University of Newcastle.

Strategic planning practices in small enterprises in Queensland