2022 Book Chapter Understanding sports museums in the digital agePhillips, Murray G. (2022). Understanding sports museums in the digital age. Sport in museums. (pp. 92-107) edited by Kevin Moore, John Hughson and Christian Wacker. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781351117944-7 |
2022 Book Chapter Indigenous sport history: IntroductionPhillips, Murray G., Booth, Douglas and Adams, Carly (2022). Indigenous sport history: Introduction. Routledge handbook of sport history. (pp. 269-274) edited by Murray G. Phillips, Douglas Booth and Carly Adams. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kindgom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306-37 |
2022 Book Chapter Settler colonialism and sport historyPhillips, Murray G. (2022). Settler colonialism and sport history. Routledge handbook of sport history. (pp. 275-278) edited by Murray G. Phillips, Douglas Booth and Carly Adams. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306-38 |
2022 Book Chapter Sport history journals: introductionPhillips, Murray G., Booth, Douglas and Adams, Carly (2022). Sport history journals: introduction. Routledge handbook of sport history. (pp. 315-322) edited by Murray G. Phillips, Douglas Booth and Carly Adams. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306-44 |
2022 Book Routledge handbook of sport historyMurray G. Phillips, Douglas Booth and Carly Adams eds. (2022). Routledge handbook of sport history. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306 |
2021 Conference Publication Looking in the rear view mirror, out the side window, and through the windscreen: Examining the past, current, and emerging quality indicators of Health and Physical Education journalsSperka, Leigh and Phillips, Murray G. (2021). Looking in the rear view mirror, out the side window, and through the windscreen: Examining the past, current, and emerging quality indicators of Health and Physical Education journals. Australian Association for Research in Education, Online, 29 November - 2 December 2021. |
2021 Book Chapter History and representing the sporting past: introductionBooth, Douglas, Adams, Carly and Phillips, Murray G. (2021). History and representing the sporting past: introduction. Routledge handbook of sport history. (pp. 9-15) edited by Douglas Booth, Carly Adams and Murray G. Phillips. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306-3 |
2021 Book Chapter Emerging themes: IntroductionAdams, Carly, Booth, Douglas and Phillips, Murray G. (2021). Emerging themes: Introduction. Routledge Handbook of Sport History. (pp. 199-203) London, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306-27 |
2021 Book Chapter Sport history: past, present, futureBooth, Douglas, Phillips, Murray G. and Adams, Carly (2021). Sport history: past, present, future. Routledge handbook of sport history. (pp. 391-394) edited by Murray G. Phillips, Douglas Booth and Carly Adams. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306-55 |
2021 Book Chapter Sport history journals and neoliberalism: auditing the subdisciplinePhillips, Murray G. (2021). Sport history journals and neoliberalism: auditing the subdiscipline. Routledge handbook of sport history. (pp. 323-331) edited by Murray G. Phillips, Douglas Booth and Carly Adams. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306-45 |
2021 Journal Article Tensions, complexities, and compromises: sharing Australian Aboriginal women’s sport historyPhillips, Murray G. and Osmond, Gary (2021). Tensions, complexities, and compromises: sharing Australian Aboriginal women’s sport history. Journal of Sport History, 48 (2), 118-134. doi: 10.5406/21558450.48.2.03 |
2021 Journal Article Sisterhood, pleasure and marching: Indigenous women and leisureOlive, Rebecca, Osmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2021). Sisterhood, pleasure and marching: Indigenous women and leisure. Annals of Leisure Research, 24 (1), 13-28. doi: 10.1080/11745398.2019.1624181 |
2020 Journal Article Sizing up sport history journals: metrics, sport humanities, and historyPhillips, Murray G. (2020). Sizing up sport history journals: metrics, sport humanities, and history. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 37 (8), 1-13. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2020.1796652 |
2020 Journal Article Colin Tatz: POWER AND PERSUASIONPhillips, Murray G. (2020). Colin Tatz: POWER AND PERSUASION. Sporting Traditions, 37 (1), 34-39. |
2020 Journal Article Aboriginality, racial discourse and football media in 20th-century QueenslandSherwood, Catherine, Osmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2020). Aboriginality, racial discourse and football media in 20th-century Queensland. Journal of Australian Studies, 44 (1), 97-113. doi: 10.1080/14443058.2019.1668821 |
2019 Journal Article Yarning about sport: Indigenous research methodologies and transformative historical narrativesOsmond, Gary and Phillips, Murray G. (2019). Yarning about sport: Indigenous research methodologies and transformative historical narratives. International Journal of the History of Sport, 36 (13-14), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/09523367.2019.1691532 |
2019 Edited Outputs Journal of Sport History (Special Issue Indigenous Resurgence, Regeneration, and Decolonization through Sport History)Journal of Sport History (Special Issue Indigenous Resurgence, Regeneration, and Decolonization through Sport History). (2019). 46 (2) |
2019 Other Outputs Paralympic StoriesOsmond, Gary, Phillips, Murray G. and Naar, Tony (2019). Paralympic Stories. Online website: https://paralympichistory.org.au/: Paralympics Australia. |
2019 Book Chapter Sport and the normalisation of Australian Aboriginal peoplesMcCuaig, Louise and Phillips, Murray (2019). Sport and the normalisation of Australian Aboriginal peoples. 'Race', youth sport, physical activity and health: global perspectives. (pp. 127-140) edited by Symeon Dagkas, Laura Azzarito and Kevin Hylton. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781351122948-11 |
2019 Journal Article Indigenous resurgence, regeneration, and decolonization through sport historyPhillips, Murray G., Field, Russell, O'Bonsawin, Christine and Forsyth, Janice (2019). Indigenous resurgence, regeneration, and decolonization through sport history. Journal of Sport History, 46 (2), 143-156. doi: 10.5406/jsporthistory.46.2.0143 |