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Dr Mitchell Sullivan

Mitchell Sullivan




Dr Mitchell Anthony Sullivan is a CJ Martin Early Career Research Fellow, funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Mitchell has a postdoctoral position in Professor Josephine Forbes’ Glycation and Diabetes research group at the Translational Research Institute. With a keen interest in the role of the blood-sugar storage molecule glycogen in health and disease, Mitchell has used the techniques he developed in his PhD, supervised by Prof. Robert Gilbert, to examine the important role this molecule has in diseases such as diabetes, Lafora disease and Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease. Currently he is extending this research into the field of diabetic kidney disease, combining the skills and knowledge he obtained in a 2-year postdoctoral position in Toronto with Prof. Berge Minassian, with the kidney expertise of Prof. Forbes. Awards received by Mitchell include the Biochemistry Alumni Prize (2008), awarded to the top ranked student at UQ in 3 biology/biochemistry course and the Chemistry Honours Research Prize (2010), awarded to “the student who, in completing a BSc (Honours) in the field of Chemistry, demonstrated a high level of achievement in the research component of the program and a high potential for independent research.” Mitchell was an organizing committee member for the Annual RACI Polymer Student Symposium (2013) and is currently a member of the Translation Research Institute Mentoring Committee. While less than 3 years from completing his PhD, Mitchell has 23 publication involving collaboration in China, Sweden, Canada, USA and Spain.

Personal statement: “Ever since beginning my research career as an undergraduate, I have thoroughly enjoyed the privilege of being able to pursue research questions I am passionate about. The opportunity to add new information and insights into the shared knowledge pool of the global scientific community is greatly appreciated. I will continue to relish these opportunities and strive to perform research to the best of my ability, with the goal of maximising a beneficial impact. As I advance through my career I will also endeavour to encourage and support my colleagues, helping foster a collaborative and fruitful environment to perform research.”


Dr Mitchell Sullivan is:
Available for supervision

Research impacts

Dr Mitchell Sullivan's PhD developed a number of techniques that allowed him to analyse the key structural features of glycogen, a highly branched macromolecule of ~50,000 glucose units. These techniques enabled his collaborative discovery that the diabetic liver contains fragile glycogen molecules, making them susceptible to uncontrolled degradation into glucose. The award of an NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship allowed him to further his research in Toronto. The techniques Dr Sullivan developed in his PhD allowed him to analyse glycogen from various glycogen storage diseases (GSDs), leading to key breakthroughs in our understanding on the formation of the pathological glycogen accumulations characteristic of these diseases. In Toronto he continued to acquire and develop new methods that are essential in understanding the malformed glycogen present in these various GSDs. He is now using these skills to analyse the role of glycogen in diabetic kidney disease.


Search Professor Mitchell Sullivan’s works on UQ eSpace

74 works between 2010 and 2024

61 - 74 of 74 works


Journal Article

Molecular structure of glycogen in diabetic liver

Deng, Bin, Sullivan, Mitchell A., Li, Jialun, Tan, Xinle, Zhu, Chengjun, Schulz, Benjamin L. and Gilbert, Robert G. (2015). Molecular structure of glycogen in diabetic liver. Glycoconjugate Journal, 32 (3-4), 113-118. doi: 10.1007/s10719-015-9578-6

Molecular structure of glycogen in diabetic liver


Journal Article

A rapid extraction method for glycogen from formalin-fixed liver

Sullivan, Mitchell A., Li, Shihan, Aroney, Samuel T.N., Deng, Bin, Li, Cheng, Roura, Eugeni, Schulz, Benjamin L., Harcourt, Brooke E., Forbes, Josephine M. and Gilbert, Robert G. (2015). A rapid extraction method for glycogen from formalin-fixed liver. Carbohydrate Polymers, 118, 9-15. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.11.005

A rapid extraction method for glycogen from formalin-fixed liver


Journal Article

Acid Hydrolysis and Molecular Density of Phytoglycogen and Liver Glycogen Helps Understand the Bonding in Glycogen α (Composite) Particles.

Powell, Prudence O., Sullivan, Mitchell A., Sheehy, Joshua J., Schulz, Benjamin L., Warren, Frederick J. W. and Gilbert, Robert G. (2015). Acid Hydrolysis and Molecular Density of Phytoglycogen and Liver Glycogen Helps Understand the Bonding in Glycogen α (Composite) Particles.. PLoS One, 10 (3) e0121337, e0121337-e0121337. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121337

Acid Hydrolysis and Molecular Density of Phytoglycogen and Liver Glycogen Helps Understand the Bonding in Glycogen α (Composite) Particles.


Journal Article

Impairment of liver glycogen storage in the db/db animal model of type 2 diabetes: a potential target for future therapeutics?

Sullivan, Mitchell A., Harcourt, Brooke E., Xu, Ping, Forbes, Josephine M. and Gilbert, Robert G. (2015). Impairment of liver glycogen storage in the db/db animal model of type 2 diabetes: a potential target for future therapeutics?. Current Drug Targets, 16 (10), 1088-1093. doi: 10.2174/1389450116666150727123115

Impairment of liver glycogen storage in the db/db animal model of type 2 diabetes: a potential target for future therapeutics?


Other Outputs

Liver-glycogen metabolism: A structural perspective

Sullivan, Mitchell (2014). Liver-glycogen metabolism: A structural perspective. PhD Thesis, Queensland Alliance for Agricultural and Food Innovation, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2015.75

Liver-glycogen metabolism: A structural perspective


Journal Article

Improving size-exclusion chromatography separation for glycogen

Sullivan, Mitchell A., Powell, Prudence O., Witt, Torsten, Vilaplana, Francisco, Roura, Eugeni and Gilbert, Robert G. (2014). Improving size-exclusion chromatography separation for glycogen. Journal of Chromatography A, 1332, 21-29. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2014.01.053

Improving size-exclusion chromatography separation for glycogen


Journal Article

Changes in glycogen structure over feeding cycle sheds new light on blood-glucose control

Sullivan, Mitchell A., Aroney, Samuel T. N., Li, Shihan, Warren, Frederick J., Joo, Jin Suk, Mak, Ka Sin, Stapleton, David I., Bell-Anderson, Kim S. and Gilbert, Robert G. (2014). Changes in glycogen structure over feeding cycle sheds new light on blood-glucose control. Biomacromolecules, 15 (2), 660-665. doi: 10.1021/bm401714v

Changes in glycogen structure over feeding cycle sheds new light on blood-glucose control


Journal Article

Extraction, isolation and characterisation of phytoglycogen from su-1 maize leaves and grain

Powell, Prudence O., Sullivan, Mitchell A., Sweedman, Michael C., Stapleton, David I., Hasjim, Jovin and Gilbert, Robert G. (2014). Extraction, isolation and characterisation of phytoglycogen from su-1 maize leaves and grain. Carbohydrate Polymers, 101 (1), 423-431. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2013.09.061

Extraction, isolation and characterisation of phytoglycogen from su-1 maize leaves and grain


Conference Publication

The molecular size distribution of glycogen and its relevance to diabetes

Gilbert, Robert G. and Sullivan, Mitchell A. (2014). The molecular size distribution of glycogen and its relevance to diabetes. 34th Australasian Polymer Symposium, Darwin, Australia, 7-10 July 2013. Clayton, VIC, Australia: C S I R O Publishing. doi: 10.1071/CH13573

The molecular size distribution of glycogen and its relevance to diabetes


Journal Article

The structure of cardiac glycogen in healthy mice

Besford, Quinn A., Sullivan, Mitchell A., Zheng, Ling, Gilbert, Robert G., Stapleton, David and Gray-Weale, Angus (2012). The structure of cardiac glycogen in healthy mice. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 51 (5), 887-891. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2012.06.037

The structure of cardiac glycogen in healthy mice


Journal Article

Molecular insights into glycogen alpha-particle formation

Sullivan, Mitchell A., O'Connor, Mitchell J., Umana, Felipe, Roura, Eugeni, Jack, Kevin, Stapleton, David I. and Gilbert, Robert G. (2012). Molecular insights into glycogen alpha-particle formation. Biomacromolecules, 13 (11), 3805-3813. doi: 10.1021/bm3012727

Molecular insights into glycogen alpha-particle formation


Journal Article

Molecular structural differences between type-2-diabetic and healthy glycogen

Sullivan, Mitchell A., Li, Jiong, Li, Chuanzhou, Vilaplana, Francisco, Stapleton, David, Gray-Weale, Angus A., Bowen, Stirling, Zheng, Ling and Gilbert, Robert G. (2011). Molecular structural differences between type-2-diabetic and healthy glycogen. Biomacromolecules, 12 (6), 1983-1986. doi: 10.1021/bm2006054

Molecular structural differences between type-2-diabetic and healthy glycogen


Conference Publication

Biosynthesis - structure - property relations for branched polysaccharides as revealed by two-dimensional macromolecular size/branch chain-length distributions

Vilaplana, Francisco, Sullivan, Mitchell A., Hasjim, Jovin and Gilbert, Robert G. (2011). Biosynthesis - structure - property relations for branched polysaccharides as revealed by two-dimensional macromolecular size/branch chain-length distributions. EPF 2011: European Polymer Federation Conference, Granada, Spain, 26 June-1 July 2011. European Polymer Federation; Specialized Group of Polymers (GEP); Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC).

Biosynthesis - structure - property relations for branched polysaccharides as revealed by two-dimensional macromolecular size/branch chain-length distributions


Journal Article

Nature of alpha and beta particles in glycogen using molecular size distributions

Sullivan, Mitchell A., Vilaplana, Francisco, Cave, Richard A., Stapleton, David, Gray-Weale, Angus A. and Gilbert, Robert G. (2010). Nature of alpha and beta particles in glycogen using molecular size distributions. Biomacromolecules, 11 (4), 1094-1100. doi: 10.1021/bm100074p

Nature of alpha and beta particles in glycogen using molecular size distributions


Past funding

  • 2021 - 2024
    MitoKhondrion: Decreasing COVID-19 mortality by increasing the functioning of our cell's powerhouses
    Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowships
    Open grant
  • 2015 - 2019
    Exploring the Role of Glycogen Structure in Type 2 Diabetes
    NHMRC Early Career Fellowships
    Open grant



Dr Mitchell Sullivan is:
Available for supervision

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Available projects

  • Unravelling the role of glycogen in diabetic kidney disease

    Type 2 diabetes is Australia’s largest healthcare burden, with almost 2 million people suffering from the disease and ˜30% developing diabetic kidney disease. This study will characterise kidney glycogen accumulation, relating it to glycaemic control and kidney function over a time course of type 2 diabetes. This research will provide novel insight into how abnormalities in renal glucose handling and storage may contribute to kidney damage in type 2 diabetes, potentially leading to new therapies that mitigate diabetic kidney disease.

    Hypothesis: Renal glycogen accumulation occurs in type 2 diabetes contributing to kidney damage.


    1. To relate changes in renal glycogen accumulation to glycaemic control and kidney damage over a time course of diabetes.
    2. To analyse the structure of diabetic kidney glycogen and determine if it accumulates into insoluble polyglucosan bodies.
    3. To determine the effects of glucose and insulin on glycogen accumulation in the kidney, including the effect of the kidney-targeted glucose lowering SGLT2 inhibitor, empagliflozin.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Unravelling the role of abnormal glycogen accumulation in diabetic kidney disease

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Honorary Professor Josephine Forbes

  • Doctor Philosophy

    A new treatment for viral disease: Modulators of the renin angiotension system

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Kirsty Short

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The effect of high-amylose resistant starch on the glycogen structure of diabetic mice

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Bob Gilbert

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Study of the structure of glycogen and potential drug target for diabetes

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Bob Gilbert

Completed supervision



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