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Dr Noriko Iwashita

Noriko Iwashita

+61 7 336 52381



Noriko Iwashita joined The University of Queensland in 2005. Prior to joining UQ, she was a Research Fellow at the Language Testing Research Center (LTRC) . At the LTRC she was involved in a variety of projects ranging from language assessment to bilingual and foreign language education in ESL, Japanese and other languages (e.g., Chinese and Indonesian). She was involved with colleagues at the LTRC in three large ETS (Educational Testing Service, USA) research projects funded for the development of a new TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) speaking test. She taught Japanese at various levels in Melbourne for many years and taught Applied Linguistics courses and supervised undergraduate and graduate students' research projects at The University of Melbourne and Universities in the USA.

Dr Noriko Iwashita’s research interests include the interfaces of language assessment and SLA, peer interaction in classroom based research and task-based assessment, and cross-linguistic investigation of four major language traits.

Research Interests: • Role of interaction in second language learning • Peer interaction assessment • Task-based language teaching, learning and assessment • Construct of oral proficiency in second language acquisition research and second language assessment and testing research


Dr Noriko Iwashita is:
Available for supervision

Fields of research


  • Bachelor of Arts, Kobe University
  • Bachelor of Education, La Trobe University
  • Masters (Coursework), University of Melbourne
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne


Search Professor Noriko Iwashita’s works on UQ eSpace

68 works between 1996 and 2024

41 - 60 of 68 works


Journal Article

A comparison of learners' and teachers' attitudes toward communicative language teaching at two universities in Vietnam

Mai Ngoc, Khoi and Iwashita, Noriko (2012). A comparison of learners' and teachers' attitudes toward communicative language teaching at two universities in Vietnam. University of Sydney Papers in TESOL, 7, 25-49.

A comparison of learners' and teachers' attitudes toward communicative language teaching at two universities in Vietnam


Journal Article

Cross-linguistic influence as a factor in the written and oral production of school age learners of Japanese in Australia

Iwashita, Noriko (2012). Cross-linguistic influence as a factor in the written and oral production of school age learners of Japanese in Australia. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 35 (3), 290-311. doi: 10.1075/aral.35.3.04iwa

Cross-linguistic influence as a factor in the written and oral production of school age learners of Japanese in Australia


Book Chapter

Patterns of corrective feedback in a task-based adult EFL classroom setting in China

Iwashita, Noriko and Li, Huifang (Lydia) (2012). Patterns of corrective feedback in a task-based adult EFL classroom setting in China. Task-based language teaching in foreign language contexts: research and implementation. (pp. 137-161) edited by Ali Shehadeh and Christine A. Coombe. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Bemjamins Publishing Company. doi: 10.1075/tblt.4.11iwa

Patterns of corrective feedback in a task-based adult EFL classroom setting in China


Other Outputs

Student Achievement in Asian Languages Education - Part 1: Project Report

Scarino, Angela, Elder, Catherine, Iwashita, Noriko, Kim, Sun Hee Ok, Kohler, Michelle and Scrimgeour, Andrew (2011). Student Achievement in Asian Languages Education - Part 1: Project Report. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Government, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

Student Achievement in Asian Languages Education - Part 1: Project Report


Journal Article

The effect of intensive recast treatments on the long-term development of less salient structures in Japanese as a foreign language

Iwashita, Noriko (2010). The effect of intensive recast treatments on the long-term development of less salient structures in Japanese as a foreign language. Nihongo Kyoiku, 146, 18-33.

The effect of intensive recast treatments on the long-term development of less salient structures in Japanese as a foreign language


Conference Publication

Features of oral proficiency in task performance by EFL and JFL learners

Iwashita, Noriko (2010). Features of oral proficiency in task performance by EFL and JFL learners. Second Language Research Forum, Honolulu, Hawaii, 17-19 October 2008. Somerville, MA, USA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Features of oral proficiency in task performance by EFL and JFL learners


Journal Article

Effects of learner background on the development of writing skills in Japanese as a second language

Iwashita, Noriko and Sekiguchi, Sachiyo (2009). Effects of learner background on the development of writing skills in Japanese as a second language. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 32 (1), 03.1-03.20. doi: 10.2104/aral0903

Effects of learner background on the development of writing skills in Japanese as a second language


Journal Article

Lexical profiles in EAP speaking task performance

Iwashita, N. (2008). Lexical profiles in EAP speaking task performance. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching, 4 (2), 111-121.

Lexical profiles in EAP speaking task performance


Journal Article

Assessed levels of second language speaking proficiency: How distinct?

Iwashita, N., Brown, A., McNamara, T. and O'Hagan, S. (2008). Assessed levels of second language speaking proficiency: How distinct?. Applied Linguistics, 29 (1), 24-49. doi: 10.1093/applin/amm017

Assessed levels of second language speaking proficiency: How distinct?


Book Chapter

Summary and discussion of studies in the acquisition of Japanese as a second language in Australia

Iwashita, N. and Harrington, M. W. (2008). Summary and discussion of studies in the acquisition of Japanese as a second language in Australia. 多様化する言語習得環境とこれからの日本語教育. (pp. 79-96) edited by Sakamoto Akira, Nagatomo Kazuhiko and Koyanagi Kaoru. Tokyo, Japan: 3A Corporation.

Summary and discussion of studies in the acquisition of Japanese as a second language in Australia


Journal Article

Syntactic complexity measures and their relation to oral proficiency in Japanese as a foreign language

Iwashita, Noriko (2006). Syntactic complexity measures and their relation to oral proficiency in Japanese as a foreign language. Language Assessment Quarterly: An International Journal, 3 (2), 151-169.

Syntactic complexity measures and their relation to oral proficiency in Japanese as a foreign language


Journal Article

Does NS feedback in NS-NNS conversation facilitate SLA?

Iwashita, N. (2006). Does NS feedback in NS-NNS conversation facilitate SLA?. Journal of Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 9, 42-62.

Does NS feedback in NS-NNS conversation facilitate SLA?


Journal Article

The Role of Task-Based Conversation in the Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language: Differential Effects of Feedback

Iwashita, N. (2006). The Role of Task-Based Conversation in the Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language: Differential Effects of Feedback. Journal of Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 9, 42-61.

The Role of Task-Based Conversation in the Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language: Differential Effects of Feedback


Journal Article

An Examination of Rater Orientations and Test Taker Performance on English for Academic Purposes Speaking Tasks

Brown, A., Iwashita, N. and McNamara, T. (2005). An Examination of Rater Orientations and Test Taker Performance on English for Academic Purposes Speaking Tasks. TOEFL Monograph Series, 29, 1-157.

An Examination of Rater Orientations and Test Taker Performance on English for Academic Purposes Speaking Tasks


Journal Article

Factors affecting second language achievement in primary school

Iwashita, N. and Liem, I (2005). Factors affecting second language achievement in primary school. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 28 (1), 36-51. doi: 10.1075/aral.28.1.03iwa

Factors affecting second language achievement in primary school


Book Chapter

Planning for Test Performance: Does it Make a Difference?

Elder, Catherine and Iwashita, Noriko (2005). Planning for Test Performance: Does it Make a Difference?. Planning and Task Performance in a Second Language. (pp. 219-238) edited by R. Ellis. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamin. doi: 10.1075/lllt.11.14eld

Planning for Test Performance: Does it Make a Difference?


Journal Article

The role of conversation in SLA: Review of studies on negative feedback and directions of future research

Iwashita, N. (2004). The role of conversation in SLA: Review of studies on negative feedback and directions of future research. Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 7, 163-185.

The role of conversation in SLA: Review of studies on negative feedback and directions of future research


Book Chapter

Part IV: Second Language Testing and Assessment

McNamara, T., Brown, A., Grove, E., Hill, K. and Iwashita, N. (2004). Part IV: Second Language Testing and Assessment. Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning. (pp. 773-887) edited by Hinkel, E.. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Part IV: Second Language Testing and Assessment


Journal Article

A comparison of analytic and holistic scales in the context of a specific- purpose speaking test

Iwashita, N. and Grove, E. (2003). A comparison of analytic and holistic scales in the context of a specific- purpose speaking test. Prospect, 18 (3), 25-31.

A comparison of analytic and holistic scales in the context of a specific- purpose speaking test


Journal Article

Negative feedback and positive evidence in task-based interaction: Differential affects on L2 development

Iwashita, Noriko (2003). Negative feedback and positive evidence in task-based interaction: Differential affects on L2 development. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 25 (1), 1-36. doi: 10.1017/S0272263103000019

Negative feedback and positive evidence in task-based interaction: Differential affects on L2 development


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2025
    Predictive validity of Interactive Listening Task of Duolingo English Language Test
    Duolingo English Test Research Grant
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2020 - 2022
    Adapting CSE for Assessment for Learning in College EFL Writing Classroom (National Education Examinations Authority and British Council grant led by Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology)
    Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2021
    Japanese stakeholders' perceptions of IELTS writing and speaking tests and their impact on communication and achievement
    International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2017
    Features of discourse and lexical richness at different performance levels in the APTIS speaking test
    British Council, The
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2014
    An examination of candidate discourse in the IELTS speaking test: Perusing discourse competence at different IELTS levels of proficiency
    IELTS Australia Pty Ltd
    Open grant
  • 2012
    UQ Category 1 Travel Award - Elizabeth Gatbonton
    UQ Travel Awards for International Collaborative Research (Category 1)
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2009
    Talking, fine tuning and second language learning
    University of Auckland
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2009
    Oral language production and second language development
    University of Queensland Universitas 21 Anniversary Fellowship
    Open grant
  • 2007
    The measurement of primary traits in second language oral proficiency in second language acquisition research
    UQ Travel Grants Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2007 - 2008
    The patterns of interaction in adult EFL classroom in China: the interrelationship between noticing and types of input
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 2005 - 2006
    Investigation of syntactic complexity measures in the oral and written discourse in Japanese
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant
  • 2005 - 2008
    The measurement of primary traits in second language oral proficiency in second language acquisition research
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant



Dr Noriko Iwashita is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Developing Asynchronous Multimedia-based instructional framework in the development of English language skills

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Factors influencing learners' willingness to communication in the English Syllabus in the Indonesian universities.

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Min Jung Jee

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Assessment of interactional competence at university language course in Vietnam.

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Kayoko Hashimoto

Completed supervision



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